dinsdag 8 november 2016

"Using Huffpo To Echo Hillary's Message Without Any Perceived Conflicts"

Podesta Email Exposes Ariana Huffington "Using Huffpo To Echo Hillary's Message Without Any Perceived Conflicts"

Tyler Durden's picture
A few months ago we wrote about a Huffington Post contributor, David Seaman, who had his publishing rights revoked after he had the audacity to write an article questioning Hillary's health.  Ironically, he was fired on August 30th, less than two weeks before Hillary collapsed at the 9/11 memorial service in New York essentially confirming every "conspiracy theory" that Seaman mentioned in his article.  Of course, the whole situation was bizarre and an obvious attempt to censor a journalist for daring to report negative news about the Huffington Post's chosen candidate.
And, while we all know that the Huffington Post is in the tank for the democratic party, the latest Podesta dump from WikiLeaks fully exposes the blatant collusion in black and white.  In the following email chain, when asked whether she would like to join the board of a pro-democrat media consortium, PMUSA, Ariana graciously declines saying that she could be more useful to the Clinton campaign by pushing its agenda through the Huffington Post "without any perceived conflicts"...yes, because no one was previously aware of the Huffpo's agenda.
"She is enthusiastic abt the project but asks if she's more useful to us not being on the Board and, instead, using Huffpo to echo our message without any perceived conflicts. She has a point."

The sender of the email is none other than Susan McCue, the former chief of staff to Harry Reid while the recipients include John Podesta and the ever controversial David Brock whose Super PAC, Correct the Record, has been sued for illegally coordinating with the Clinton campaign.  
* * *

As a reminder below is what we previously wrote about David Seaman who was fired from the Huffington Post.
Over the weekend we posted about how the media's coverage of Trump and Clinton's health had become "outright bizarre" (see "American Electorate Loses As Partisan Media Coverage Of Candidate Health Turns Outright Bizarre").  We also asked whether Google had taken measures to censor searches related to Hillary's health condition (see "Is Google Censoring Search Results To Protect Hillary?").   Turns out that the Huffington Post may have just joined in on the bizarre behavior by censoring a journalist with the audacity to question Hillary's health.
On Sunday night, an obviously shaken Huffington Post contributor, David Seaman, posted a video to YouTube after the HuffPo had taken measures to revoke his publishing access and delete two articles he had previously published on Hillary's health...a move that left him "a little scared" and "spooked out".
According to Seaman, he has a long standing relationship with the Huffington Post which has included "100's of successful articles" that have been published under the banner. 
Seaman reported the move by Huffington Post by live streaming a video of his reactions on YouTube (full video below). 
"Huffington Post, where I was a contributor, they have revoked my publishing access and they've deleted both of my articles that were published earlier over the weekend.  Both of my articles have been pulled without notice of any kind.  Just completely deleted from the internet.  And both of those articles mention Hillary's health which is both a hashtag on Twitter and I linked to a video that a YouTuber, Paul Joseph Watson, had uploaded back on August 4th showing signs that Hillary Clinton's health is quite poor."

"Whenever a video concerning a presidential candidate's health is viewed more that 3.5 million times somebody who is under contract to the Huffington Post and AOL should be able to link out to that."
Seaman goes on to point out that completely removing a published article from the internet is unprecedented and leaves him "a little scared" of being the next person to be "vanished" for criticizing the Clinton campaign.  
"I've honestly never seen anything like this.  This is happening in the United States in 2016.  It's frankly chilling.  I'm a little scared.  I'm doing this video also to say, I'm not suicidal right now; I am not a particularly clumsy person; I don't own a car at the moment.  So if I'm to slip in the shower over the next couple of days or something silly like that you have to really employ probability and statistics here because I'm not a clumsy person, right, and I'm also not a depressed person right now.  I'm a person who is spooked out though."

"For Huffington Post to delete those posts without any notice, that is Orwellian.  That is something I've read about happening in mainland China."

Fortunately, we've discovered a cached version of one of the articles published by Seaman (which can be read here).  In it, Seaman questions whether his readers truly believe Hillary to be healthy noting that he can't express an opinion because he "needs to keep [his] job and platform."  Seaman goes on to point out that "we all know what happens when you speak a little too much truth about the Establishment-beloved Clintons."   

I realize some readers might be wondering after watching Paul Watson’s video... how is she strong, or healthy, after seeing all that?

Look guys, I need to keep my job and platform. A lot of people read the Huffington Post and AOL properties. We all know what happens when you speak a little too much truth about the Establishment-beloved Clintons.

Just ask longtime broadcaster Dr. Drew Pinsky. “CNN has canceled Drew Pinsky’s HLN show, Dr. Drew On Call, just eight days after Pinsky made comments on a radio show questioning the health of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. Pinsky’s show, which is six years old, will air for the last time Sept. 22,” The Daily Beast reported.
Unfortunately for Seaman, it turns out that even posing a question about Hillary's health is a little too much for the Huffington Post.  
David Seaman

And, just for good measure, here is Paul Watson's original video posted on August 4, 2016.  Sure enough, the video is up to 3.6mm views and counting. 

Just to confirm his story, we took the opportunity to check out Seaman's "long-standing relationship" with the Huffington Post.  Certainly a quick search reveals that Seaman is a frequent contributor to the website on a variety of topics.    
David Seaman

And sure enough, two of his posts, "Donald Trump Challenges Hillary Clinton To Health Records Duel" and "Hillary Clinton's Health Is Superb (Aside From Seizures, Lesions, Adrenaline Pens)" seem to have been deleted from the website.  Clicking on those two posts redirects readers to the following "Editor's Note" indicating that "This post is no longer available on the Huffington Post."
David Seaman

"Surprisingly", however, the Huffington Post isn't quite as concerned about censoring Seaman's views on Canada legalizing medical marijuana...that post can still be enjoyed in its entirety. 

And the "outright bizarre" behavior continues... 

4 opmerkingen:

Ron zei

De corrupte media (huffingtonpost) voorspelde Clinton 98 % , Trump 1,7 % .........http://elections.huffingtonpost.com/2016/forecast/president

Ron zei

( op 8 november 2016....)

Ron zei

David Seaman:"The polls have been totally wrong,either completely rigged or intentionally oversampling Democrats "

Ron zei

Correctie: de cijfers bleken betrekking te hebben op de "change of becoming president", niet de voorspelde uitslag.
Zovele manieren om het volk te manipuleren/belazeren.....


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