donderdag 26 juni 2014

Diederik Samson

Denmark: Bilderberger says group wants to get inside Putin's head

Published on May 30, 2014
Video ID: 20140530-026

M/S Organising committee of the Bilderberg on lunch
SOT, Diederik Samsom, MP of the Dutch Labour party (English): "We discuss the issues that matter at the moment like Ukraine, what's happening there, what's going to happen, what should the West do, what should Russia do, if we have any influence on that. Middle East, same question. Where is it going, what is the Arab Spring actually bringing us and what is Libya going to develop. And there's people inside who know a lot and for a politician like me who struggles with everyday politics, it's nice to be here for a while."
W/S Organising committee of the Bilderberg on lunch
SOT, Diederik Samsom, MP of the Dutch Labour party (English): "Tries to sort of, get into the head of Vladimir Putin and Russian command, tries to think what their strategy is: do they want to have Ukraine, do they want to expand even more? What should NATO do? What should the response of NATO be? It's like everyday politics but with people who have real knowledge about the issue and some time to talk about it."
M/S Organising committee of the Bilderberg on lunch
SOT, Diederik Samsom, MP of the Dutch Labour party (English): "Everybody is a little bit worried about what is happening, why, is there an expansionist policy from Russia or is it just defending Russian interests from special groups in other countries and how should we appease it. That's the big question. Nobody knows the answer. There is no one answer. There is a set of answers, there is a set of policies, there is an attitude that the West should take in order to prevent conflict, armed conflict. I think we all agree on that."
W/S Marriot hotel 

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