woensdag 9 april 2014

Gate 48 (2)

Gate 48

invites: ..
The Duty to Protect
Accountability of Israeli security forces and Israeli civilians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
Presentation and discussion with: Connie M Varela Pedersen, head of the international advocacy activities of the Israeli Human Rights organization Yesh Din.

Wednesday 9th April, 19:00, ISS The Hague (Kortenaerkade 12, Room: Aula A)
Thursday 10th April, 20:00, CREA Amsterdam (Nieuwe Achtergracht 170, muziekzaal)

Acts of violence are being committed daily by Israeli civilians (settlers) against Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT): people are attacked and their property destroyed. The majority of attacks take place in what is called Area-C, which is under full civil and military administration of the Israeli authorities.  According to international humanitarian law, as the occupying power in the OPT, Israel is responsible for ensuring the security and safety of the Palestinian residents of the OPT.
Monitoring and analysis by Yesh Din has shown that the Israeli military and police are neither able, nor willing to provide the necessary protection to Palestinians. Despite their legal duties, the reality is that Israeli security forces in the West Bank frequently stand idly by, while violence against Palestinians is being committed, or even participate in it. Behind this indifference is a pervasive culture of impunity that is maintained by the various Israeli authorities operating in the West Bank.
Law enforcement agencies display repeated failure to conduct proper investigations of these violent incidents. When convictions are made, Israeli citizens involved in such violent acts are handed light sentences. The failure of law enforcement in the OPT has led many Palestinians to refrain from filing complaints when attacked.  Those who do have little hope for redress.
Yesh Din believes that providing access to justice and legal remedy to Palestinians under the law is an issue of human rights, and as such must be pursued as part of Israel’s duty to protect Palestinian civilians and their property.

In cooperation with Critical Collective, International Relations Committee of ISS and CREA

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