zondag 26 januari 2025

If only HALF of Americans paid attention to these 4 videos, there would be millions striking tomorrow.


If only HALF of Americans paid attention to these 4 videos, there would be millions striking tomorrow. According to federal law, since 1972 - Americans are literally Israeli debt slaves. Source: Page 40 - sgp.fas.org/crs/mideast/RL Why do American tax payers fund the moving expenses of any Jew who chooses to relocate to Israel? Why do Americans require a VISA to Israel but Israeli Jews do NOT require VISA into the USA? Why are Americans paying trillions in interest to PRIVATELY owned, Rothschild founded, Fed Reserve banking system while Israel collects the interest put into the account every Oct 1st? In 2022 - 2023 - why have billions been taken from state coffers in ADDITION to the trillions in contracts and from the Fed coffers. Is there any other word to describe Americans other than "Israeli slaves"? Source: x.com/dezzie_rezzie/

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