maandag 31 augustus 2020

Racistische White Supremacy ‘Verlichtings’ Filosofen


Racistische white supremacy ‘Verlichtings’ filosofen

Racistische white supremacy ‘Verlichtings’ filosofen Hegel, Kant, Hume, Rousseau, Voltaire, Montesquieu … Wanneer dekoloniseren we opleidingen filosofie? #TAGaPROFESSOR

zaterdag 11 juli 2020 21:04
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Heeft u uw professoren filosofie al eens gevraagd waarom ze niemand (of nagenoeg niemand) hebben aangenomen die doceert in niet-Westerse filosofische tradities?

Volgen ze blindweg dezelfde richting van de academische filosofie zoals platgewalst via hun Westerse, cisgender, witte, mannelijke voorgangers? Of heeft het misschien te maken met een vorm van racisme geïnstalleerd en uitgedragen vanaf circa 1650 door wie in Europa filosofen van de ‘Verlichting’ noemen?


En of ze het best vinden dat het canon voor een heel groot deel bestaat uit extreem racistische white supremacy filosofen die het kolonialistisch residu van het Europese rijk verderdragen, zelfs medeverantwoordelijk zijn voor het ontstaan van biologisch racisme.

En indien ja, of ze dit canon dan pedagogisch genoeg gebruiken met het oog op een duidelijke verwerping van dit dehumaniseringsdenken?
Volgend excerpt komt uit de documentaire “The Uprising” van Pravini Baboeram en toont het tipje van de sluier m.b.t. het hardnekkige racisme verspreid door o.a. Immanuel Kant, David Hume, George Hegel.

Bekijk de volledige film gratis online: The Uprising (Full Film, Dutch subtitles)
Voor meer info zie de officiële website van Pravini Baboeram, maker van de documentaire, muzikant en activist:

🗣️💬 Sandew Hira / Dew Baboeram, Decolonial International Network, The Netherlands

“Then from 1650 onwards until 1850 you get the European Englightenment with philosophers which Europeans regards as great philosophers … Hegel, Kant, Hume, Rousseau, Voltaire, Montesquieu, You name them all.”

🗣️💬 Stephen Small, Professor of African American Studies, UC Berkeley, USA

“Elite white men creating, elaborating and diseeminating racist ideas.”

🗣️💬 Sandew Hira / Dew Baboeram, Decolonial International Network, The Netherlands

“These people were seen as the highlight of intellectual development in Europe. And they created a racist philosophy based on biology. In that period superiority/inferiority began to be defined in terms of race and color. So biology became the distinctive feature in distinguishing between superior and inferior creatures. And then from 1850 after the abolition of slavery, and the rise of the social sciences, with sociology, anthropology, you get an argument that divides human beings in advanced cultures, modern cultures and backward cultures. So the wetstern culture was the superior advanced culture and the non-western culture was the backward inferior culture. So these forms, this transition of one form of racism to another form of racism was connected to how knowledge developed. In the first period from 1500 to 1650 the authority of knowledge was theology. So superiority/inferiority was argued from theology. From 1650 to 1850 philosophy and natural science and biology were the authority of knowledge and they argued racism from biology. And with the rise of the social sciences from 1850 onward, inferiority was argued from culture. Non-western cultures were inferior and western culture was superior. Which until today we see in Islamophobia, where Islam is seen as an inferior culture.”

📚 Voorbeelden van verdere lectuur:


“A few glimpses into the history of the Enlightenment philosophy through the lens of Voltaire, Kant, and Hume were enough to conclude that the legacy of the Enlightenment is at times a liability. Western philosophers must finally acknowledge this burden. It is unclear how deep the racism of the Enlighten-ment has deformed philosophy, and to what extent we still – willingly or not – continue to protect this racism, because an extensive critical reflection has still not become widely accepted. Western philosophers must directly address this unexplained danger instead of treating it as historical marginalia. This should begin immediately through critical reflection, pedagogical and cur-ricular choices in the education of the next generations of philosophers, our research agendas, and our ethical practices. There is no reason to wait any longer. Let us get started.”


“It took the scientific thought of the Enlightenment to create an enduring racial taxonomy and the “color-coded, white-over-black” ideology with which we are familiar.”


“Colonialism and the nascent “science” of race simply externalized this dualism, so that some people (educated Europeans, primarily) were supposed to be pure minds—and hence suited to rule—while others (the people that Europeans were encountering all over the world, and on whom they were imposing their dominance) were supposed to be mere bodies.”


“It’s amazing how hard it is to study anything other than Anglo-European philosophy in the English-speaking world or in Europe,” says Dr Van Norden […] It’s pretty whitewashed”. It definitely is due to racism. […] Academic philosophy is a colonialist project from the ground up,” says Serene Khader.” 

3 opmerkingen:

Hans zei

Het zat eraan te komen. Binnenkort voodoo in de filosofie.

Hans zei

Het zat er aan te komen; binnenkort voodoo in de filosofie

Sjuul van Dissel zei

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