donderdag 10 oktober 2019

Bollywood: Stand Against Apartheid

Dear supporter,
Bollywood film stars and celebrities, including Anil Kapoor and Sophie Choudhry, are due to perform at ‘Indo Fest TLV’ in Israel later this month. A similar event last year was indefinitely postponed after a BDS campaign.
These events are part of the ‘Brand Israel’ project, which works hard to exploit the Indian film industry to whitewash, or art-wash its violations of international law and Palestinian human rights.
Michael Oren, as a senior representative of the far-right Israeli government, urged Bollywood producers to invest in Israel during a trip to Mumbai. He admitted that the aim of his visit was to “fight BDS” Israeli prime minister Netanyahu said, “we want Bollywood in Israel”. 

While Israel is using Bollywood to cover up for its crimes, it is selling arms worth over a billion dollars each year to India. Israel’s drones, guns and missiles are fuelling India’s militarization, most evident today in the over two month long blockade in Kashmir.
Across the world, the artistic community is taking action to expose Israel’s crimes. Help us reach the artists participating in this event with this message of global solidarity with Palestinians. 
We invite you to contact them on social media and remind them how their participation in this event will serve the art-washing agenda of Israel’s far-right apartheid regime.

Suggested post:
Don’t let your art be used as a tool by Israel's far-right apartheid regime to mask its crimes against Palestinians: Withdraw from Indo Fest TLV! #BollywoodStandAgainstApartheid 

You can find them on Twitter and Instagram, for example:
Anil Kapoor
Twitter: @AnilKapoor
Instagram: anilskapoor

Sophie Choudry
Twitter: @Sophie_Choudry
Instagram: sophiechoudry

Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel 
The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) was initiated in 2004 to contribute to the struggle for Palestinian freedom, justice and equality. PACBI advocates for the boycott of Israeli academic and cultural institutions, given their deep and persistent complicity in Israel’s denial of Palestinian rights as stipulated in international law. Follow us on social media:


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