zondag 13 september 2015


An amazing story emerging: US military revolt against Obama’s decision to support Al Qaeda in Syria.
I will not fight
A military revolt against the plan of the Obama administration to launch a potentially disastrous attack against  is gathering pace, with two senior officers and members of scheduled services who express their vehement opposition to what the United States s ‘entangled in the conflict. The reaction began to spread on social media yesterday with many military posting pictures of themselves holding up signs saying they would refuse to fight on the same side as  in Syria. Others have posted their photos on Twitter with the hashtag #IdidntJoin.

I for one believe this is not a hoax. This was inevitable. The media will not publicise this & we’ve got do all we can to make this an unstoppable ball rolling. 

Wake up people

For a few days I’ve received reports that the Russians upped the anti by sending all sorts to Syria. Of course note how the media tell us time & again the Russians have invaded Ukraine when the mere notion is preposterous yet have we heard anything about this?……… Not so much as a whisper. Now why do you suppose that is? 

Also you better believe this – the Russians had to make a stand. In fact they’re doing us a massive favor here & every US marine should bear this in mind. If Syria were to fall, the war drums for Iran will reach fever pitch. Any attack on Iran could well result in WW III. Make no mistake – those pushing us to the edge of the precipice have all got their places booked in luxury underground bunkers built on the sly with our money.

Their children won't go!

What the Russians have in the theatre of operations will never be revealed. No.1 they don’t want anyone to know & No.2 our media tells us nothing but lies. However, for a while now the Russians had no option but to get involved. If this has resulted in the US military saying ‘well let’s hold the phone here a minute’ then all the better. The war-mongers never send their kids to do any of the fighting! Yesterday John Miranda sent me this video. I held back but today he sent me the link of the military revolt against Obama so I think we’re good to go now.

I’d like to express my heartfelt thanks to JOHN MIRANDA for all the links & some captions here. Today the UK took a giant step in the right direction by electing a good man to lead the Labor Party. Let’s hope this is a step in the right direction for America. From day one I said we cannot do this without the US military. If you’re a true patriot support those who refuse to fight. They want to give you your country back! Above all – 

DO NOT RESORT TO VIOLENCE & RIOTING! Let the good guys in the military do their thing. Listen to the video, especially the part that makes the clear definition between the two types of Martial law. DO NOT RESORT TO VIOLENCE! 

I will not fight


vr 11 sep 2015, 05:30| 340 reacties
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Samsom: Bommen op Syrië kan al snel

door Niels Rigter
Het kabinet kan volgens PvdA-leider Samsom snel besluiten tot het bombarderen van terreurleger IS in Syrië. Volgens de sociaaldemocraat hoeft het namelijk niet lang te duren voordat er zicht is op een eindoplossing voor Syrië, de laatste voorwaarde voor de PvdA om de missie tegen IS uit te breiden.
    Diederik Samsom Diederik Samsom Foto: Serge Ligtenberg
    „Het kan ook snel gaan”, zegt Samsom. Volgens de PvdA-voorman is het bij die politieke strategie voor Syrië vooral belangrijk wat grote machtsblokken als Rusland, China en Europa met elkaar afspreken. Een bron bij het kabinet bevestigt dit: het kan opeens heel rap gaan. „Als Nederland het idee krijgt dat het alleen komt te staan, moet het wel op die trein springen.”
    Begin oktober moeten ministers Koenders (Buitenlandse Zaken) en Hennis (Defensie) aan de Tweede Kamer rapporteren hoe de missie tegen IS tot nu toe verloopt. Voor die tijd komt het kabinet met een hernieuwd Syrië-standpunt.

    Bij Defensie zien ze het getalm bij de PvdA tandenknarsend toe. Lees meer in De Telegraaf

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