donderdag 27 november 2014

Trans National Institute

Water privatisation goes into reverse

Here to stay: Water remunicipalisation as a global trend
Satoko Kishimoto Emanuele Lobina, Olivier Petitjean 
In the last 15 years there have been at least 180 cases of water remunicipalisation in 35 countries, both in the global North and South, including high profile cases in Europe, the Americas, Asia and Africa

Trading away Democracy 
Pia Eberhardt, Blair Redlin, Cecile Toubeau 
The Investor-state dispute settlement mechanism in the far-reaching economic integration agreement between Canada and the European Union prevents governments from acting in the public interest.
Big Corporations, the Bali Package and Beyond 
Mary Louise F. Malig 
This sequel to the “Tailored for Sharks” report delves deeper into the role the World Trade Organization (WTO) and its legal system play in the corporate architecture that benefits and protects interests of Transnational Corporations (TNCs); details concrete examples of TNCs behind trade disputes; and presents the post-Bali corporate roadmap.
Marine Protected Areas in South Africa - ocean grabbing by another name Timothé Feodoroff, Mads Barbesgaard, Carsten Pedersen 
On World Fisheries Day, fisher peoples and their allies are taking to the streets and beaches to fight against ocean grabbing in all its forms - including Marine Protected Areas imposed without consultation that rob and criminalise local communities and benefit only privileged outsiders.
Protecting profits over people 
Kevin Woods and Daniel Aguirre 
Myanmar is in the process of formulating an investment law and a land use policy that when combined will lay the foundations of development for the country. As it stands, these proposed instruments could have an adverse impact on human rights, and in particular land rights.
Fatal Attraction: Brownfield's Flexibility Doctrine and Global Drug Policy Reform 
David Bewley-Taylor, Martin Jelsma and Damon Barrett 
US government must face the fact that state-level cannabis reforms have exposed its inability to abide by the legal bedrock of the global drug control system; the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. Rather than shun debate, they should open up much-needed conversation about reform
La democracia en venta: Cómo las normas de protección de los inversores en el AECG amenazan al interés público en Canadá y la UE
Pia Eberhardt, Blair Redlin, Cecile Toubeau 
El mecanismo de solución de controversias entre inversores y Estados incluido en el ambicioso acuerdo de integración económica entre Canadá y la Unión Europea impide que los Gobiernos actúen en el interés público.
Atracción fatal: la doctrina de la flexibilidad de Brownfield y la reforma global de las políticas de drogas
Damon Barrett, Martin Jelsma and Dave Bewley-Taylor
El Gobierno estadounidense debe afrontar que las reformas estatales sobre el cannabis han puesto al descubierto su incapacidad para atenerse a la base jurídica del sistema global de control de drogas: la Convención Única de 1961. En lugar de sofocar el debate, deberían abrir un diálogo muy necesario sobre la reforma de los tratados.
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Also by TNI
Beyond the BRICS' Rhetoric: An Inquiry on South-South Land grabbing
Tomaso Ferrando
US-India “deal” undermines food security and is victory for TNCs
The case of Newmont Mining vs Indonesia
Hilde van der Pas, Riza Damanik
15 Minutes for: Climate Justice | with Lyda Fernanda Forero 
Upcoming Events
Screening of the award-winning documentary ‘Unearthed’
The Hague, 2 Dec
Hungry for Justice film & debate series
The Hague, 4-11-17 Dec
What ‘Free Trade’ Has Done to Central America
The Nation
TTIP: Deal Delayed by Campaigners Hijacking ISDS Consultation
International Business Times
Blue Gold: World Water Wars
Transnational Misconduct Must End
Huffington Post
Breve video sobre el TTIP

The Transnational Institute carries out cutting-edge analysis on critical global issues, builds alliances with grassroots social movements, develops proposals for a more sustainable and just world.

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