donderdag 26 oktober 2017

Germany Supports Zionist Fascism

Anoniem heeft een nieuwe reactie op je bericht "Wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Pakistan has ..." achtergelaten: 

A few days ago this: 'Israeli PM's Likud party to propose a bill that gives immunity to Knesset members from any corruption investigations.' - ICC Fraud Net

And now this for the perspective: Germany delivers and helps finance submarines for Israel. Officials had delayed the deal as concerns arose about a corruption investigation in Israel. Not anymore. 

'The German government plans to sign a deal on Monday on three submarines for Israel, agreeing not only to the sale of the vessels but also to provide financial support for the purchase as in previous deals, government spokesman Steffen Seibert said on Monday. The deal, estimated at €1.5 billion ($1.7 billion), will see Israel receive three Dolphin submarines manufactured by the German industrial giant ThyssenKrupp.' - Military Edge

How convenient.

It is still unclear who in the Israeli army exactly gave the command, and/or fired the bombs and wherefrom, killing the little children playing football on the beach in GAZA in 2014. 
Earlier this year IDF announced they expanded and upgraded the drone fleet they experimented and tested with in the 2014 war on Gaza. Who cares.

In September this year the Israeli Ministry of Defense anounced their new operational 'weapons of the future', all kinds of unmanned vehicles operational on the ground, at sea and in the air, some capable of making 'autonomous' decisions. Ending the article with the statement that a dominant position in cyberwarfare is it's other priority. 

If it is making one thing clear and evident - taking into account the promise last year of $38 billion in military assistance over the next decade by the US as well as various European Weapon industry deals with the zionist state - it is where the high seat of the military complex must be sought and that it is not sickening, corrupt business as usual. 

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