In honor of Thomas Friedman's latest love letter to the ruling dynasty in Saudi Arabia, here is seventy years worth of the New York Times describing the royal family as reformers.


The article describes King Saud as “more progressive and international-minded than his autocratic father.”


This piece does not refer to Saudi Arabia specifically, but it is an incredible headline nevertheless.


“King Saud has increasingly assumed the role of liberal champion of constitutional reform.”
Note: The Saudi constitution was adopted by royal decree in 1992.


“The Oil Genie and the Sheikh” offers a tour of Gulf palaces that marvels at their “gilded furniture of impressive ugliness.” Here is also a page from the photo spread of Oman and Bahrain with the caption “'heaven on earth'—air-conditioned palaces, Cadillacs, girls.”


During the so-called “Arab Cold War” the United States supported the Saudi royal family as a bulwark against Nasserism. This piece celebrates Crown Prince Faisal’s “burst of social reform and economic development.”


“With his older brother no longer looking over his shoulder . . .”
