The De Facto Exclusion of Malaysia from the MH17 Dutch Safety Board (DSB) Investigation. “Malaysia was Denied full Access and Privileges to the Probe”
[Originally published by New Straits Times, The above title by GR]
The [Malaysian] Transport Ministry today said Malaysia was not given full access and privileges into the Dutch Safety Board’s (DSB) investigation into the downing of Malaysia Airlines MH17.
Responding to points made in the DSB final report on the incident, which stated that Malaysia did not extend its full cooperation in the initial stage of the investigation, Deputy Transport Minister Datuk Abdul Aziz Kaprawi said this was because Malaysia’s role was not honoured as it denied full access and privileges to the probe.
He said the Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) was not made a full member in the joint investigation and unlike other members, Malaysian representatives were only granted limited access.
We were the owner of the aircraft. How can we be prevented full access?We could not view the aircraft and were not invited to attend certain meetings.
“In the end, we cooperated when they gave us full access after acknowledging our role. It even says so in the news report,” said Abdul Aziz, referring to a recent foreign news article alleging Malaysia’s initial reluctance to cooperate.
The article had also claimed that Malaysia Airlines had delayed the DSB probe by denying investigators access to its employees and documents.
Aziz also said the report was one-sided.
On the claim, Aziz told reporters to seek further clarification from the airline.
The report by Australia News Corp had criticised Malaysia for suspending assistance into the investigation and claimed that Malaysia was conducting its own probe “to exonerate itself.”
MH17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was shot down over Donetsk in eastern Ukraine on July 17 last year, killing all 298 people onboard.
Tjibbe Joustra, Chairman of the Dutch Safety Board (DSB/OVV), speaks during a press conference to present the report findings of the Dutch Safety Board in Gilze Rijen, The Netherlands, 13 October 2015. EPA
Copyright New Straits Times 2015
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3 opmerkingen:
Malaysian authorities and top brass of Malaysian Airlines were not very cooperative with DSB.. Read:
DSB Final Report page 215 : Request to interview officials of Malaysian Airlines was not granted, nor were requested documents provide by DCA
DSB publication "About the investigation" page 60 : Interview with Malaysian Airlines employees stationed in The Netherlands, was suspended temporarily by order of Malaysian HQ.
DSB Appendix W page 28 : Written requests were not granted and questions addressed to DCA went unanswered.
Nee maar, wat een verrassing: Problemen met bewijzen MH17.
Het hoofd van het internationale MH17 onderzoeksteam was Vasyl Vovk. Hij was ook hoofd van de onderzoeksafdeling van de Oekraïense veiligheidsdienst SBU. Niemand stelde daar vragen over. Zie NOS
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