maandag 20 januari 2020

Why Putin Wants Changes

Why President Putin Wants Changes In The Constitution
20 JANUARY 2020
Why President Putin Wants Changes In The Constitution

Last week President Putin of Russia unexpectedly announced during his State of the Union that some major changes will be made to the constitution. Western media was quick to respond in saying that is was all about the President and his “hunger and greed” for power and that he wants to make sure he can serve another term as President. But on the contrary, if you read the amendments, it’s quite the opposite.

Let’s start with the amendment he wants to make about the next President and parliament members. They have to live in Russia for the past twenty five years and should not hold dual citizenship. Why? 
Recently a new documentary came out and there you will find the answer upon many answers. The oligarchs and their enormous power and wealth, which they now have shifted to Europe and the US. 
As it says in the documentary, one of the most famous oligarchs, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, head of the Open Russia Foundation (Soros), which every Russian election cycle is aggregated towards spreading anti-Russia government sentiment, is challenging President Putin. He was jailed for nearly 10 years in Siberia for fraud with his Yukos company. He was pardoned in 2013 and fled to London, the headquarters of the Russian oligarchs. From there he and his criminal gang are trying to do the same as they did in Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union, take over the real-estate business, money laundering and tax-heavens. Currently he and his gang own a lot of real estate in Israel, Europe, mainly London, but also, Amsterdam and large parts of the US. If he, as he wants, will come back to Russia and run for President, or even worse conduct a “color-revolution” Soros-style coup, the Russian people will be delivered to the worst of capitalism, even worse than in Europe, and the Russian people will be back to the nineties of the last century. By 2003 Khodorkovsky was the richest man in Russia and 16th on the Forbes list.
When Vladimir Putin came to power in 2000, the country was ruined. Russia had become the prey of international high-finance. The result was a bankrupt state and hungry people. The valuable raw materials oil and gas were sucked out of Russia and taken out of the country – even the Russian state could not benefit from this tax theft because of criminals like Khodorkovsky. So President Putin started to clean up in Russia. Already during the first inaugural meetings he made it clear that from now on a different wind would blow in Russia. He debunked the oligarchs, nationalized the crucial key positions of the oil and gas industry and traded natural resources in rubles – not dollars – at the newly established commodities exchange in St. Petersburg.
Even if vast Russia with its countless peoples is not an ethnically homogeneous state and does not want to be, the Putin system gives all peoples their right to self-determination. Putin and his government have always emphasized the preservation of identity and the enforcement of this right to self-determination in the most important speeches of recent years.
The two powerful men were already facing each other back then: when Putin struck Khodorkovsky's oil cartel in 2003 and put him in jail, the shares in his Yukos company were transferred to the Rothschild bank or the Rothschild company as they call themselves. From now on, the Rothschild company owned the $ 13.5 billion stake in the oil company.
We have entered a definitive decision-making process. Although the secret of the money aristocracy and the dollar elite, together with the FED tractors, has been a taboo subject for decades and can be well guarded, the world is now awakening. With the creation of the BRICS countries, the Putin system has taken the decisive step to establish itself as an anti-pole and to establish close ties with the "non-Western countries".
Of course, they will do anything in their headquarters of the City of London, the oligarchs, the so-called opposition, the state-funded NGO like Amnesty International and the Statecraft Institute, where conspiracies are made, to get Russia into the Rothschild financial system, but failed so far. As for the Statecraft Institute, their website is out of order since they are being exposed, allegedly due to: 
All content has been temporarily removed from this site, pending an investigation into the theft of data from the Institute for Statecraft and its program, the Integrity Initiative”.
Initial findings indicate that the theft was part of a campaign to undermine the work of the Integrity Initiative in researching, publicising and countering the threat to European democracies from disinformation and other forms of hybrid warfare.
So, to conclude, President Putin decided to make sure that after 2024, by giving more power to the Parliament (Duma), the state of Russia will stay a “free” and sovereign state, not depending on the financial deep state and preserved for the Russian people.

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