dinsdag 29 juli 2014

Zionist Fascism 101

Gewapende Joods-Israelische terroristen schieten op ongewapende Palestijnse kinderen.

"While I was having the conversation with Prime Minister Netanyahu, sirens went off in Tel Aviv," said Obama. "No nation should accept rockets being fired into its borders or terrorists tunnelling into its territory."

when a tiny fighting force in a tiny territory achieves a standoff with one of the mightiest armies in the world, it can be considered a victory.
Uri Avnery.

Even de feiten: Hamas is een even terroristische organisatie als het zionistisch regime dit is. Hamas is een dappere organisatie die het opneemt tegen één van de machtigste strijdkrachten ter wereld. Hamas kan niet anders dan terugvechten om de simpele reden dat de Palestijnse bevolking aangevallen wordt door de zogeheten 'Joodse staat' die door het Westen zelfs militair wordt gesteund. Ondertussen gaat ook zonder crisis de dagelijkse terreur van Israel gewoon door. Palestijnse kinderen worden volgens Amnesty bewust dood geschoten door het dappere Israelische leger of door fanatieke 'Joodse kolonisten.' Het stelen van Palestijns land is nu zover gevorderd dat de Palestijnse bevolking nog geen kwart over heeft van het land dat ze in 1947 door de Verenigde Naties kreeg toegewezen. En nog is dat voor extremistische joden in en buiten Israel nog niet genoeg. 

Gaza wordt al jarenlang met steun van het Westen gebruikt als Israelisch testgebied voor nieuwe wapens en nieuwe tactieken voor de toekomstige urban warfare. Het zionistisch fascisme is de prijs die Palestijnse burgers moeten betalen voor het beschermen van de geopolitieke en economische belangen van een kleine westerse schatrijke elite. Intussen zwijgt Hoflands 'politiek-literaire elite' in de Nederlandse massamedia. Net als voorafgaand en tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog speelt de overgrote meerderheid van de  polder-intelligentsia de rol van collaborateur met de bestaande macht. Een willekeurig staaltje hiervan vernam ik eergisteren. Een Nederlandse vrouwelijke hoogleraar maakte zich ongerust dat een 'bevriend joods echtpaar' van haar deze 'vriendschap' zou verbreken nadat haar man het Israelische geweld in Gaza had bekritiseerd en vervolgens door de 'bevriende' joodse Nederlanders was uitgemaakt voor 'antisemiet.' Het hoogleraar maakte zich drukker om de verstoorde vriendschap dan over het feit dat dit 'bevriend joods echtpaar,' overigens volstrekt vrijblijvend, het zionistische fascisme verdedigde. Wat voor 'vrienden' heeft deze oudere dame? In elk geval 'vrienden' aan wie je niet de waarheid kunt vertellen. Het betreft hier weer één van die talloze ziekelijke symptomen van het filosemitisme, dat als een soort boetedoening het nog steeds latent aanwezige antisemitisme moet verhullen. Dat de hooggeleerde dame hiermee aantoonde dat ze intellectueel corrupt is, beseft ze niet. Dat zij een typisch voorbeeld is van de corrupte poldermentaliteit begrijpt ze niet. In het grote cultuurland Italië, waar ik nu ben, wordt serieus gediscussieerd over de Israelische terreur en de pogingen van de massamedia om een toekomstige oorlog met Rusland te legitimeren. 

Enfin: aan het woord: Uri Avnery, een Israelische vredesactivist van het eerste uur.

Israel’s ambiguous relationship with Hamas

Israel Hamas relationship
What would history look like if it were written in the style of the “Solid Cliff (aka Protective Edge)
For example: Winston Churchill was a scoundrel.

If Gaza had been London in World War II

For five years he kept the population of London under the unceasing fire of the German Luftwaffe. He used the inhabitants of London as a human shield in his crazy war. While the civilian population was exposed to the bombs and rockets, without the protection of an “iron dome”, he was hiding in his bunker under 10 Downing Street.
He exploited all the inhabitants of London as hostages. When the German leaders made a generous peace proposal, he rejected it for crazy ideological reasons. Thus, he condemned his people to unimaginable suffering.
From time to time he emerged from his underground hideout to have his picture taken in front of the ruins, and then he returned to the safety of his rat hole. But to the people of London he said: “Future generations will say that this was your finest hour!”
The German Luftwaffe called on the inhabitants of London to leave the city, and many children were indeed evacuated. But most Londoners heeded the call of Churchill to remain, thus condemning themselves to the fate of “collateral damage”.
The German Luftwaffe had no alternative but to go on bombing the city. Its commanders announced that they were hitting only military targets, such as the homes of British soldiers, where military consultations were taking place.
The German Luftwaffe called on the inhabitants of London to leave the city, and many children were indeed evacuated. But most Londoners heeded the call of Churchill to remain, thus condemning themselves to the fate of “collateral damage”.
The hopes of the German high command that the destruction of their homes and the killing of their families would induce the people of London to rise up, kick out Churchill and his war-mongering gang, came to naught.
The primitive Londoners, whose hatred of the Germans overcame their logic, perversely followed the coward Churchill’s instructions. Their admiration for him grew from day to day, and by the end of the war he had become almost a god.
A statue of him stands even today in front of the parliament in Westminster.
Four years later the wheel had turned. The British and American air forces bombed the German cities and destroyed them completely. A stone did not remain on a stone, glorious palaces were flattened, cultural treasures were obliterated. “Uninvolved civilians” were blown to smithereens, burned to death or just disappeared. Dresden, one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, was totally destroyed within a few hours in a “fire storm”.
The official aim was to destroy the German war industry, but this was not achieved. The real aim was to terrorize the civilian population, in order to induce them to remove their leaders and capitulate.
That did not happen. Indeed, the only serious revolt against Hitler was carried out by senior army officers (and failed). The civilian population did not rise up. On the contrary. In one of his diatribes against the “terror pilots” Goebbels declared: “They can break our homes, but they cannot break our spirit!”
Germany did not capitulate until the very last moment. Millions of tons of bombs did not suffice. They only strengthened the morale of the population and its loyalty to the Führer.
And so to Gaza.

Gaza and Israel’s love-hate relationship with Hamas

Everyone is asking: who is winning this round?
Which must be answered, the Jewish way, with another question: how to judge?
The classical definition of victory is: the side that remains on the battlefield has won the battle. But here nobody has moved. Hamas is still there. So is Israel.
Carl von Clausewitz, the Prussian war theorist, famously declared that war is but the continuation of politics by other means. But in this war neither side had any clear political aims. So victory cannot be judged this way.
The intensive bombing of the Gaza Strip has not produced a Hamas capitulation. On the other hand, the intensive rocket campaign by Hamas, which covered most of Israel, did not succeed either. The stunning success of the rockets to reach everywhere in Israel has been met with the stunning success of the “Iron Dome” counter-rockets to intercept them.
So, until now, it is a standoff.
But when a tiny fighting force in a tiny territory achieves a standoff with one of the mightiest armies in the world, it can be considered a victory.
The lack of an Israeli political aim is the outcome of muddled thinking. The Israeli leadership, both political and military, does not really know how to deal with Hamas.
It may already have been forgotten that Hamas is largely an Israeli creation. During the first years of the occupation, when any political activity in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip was brutally suppressed, the only place where Palestinians could meet and organize was the mosque.
I once asked the Shin-Bet chief at the time whether his organization had created Hamas. His answer: “We did not create them. We tolerated them.”
At the time, Fatah was considered Israel’s arch-enemy. The Israeli leadership was demonizing Yasser Arafat, the arch-arch-terrorist. The Islamists, who hated Arafat, were considered the lesser evil, even secret allies.
I once asked the Shin-Bet chief at the time whether his organization had created Hamas. His answer: “We did not create them. We tolerated them.”
This changed only one year after the start of the first Intifada, when the Hamas leader Sheikh Ahmad Yassin was arrested. Since then, of course, reality has been completed reversed: Fatah is now an ally of Israel, from the security point of view, and Hamas the arch-arch-terrorist.
But is it?
Some Israeli officers say that if Hamas did not exist, it would have to be invented. Hamas controls the Gaza strip. It can be held responsible for what happens there. It provides law and order. It is a reliable partner for a ceasefire.
The last Palestinian elections, held under international monitoring, ended in a Hamas victory both in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. When Hamas was denied power, it took it in the Gaza strip by force. By all reliable accounts, it enjoys the loyalty of the large majority in the territory.
All Israeli experts agree that if the Hamas regime in Gaza were to fall, far more extreme Islamic splinter groups would take over and plunge the Strip, with its 1.8 million inhabitants, into complete chaos. The military experts don’t like that.
So the war aim, if one can dignify it as such, is not to destroy Hamas, but to leave it in power, though in a much weakened state.

Options, delusions and smoking mirrors

But how, for God’s sake, does one do that?
One way, demanded now by the ultra-right-wingers in the government, is to occupy all of the Gaza Strip.
To which the military leaders again answer with a question: And then what?
A new permanent occupation of the Strip is a military nightmare. It would mean that Israel assumes the responsibility for pacifying and feeding 1.8 million people (most of whom, by the way, are 1948 refugees from Israel and their descendants). A permanent guerrilla war would ensue. No one in Israel really wants that.
Occupy and then leave? Easily said. The occupation itself would be a bloody operation. If the “Cast Lead” doctrine is adopted, it would mean more than a thousand, perhaps several thousands of Palestinian dead. This (unwritten) doctrine says that if a hundred Palestinians must be killed in order to save the life of one Israeli soldier, so be it. But if Israeli casualties amount to even a few dozens of dead, the mood in the country will change completely. The army does not want to risk that.
For a moment on 15 July it seemed as if a ceasefire had been achieved, much to the relief of Binyamin Netanyahu and his generals.
What will be the end of it? There will be no end, just round after round, unless a political solution is adopted.
But it was an optical illusion. The mediator was the new Egyptian dictator, a person loathed by Islamists everywhere. He is a man who has killed and imprisoned many hundreds of Muslim Brothers. He is an open military ally of Israel. He is a client for American largesse. Moreover, since Hamas arose as an offshoot of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, General Abd-al-Fatah al-Sisi hates them with all his heart, and does not hide it.
So, instead of negotiating with Hamas, he did something exceedingly stupid: dictate a ceasefire on Israeli terms without consulting Hamas at all. Hamas leaders learned about the proposed ceasefire from the media and rejected it out of hand.
My own opinion is that it would be better if the Israeli army and Hamas negotiated directly. Throughout military history, ceasefires have been arranged by military commanders. One side sends an officer with a white flag to the commander of the other side, and a ceasefire is arranged – or not…
In the 1948 war, on my sector of the front, a short cease-ire was arranged by Major Yerucham Cohen and a young Egyptian officer called Gamal Abd-al-Nasser.
Since this seems to be impossible with the present parties, a really honest broker should be found.
In the meantime, Netanyahu was pushed by his colleagues/rivals to send the troops into the Strip, to try at least to locate and destroy the tunnels dug by Hamas under the border fence to stage surprise attacks on border settlements.
What will be the end of it? There will be no end, just round after round, unless a political solution is adopted.
This would mean: stop the rockets and the bombs, end the Israeli blockade, allow the people of Gaza to live a normal life, further Palestinian unity under a real unity government, conduct serious peace negotiations, make peace.

Israelis indifferent to lynching and war crimes

Muhammad Abu Khedair
Bombs are raining on Gaza and rockets on southern Israel, people are dying and homes are being destroyed.
Again without any purpose. Again with the certainty that after it’s all over, everything will essentially be the same as it was before.
But I can hardly hear the sirens which warn of rockets coming towards Tel Aviv. I cannot take my mind off the awful thing that happened in Jerusalem.

A child burned alive

If a gang of neo-Nazis had kidnapped a 16-year old boy in a London Jewish neighborhood in the dark of the night, driven him to Hyde Park, beaten him up, poured gasoline into his mouth, doused him all over and set him on fire – what would have happened?
Wouldn’t the UK have exploded in a storm of anger and disgust?
Wouldn’t the Queen have expressed her outrage?
Wouldn’t the prime minister have rushed to the home of the bereaved family to apologize on behalf of the entire nation?
Wouldn’t the leadership of the neo-Nazis, their active supporters and brain-washers be indicted and condemned?
Perhaps in the UK. Perhaps in Germany.
Not here in Israel.
This abominable atrocity took place in Jerusalem. A Palestinian boy was abducted and burned alive. No racist crime in Israel ever came close to it.
Burning people alive is an abomination everywhere. In a state that claims to be “Jewish”, it is even worse.
In Jewish history, only one chapter comes close to the holocaust: the Spanish inquisition. This Catholic institution tortured Jews and burned them alive at the stake. Later, this happened sometimes in the Russian pogroms. Even the most fanatical enemy of Israel could not imagine such an awful thing happening in Israel. Until now.
Under Israeli law, East Jerusalem is not occupied territory. It is a part of sovereign Israel.

“Orgy of racist incitement”

The chain of events was as follows:
Two Palestinians, apparently acting alone, kidnapped three Israeli teenagers who were trying to hitchhike at night from a settlement near Hebron. The objective was probably to use them as hostages for the release of Palestinian prisoners.
The action went awry when one of the three succeeded in calling the Israeli police emergency number from his mobile phone. The kidnappers, assuming that the police would soon be on their tracks, panicked and shot the three at once. They dumped the bodies in a field and fled. (Actually the police bungled things and only started their hunt the next morning.)
All of Israel was in an uproar. Many thousands of soldiers were employed for three weeks in the search for the three youngsters, combing thousands of buildings, caves and fields.
Newspapers, radio stations and TV networks competed with each other in unabashed racist diatribes, repeating the official line ad nauseam and adding their own nauseous commentary – every day, around the clock.
The public uproar was surely justified. But it soon degenerated into an orgy of racist incitement, which intensified from day to day. Newspapers, radio stations and TV networks competed with each other in unabashed racist diatribes, repeating the official line ad nauseamand adding their own nauseous commentary – every day, around the clock.
The security services of the Palestinian Authority (PA), which collaborated throughout with the Israeli security services, played a major role in discovering early on the identity of the two kidnappers (identified but not yet caught). Mahmoud Abbas, the PA president, stood up in a meeting of the Arab countries and condemned the kidnapping unequivocally and was branded by many of his own people as an Arab Quisling. Israeli leaders, on the other hand, called him a hypocrite.
Israel’s leading politicians let loose a salvo of utterances which would be seen anywhere else as outright fascist. A short selection:
  • Danny Danon, Deputy Minister of Defence: “If a Russian boy had been kidnapped, Putin would have flattened village after village!”
  • “Jewish Home” faction leader Ayala Shaked: “With a people whose heroes are child murderers we must deal accordingly.” (“Jewish Home” is a part of the government coalition.)
  • Noam Perl, world chairman of Bnei Akiva, the youth movement of the settlers: “An entire nation and thousands of years of history demand: Revenge!”
  • Uri Bank, former secretary of Uri Ariel, Housing Minister and builder of the settlements: “This is the right moment . When our children are hurt, we go berserk, no limits, dismantling of the Palestinian Authority, annexation of Judea and Samaria [the West Bank], execution of all prisoners who have been condemned for murder, exile of family members of terrorists!”
  • And Binyamin Netanyahu himself, speaking about the entire Palestinian people: “They are not like us. We sanctify life, they sanctify death!”

“Can anyone even imagine a present-day European or American crowd shouting ‘Death to the Jews?’”

When the bodies of the three were found by tourist guides, the chorus of hatred reached a new crescendo. Soldiers posted tens of thousands of messages on the internet calling for “revenge”, politicians egged them on, the media added fuel, lynch mobs gathered in many places in Jerusalem to hunt Arab workers and rough them up.
Except for a few lonely voices, it seemed that all Israel had turned into a soccer mob, shouting “Death to the Arabs!”
Can anyone even imagine a present-day European or American crowd shouting “Death to the Jews?”
One of them [the Jewish fascists] caught the boy in the street and dragged him towards their car, choking him at the same time. Luckily, the child succeeded in shouting “Mama!” and his mother started hitting the kidnapper with her mobile phone.
The six arrested until now for the bestial murder of the Arab boy had come straight from one of these “Death to the Arabs” demonstrations.
First they had tried to kidnap a nine-year old boy in the same Arab neighbourhood, Shuafat. One of them caught the boy in the street and dragged him towards their car, choking him at the same time. Luckily, the child succeeded in shouting “Mama!” and his mother started hitting the kidnapper with her mobile phone. He panicked and ran off. The choking marks on the boy’s neck could be seen for several days.
The next day the group returned, caught Muhammad Abu-Khdeir, a cheerful 16-year old boy with an engaging smile, poured gasoline in his mouth and burned him to death.
(As if this was not enough, Border Policemen caught his cousin during a protest demonstration, handcuffed him, threw him on the ground and started kicking his head and face. His wounds look terrible. The disfigured boy was arrested, the policemen were not.)
The atrocious way Muhammad was murdered was not mentioned at first. The fact was disclosed by an Arab pathologist who was present at the official autopsy. Most Israeli newspapers mentioned the fact in a few words on an inner page. Most TV newscasts did not mention the fact at all.
In Israel proper, Arab citizens rose up as they have not done in many years. Violent demonstrations throughout the country lasted for several days. At the same time, the Gaza Strip frontline exploded in a new orgy of rockets and aerial bombings in a new mini-war which already has a name: “Solid Cliff”. (The army’s propaganda section has invented another name in English.) The new Egyptian dictatorship is collaborating with the Israeli army in choking the Strip.
The names of the six suspects of the murder-by-fire – several of whom have already confessed to the appalling deed – are still being withheld. But unofficial reports say that they belong to the Orthodox community. Apparently, this community, traditionally anti-Zionist and moderate, has now spawned neo-Nazi offspring, which surpass even their religious-Zionist competitors.

“The deafening moral outrage one could have expected did not materialize”

Yet terrible as the deed itself is, to my mind the public reaction is even worse. Because there isn’t any.
Everything was done to minimize the “incident”, prevent its publication abroad and even inside Israel. Life went on as usual.
True, a few sporadic voices have been heard. Many more ordinary people have voiced their disgust in private conversations. But the deafening moral outrage one could have expected did not materialize.
Everything was done to minimize the “incident”, prevent its publication abroad and even inside Israel. Life went on as usual. A few government leaders and other politicians condemned the deed in routine phrases, for consumption abroad. The soccer world cup contest elicited far more interest. Even on the left, the atrocity was treated as just another item among the many misdeeds of the occupation.
Where is the outcry, the moral uprising of the nation, the unanimous decision to stamp out the racism that makes such atrocities possible?
The new flare-up in and around the Gaza Strip has obliterated the atrocity altogether.
Sirens sound in Jerusalem and in towns north of Tel-Aviv. The missiles aimed at Israeli population centres have successfully (up to now) been intercepted by counter-missiles. But hundreds of thousands of men, women and children are running to the shelters. On the other side, hundreds of daily sorties of the Israeli Air Force turn life in the Gaza Strip into hell.
When the cannon roar, the muses fall silent.
Also the pity for a boy burnt to death.

5 opmerkingen:

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Off topic !.

Bang voor Ebola in Ramstein en de berichtgeving van de mainstream media bij de NOS deed mij dit weer opzoeken. Een knappe remix of mashup door het materiaal met het Benny Goodman orchestra (?) te recyclen en te synchroniseren met de de uitvoering die de band Ramstein ooit van het nummer maakte. Is al oud, maar toch... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_mBUYyeYMU
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