Message of Restoration, With Divisive Racial Appeals
- Donald J. Trump was elected in a stunning culmination of an explosive, populist and polarizing campaign.
- The outcome, defying late polls that showed Hillary Clinton with a modest lead, threatened convulsions throughout the world.
- ClintonLeadWinFlipTrumpLeadWinFlipOthersLeadWinFlipNo results
- DemocratLeadWinFlipRepublicanLeadWinFlipOtherLeadWinFlipNo results
- DemocratLeadWinFlipRepublicanLeadWinFlipOtherLeadWinFlipNo results
muteDamon Winter/The New York Times
Republicans Keep Control of the Senate
Democrats picked up at least one seat but were finding others elusive, ensuring that they would remain in the minority of a fiercely divided chamber.
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