maandag 26 december 2022

The Anglo-American Empire

 NOVEMBER 11 AT 10:33 PM

The Anglo-American Establishment

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark.

The scope of the Anglo-American empire is staggering yet it is rarely if ever mentioned as a contender for all that ails the modern world. It's not particularly complex or hard to fathom. Here is a short description of the real power behind the scenes according to author and researcher Carrol Quigley, taken from the Amazon page where it is sold:

"Quigley exposes the secret society's established in London in 1891, by Cecil Rhodes. Quigley explains how these men worked in union to begin their society to control the world. He explains how all the wars from that time were deliberately created to control the economies of all the nations."

Cast your eye across social media and see how much corroboration for Carrol Quigley's theory, written in 1981, you can find. There won't be much because an ingenious method to foil detection was created by the powers that be, not by proving their own innocence but rather, by producing a shadow enemy. 

This decoy was carefully created to absorb the brunt of the frustration felt by citizens of the Western Collective who are equally crushed under the boot of the real power behind the scenes as any country that falls prey to one of theirs (the Collective West is composed of the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand).

An elaborate theory was concocted using many people who were unaware that the 'secret information' they were privy to, with appropriate cloak and dagger elements, was created specifically to divert attention from those who really rule. Creating such a theory is a considerable endeavor because it had to be so plausible that it could be accepted to the exclusion of any other information. The Decoy Theory had to provide an all-encompassing reason why there is war and injustice in the world and leave no room for any rivals to the cause.

It was crucial that this theory redirect ire from the ruling cabal, the decision-making centers of Washington and London that comprise the Anglo-American Establishment, and locate it where it could not challenge the hegemon. The Decoy had to be clear and finite, not open-ended because an open-ended theory leads to people thinking for themselves. The Decoy is obvious to me. It is not hard to find. I have the perfect candidate for the counter-narrative position that solves all problems created by the Anglo-American hegemon by substituting nebulous forces which present no danger to it.  

Thus spake Icke and others of 'Zionism', 'Israel', and 'the bankers' theories to explain glaring injustice and never-ending wars in one, neat, tidy, finite bundle. The name Cecil John Rhodes is never mentioned by those who have bought into it because inconvenient details like that require more steps in logic, research, and thinking than anyone cares to take. Instead of pointing to their presidents and prime ministers, the Western Collective collectively parrots out one monotonous song which explains why 'it's not really their fault, our politicians, they are controlled by the bankers"

Warriors for 'justice' vie for the 'shadow-boxing champion' position by taking an escalating position of anti-Semitic rhetoric while the powers that rule from London and Washington escape, unscathed, smug, and powerful enough to start World War Three without making themselves a target. How did they perform such a card trick?

Money helped! The Anglo-American hegemon poured billions into neuroscience experiments and projects. The human mind is very malleable, something that I'm constantly aware of so I keep asking myself where ideas I have come from. There are many historical examples,  Skinner's pigeonsalways leap to the forefront of my thinking, but there is a much more updated reference, neuroscience Professor Moran Cerf'.

His YouTube talk titled "Hacking Human Brains With Neuroscience" sets out the basics in about half an hour. The research proves definitively and conclusively that the human mind can be easily hacked to take a position on a subject that is not its own and without any awareness that such a narrative is being implanted.

You can be persuaded to take a side even when you are unaware that there is a side to be taken.

That's not the most mind-blowing part: the real horror is that once you have been induced to take a position by artificial means, unknown to yourself, you will fight to defend that artificial position more furiously than if you yourself actively made a decision to come to a conclusion.

Your brain cannot stop itself from telling a story: it finds content and makes meaning without being conscious that the context and details we attribute to the facts have no meaning unless there is a narrative and in the absence of a narrative, our minds will create one.

Professor Cerf explains Neuroscience 101, how they hacked the Language of the Brain by translating the chemicals released when cells talk to each other. It is not a theory, it is demonstrable fact.

In the lecture mentioned, he says:

"We can't really trust our own minds. My students have a T-shirt "don't believe everything you think"... We spent a lot of time... talking about fake news and information that goes into our brain, but the reality [is that while] we spend a lot of time [being skeptical] of everything that comes out [of the news] but once it's in the brain, we trust it. .....

One of the arguments of neuroscience is
'we can hack into your brain and plant ideas in there that you would think are yours, and you would go on to defend them, argue for them, believe them and live life to a new narrative, one that weaves the memories into a story, just a story you weren't the author of".

Professor Cerf is 'the brains' behind massive marketing campaigns and companies such as Google. He and many others have shown that it is easy to hack the human mind, especially in a culture where Truth has no real currency. And so it happens, that in a world of information, people from all walks of life separated by age and location and circumstance absolutely believe they know why the world is the way it is and there is no room for Cecil John Rhodes and the Anglo-American Establishment in that knowledge.

Neuroscience has put a firewall around their brains so, regardless of any facts you present, they default to the chosen argument which is invariably some variation of Zionists, bankers, and globalists. While it may be easy to implant such ideas, I know it's virtually impossible to challenge them with facts and in fact, if you do attempt this (fools step in where angels fear to tread) proponents of this theory become aggressive without much provocation.

I have documented the phenomenon in articles such as "Midwit Geopolitics Control" and Mocking Media. Lest you attempt to test the theory, let me caution you with a quote from Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Theory of Stupidity:

"Against stupidity we have no defense. Neither protests nor force can touch it. Reasoning is of no use. Facts that contradict personal prejudices can simply be disbelieved — indeed, the fool can counter by criticizing them, and if they are undeniable, they can just be pushed aside as trivial exceptions. So the fool, as distinct from the scoundrel, is completely self-satisfied. In fact, they can easily become dangerous, as it does not take much to make them aggressive. For that reason, greater caution is called for than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.”

Do not attempt to question the solution to all that ails the modern world with facts, logic, and reason because adherents of the 'one-size fits all' theory rapidly become aggressive. Implanted theories make even smart people stupid, in fact, intelligence is no bar to preventing having your mind hacked, on the contrary, it may make it easier.

Historical research suggests that Carrol Quigley knew what he was talking about when he set out to name the hidden hand behind the scenes in his books yet his research, his name, and his theories have all vanished, like magic, as has the speech J F Kennedy made shortly before he was assassinated:

The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings...Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the war ever posed a greater threat to our security. If you are awaiting a finding of "clear and present danger," then I can only say that the danger has never been more clear and its presence has never been more imminent...For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”
President John F. Kennedy

These learned men and their ideas were finally silenced not by greater minds but by a conspiracy created by the very conspiracy that relies on secrecy. "The Zionists" theory has eclipsed all other contenders for the status of  "this is why things are the way they are and wars happen". If I sound overly sure that 'the Zionists, bankers' is the planted story it is because  I have tested it rigorously. Everyone who tells me about it uses identical language. There is nothing organic in their words.

In the face of World War Three, since December last year, I have lobbied in vain to raise awareness that the USA was about to escalate a small conflict in a regional backwater, Ukraine, into a global conflagration.  I had solid evidence, and real information but no one in the Collective West was interested. They dismissed what I said with identical arguments blaming some variant of "Zionists", "bankers", "Jews", "globalists", "and elites" but never their own politicians directly. And because the fault lay with these nebulous forces, they are unable to do anything about events, they assured me over and over again.

The scientist in me doubled down tenaciously in a bid to find someone, anyone, who didn't default to 'it's the bankers, innit'. In nearly 12 months of dogged perseverance, all I have done is prove that an implanted theory is impervious to facts and logic. The feisty anti-establishment cadre of independent thinkers is shadowboxing a shadow enemy which it believes is summarised by words like "Israel", "Zionists", and "bankers".

The mere mention of a personal favorite research word of mine, "Israel", evokes powerful emotions and I have shown empirically, that the emotions and the implanted narrative negate any and all hard evidence that in any way challenges the theory that everything that is wrong with the world can be explained with reference to one all-encompassing theory that a small group of people rules from the shadows. Indeed, a small group of people does rule from the shadows but the 'implanted theory' prevents anyone from accurately identifying the culprits by replacing them completely with a decoy, a scapegoat if you will.

Leave out nations and religions, simply use the word "Israel" and see how many waves you can create and evoke in any political or ideological online forum. You will quickly find out that the word "Israel" by itself throws up turbulent and volatile emotionally charged comments which render this artificial construct impervious to any rational challenge.

There is no difference, the identical narrative accompanies "Israel" with varying layers of 'evidence' which can vary from 'bankers' to 'Sabbateans', to 'Zionism' and even 'Capitalists' and 'imperialists' complete with links to long and engaging 'proof' that this theory does indeed explain the cause of all discontent on this planet.

Each proponent of this theory absolutely and earnestly believes they are presenting their own thoughts and research, regrettably, my empirical findings show that unbeknown to themselves, people are parroting a theory that was spoonfed to them with vehemence and emotional commitment against which Truth and Reason cannot prevail.

In 12 months of tenacious repetition of my own little neuroscience experiment, which doesn't require more than baiting with words such as "Israel" or providing hard evidence that something all these people believe about "Israel" doesn't fit their theory, I can count on one hand the number of people who responded with a 'wait, what did you say, why did you say that' response.

Everyone else (predictably in neuroscience research) militantly defended their position which might have some validity as their own thinking if it had some level of variation of emotions and facts. I have repeated the experiment, again and again, it's terrifying to consider that I live in a world where people are simply repeating programs that they have been trained to deliver. I want to be wrong. I want to find someone who shows that they are not repeating a narrative but there is no difference across countries and languages and oceans and continents and timezones. Try it for yourself: Say "Israel' in any Western forum and watch as 'the infinite they' all respond with identical arguments.

It was and remains so eerie and unnerving that I began to catalog responses and in fact, I tracked the phenomenon by taking screenshots of numerous arguments I entered into with different people with the intention of testing a hypothesis: "is the 'conspiracy theory about Jews and bankers and Zionism based on individual, conscious choice or have brains been hacked?". It's the latter, without a doubt. On autopilot, they repeat exactly the same arguments and facts which remains invariable regardless of changes in demographics.

It is frightening and alienating to discover you exist among programs, not people. In part, once I proved the hypothesis, I wanted to disprove it, and show that it was flawed. In this, all I succeeded in doing was reinforcing the evidence.

Why, who, when, and where would such a line of thought be implanted? When I look for means, motive, and opportunity and I have a ready candidate, the very same one Caroll Quigley so eloquently described in "The Anglo-American Establishment". The real culprits remain notably outside the scope of the decoy theory. Quigley warned, in vain. John F Kennedy warned and he was assassinated for his trouble, I warned and I was attacked by the very people targeted by the real ruling elite.

And so, we are On The Eve of Destruction, again, a cataclysmic collapse that will leave endless tragedy and tears and suffering in its wake. Humanity failed. They hacked (almost all) our brains. We didn't see them coming. We were fighting shadows on the walls instead, so all our effort was misplaced and every opportunity was wasted. Humanity remains a slave species with amnesia, an easily hackable bio-computer.

The Anglo-American Establishment ( PDFDrive ).epub

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