Minister Timmermans die mogelijke EU stappen tegen Netanyahu's schendingen van het internationaal recht wil 'vetoën.'
His Prime Ministership saw a marked slow-down in the Peace Process.
- Nicholas Sarkozy: 'I cannot bear Netanyahu, he's a liar'
- Barack Obama: 'You're fed up with him, but I have to deal with him even more often than you.'
- Private conversation between French President Nicholas Sarkozy and American President Barack Obama at the Nov 4, 2011 G20 Summit. The conversation was accidentally recorded by mic's placed for translators [9]
- The Israelis always wanted two things that once it turned out they had, it didn't seem so appealing to Mr. Netanyahu. ... The real cynics believe that the Netanyahu's government's continued call for negotiations over borders and such means that he's just not going to give up the West Bank.
- Former US President Bill Clinton describing why he believes Netanyahu is to blame for failure of peace process, Clinton Global Initiative, New York, Sept 22, 2011 [10]
- How dare you! You are the one who disappointed us. You haven't made a single step to advance peace.
- German Chancellor Angela Merkel during a telephone conversation with Benjamin Netanyahu on Feb 25, 2011 [11]
- Who the fuck does he think he is? Who's the fucking superpower here?
- US President Bill Clinton in 1996, after being lectured by Netanyahu on the Middle East [12]
- Israel has had many rightist leaders since Menachem Begin promised 'many Elon Morehs,' but there has never been one like Netanyahu, who wants to do it by deceit, to mock America, trick the Palestinians and lead us all astray. The man in the video betrays himself in his own words as a con artist, and now he is again prime minister of Israel. Don't try to claim that he has changed since then. Such a crooked way of thinking does not change over the years.
- Israeli journalist Gideon Levy writing for Israeli newspaper Haaretz (July 15, 2010) [13]
- Forget the Bar-Ilan University speech, forget the virtual achievements in his last visit to the United States; this is the real Netanyahu. No more claims that the Palestinians are to blame for the failure of the Oslo Accords. Netanyahu exposed the naked truth to his hosts at Ofra: he destroyed the Oslo accords with his own hands and deeds, and he's even proud of it. After years in which we were told that the Palestinians are to blame, the truth has emerged from the horse's mouth.
- Israeli journalist Gideon Levy writing for Israeli newspaper Haaretz (July 15, 2010) [14]
- Desondanks gehoorzamen de westerse politici de machtige Joodse lobby.
Het Palestijnse dorp Nahalin, omringd door illegale Joodse nederzetttingen. De zionistische fundamentalisten intimideren en terroriseren elke dag weer hun Palestijnse buren door brandstichting, schietpartijen, het vernietigen van hun olijfboomgaarden, het blokkeren van de Palestijnse toegangswegen naar Nahalin. De Nederlandse regering weet dit, maar saboteert elke sanctie tegen deze Joodse terreur in bezet gebied.
Elke vierkante centimeter van het land dat u hier ziet is volgens de Verenigde Naties en volgens het Internationaal Gerechtshof het bezit van de Palestijnse bevolking van het dorp Nahalin. Desondanks heeft de zionistische staat dit land 'straffeloos' in beslag genomen, met steun van onder andere de PVDA. Bovenaan ziet u de illegale Joodse nederzetting Neve Daniel.
Dit bord is geplaatst door het United Nations Development Programme en de Italian Palestine Cooperation. Beide organisaties besteden vele miljoenen aan de opbouw van de Palestijnse infrastructuur om zodoende een levensvatbare Palestijnse staat mogelijk te maken. Over de laatste organisatie is het volgende bekend:
With a commitment of around 220
million Euros over the last 10 years, the Italian Cooperation stands out as
a leading donor in the Palestinian Territories.
The Italian Cooperation has
fully honoured the commitments that the Italian government made in December
2007 at the Donors’ conference of Paris, through aid for 80 million
Euros in three years’ time. The Directorate-General of the Italian Development
Cooperation granted 100 million Euros to strengthen Palestinian institutions
and to improve the living conditions of the Palestinian population from 2008 to
2011. Approximately one third of this amount was allocated to support the PNA,
as per the needs repeatedly expressed by Prime Minister Fayyad to ensure
predictable flows of aid to the PNA itself.
In the period 2008-2011,
the Italian Cooperation financed the Palestinian territories to the tune of 25
million Euros, set aside for the Emergency channel focusing the
initiatives on East Jerusalem and Gaza Strip. In Gaza, the action of the
Italian Cooperation is articulated primarily through the work of Italian NGOs
and of UNRWA, due to the difficulties to liaise with the local government
dominated by Hamas. Interventions are therefore closely aimed at meeting the
needs of the local population, especially the vulnerable groups and the
The initiatives of the Italian
Cooperation are based on the Fayyad’s governmental programmes and reflect the
priorities identified by the Guidelines of
the Italian Cooperation for 2011-2013. They respond to the needs
of PNA as espressed in the National
Development Plan of Fayyad Government: development of the
private sector, good governance and strengthening of the welfare system.
Along with the grant component,
there is the promotion of credit lines already in progress: namely the credit
line for the Palestinian small-medium enterprises by 25 million Euros and the
program for the rehabilitation of the electrical grid in the West Bank for 33
million Euros. Under negotiation with the Palestinian Authority, a new credit
line of 30 milion Euros for the agro-industrial sector.
Op het bord, dat geplaatst is op Palestijns land, staat het volgende:
Land Development Project Southern West Bank.
Plantation of Plant Tree Seedlings/Nahaleen
Funded by: The Italian Cooperation
Executed By UNDP/PAPP
in Cooperation with the MoA
Implemented By Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC)
UAWC 2008
Desondanks heeft Israel ten koste van Europese investeringen en geld van de wereldgemeenschap dit land illegaal geconfisqueerd en is het van plan hier de Joodse nederzettingen uit te breiden. Vooruitlopend daarop hebben ze elektriciteitsmasten op het land gezet. Die elektriciteit is alleen voor Joden, omdat het zionistisch regime dit gebied etnisch wil zuiveren door het leven van de christelijke en islamitische Palestijnse bewoners op talloze manieren een hel te maken. Op geen enkele manier compenseert de zionistische staat de financiele investeringen van de EU en de wereldgemeenschap, laat staan de Palestijnse eigenaren van de grond. Daarover later meer.
Sewage from West Bank settlement pollutes Palestinian fields
Posted on 17 December 2012.
The kilometer-long overflow from Beitar Illit began because of a malfunction in the ultra-Orthodox town’s main pump and lasted for about 10 days; director of Gush Etzion field school petitioned Beitar Illit mayor to stop the overflow.
Raw sewage from the ultra-Orthodox town of Beitar Illit in the West Bank overflowed this month and polluted fields cultivated by Palestinian farmers who live in the village of Wadi Fukhin below. Alerted to the issue, a settler from Gush Etzion came to the aid of the Palestinians and petitioned the Beitar Illit mayor to take a stand.
The sewage overflow began two weeks ago after a malfunction in the Beitar Illit delivery facility. According to residents of the Palestinian village, the leak continued for about 10 days. The sewage flowed for about a kilometer, ultimately reaching Ein Tzadik, a spring that serves the inhabitants of the village. That water was then polluted.
About two days ago, the flow of the sewage stopped. According to Ali Sukar, who lives in the village and had fields damaged by the runoff, this is not the first time there has been such an overflow. The difference this time, however, is that in the past the flows tended to last less than a day. “Part of my field is gone and in the meantime we aren’t drinking from the spring until it is clean,” says Suker.
The director of the Gush Etzion Field School, Yaron Rozental, sounded the alarm about the malfunction.
In a letter to Beitar Illit Mayor Meir Rubinstein last week, he wrote: “You most certainly know that this is not the first time sewage has leaked onto the groves and vegetable fields of the villagers who live in the village of Wadi Fukhin and cultivate the land on the slope of the wadi. As someone who grew up on a kibbutz and earns his living from agriculture, and who as a child spent most of his free time working in the field and the groves, I understand the great frustration caused to farmers who have invested their money and most of their time in sowing or planting and have the entire crop go down the drain because of the negligence of the town of Beitar.
“There are sewage malfunctions everywhere. But here it isn’t going down to a stream or to the sea – it is directly destroying fields. It doesn’t matter whether Beitar likes or doesn’t like the fact that there is a Palestinian village below them – that is the situation,” wrote Rozental.
Officials in the Beitar Illit municipality deny that the run-off continued for several days.
“There was a malfunction at the northern sewage facility and it was dealt with immediately,” said municipal spokesman Moshe Freidman. “There is also one pump that was taken out for renovation. We are doing, and will continue to do, our best in order to solve the problem immediately. There wasn’t a continuous flow, nor was the amount of flow mentioned. There was just malfunctions for brief periods. All told, over the course of those two weeks the flow lasted for an hour to two hours, on only three or four occasions.”
Posted on 03 December 2012.
The Shai District Police arrested three men in their 20s while they were trying to vandalize Palestinian property in the West Bank village of Samu’a.
The suspects appear to have managed to torch a car in the nearby town of ad-Dhahiriya and spray paint graffiti before being apprehended. They were found in possession of flammable materials, pocket knifes, spray paint and a fake M-16 rifle that they evidently used for deterrence purposes.
The police have confiscated the equipment and said there is substantial evidence to incriminate the suspects. The police allege the three were responsible for other nationalistically-driven crimes perpetrated in the West Bank recently.
Their arrests concludes a months-long undercover investigation meant to crack down on Jewish vandals who committed anti-Arab crimes.
The slogans the suspects spray-painted in ad-Dhahiriya included “Price Tag” and “Congratulations Effy” – an message evidently dedicated to a fellow youth who got married last week. This isn’t the first time that such an act of vandalism is dedicated to a fellow right-wing radical. A few weeks ago graffiti daubed in the region mentioned Akiva, a youth who recently completed an administrative suspension penalty, according to the police. The act was said to be perpetrated in homage to the young man.
The suspects’ representation accused the police of trying to blow the incident out of proportion.
“Calling a plastic toy rifle that doesn’t even make noise an ‘improvised weapon’ is a blatant lie meant to demonize the suspects,” the officials said.
Rina Castelnuovo for The New York Times
Beitar Illit is a growing ultra-Orthodox settlement whose residents may be open to compromise with the Palestinians.
Joodse kolonisten uit Efrat op de Westbank, oefenen in het schieten. Op Palestijnen zodra men dit noodzakelijk acht.
Sonja heeft een nieuwe reactie op uw bericht "De Pro Israel Lobby 158" achtergelaten:
Efrat, wat is dat voor een nederzetting? Volgens de Wikipedia 'religieus zionistisch' en 'modern orthodox'. Bijna de helft van de inwoners komt uit de VS (tot zover de "natuurlijke groei"). De nederzetting heeft ook een website (links incl. vertaalmachine Hebreeuws -> Nederlands) waarop Arabieren/Palestijnen niet bestaan. Wel een uitgebreide fotogallery met daarop de dagelijkse bezigheden van de bewoners (=jews only).
Leuke cursussen: De Alert Klas. Maar alert op wat? Palestijnen bestaan namelijk niet.Jongerenclub 'Adelaar'
Cursus in het 'omgaan met bewoners', ja, etiquette moet er zijn natuurlijk.
Wanneer je op het internet op de woorden Efrat en Artas (of Irtas, naburig Palestijns dorp), of al-Khader zoekt, blijken er ineens wel Palestijnen te wonen. Aan de andere kant van het prikkeldraad natuurlijk.Video van een familie in Artas (en activisten) wiens land afgenomen wordt om plaats te maken voor een rioolwaterafvoer voor Efrat.
Israel set to grant subsidies to build 500 homes in ‘national priority’ settlements
Availability of financial incentives for West Bank housing contradicts cabinet decision taken earlier this year
July 15, 2012, 10:18 pm 10
JERUSALEM (AP) — The Israeli government has quietly agreed to grant subsidies to build more than 500 new homes in the West Bank, backtracking from a promise earlier this year to deny these incentives to the settlements, The Associated Press has learned.
The planned construction, at a time when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to shore up support among settlers, has enraged the Palestinians and could cloud a visit starting Sunday by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton as she tries to re-energize moribund Mideast peace efforts.
In January, the Israeli Cabinet identified more than 550 communities, including 70 West Bank settlements, as national priority areas. The list drew immediate protests from the Palestinians, who view the West Bank as the core of a future state. The U.S. demanded an explanation of the settlements’ inclusion.
Facing international pressure, Israeli leaders quietly held a second vote in a meeting conducted by telephone to exclude the settlements from the measure. Shortly after, Netanyahu told a news conference with visiting U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon that the initial Cabinet decision was a mistake.
Government spokesman Mark Regev at the time insisted the new vote meant that the subsidy program “does not apply to communities in the West Bank.” Still, the Cabinet left a loophole, saying settlements could receive benefits “contingent on a decision by political leaders.”
According to Israel’s Housing Ministry, however, the country’s political leaders have already approved subsidies for one small project of 24 homes in the settlement of Efrat, just south of Jerusalem. And nearly 500 other homes in Efrat and two other settlements, Beitar Illit and Ariel, are now in the pipeline to receive the incentives, which include a discount of up to $27,000 for infrastructure development costs.
Ministry spokesman Ariel Rosenberg said it is not clear how many of these homes will be built because the construction bids for the 500 homes have not closed. He also noted that subsidies are also available for projects in hundreds of other communities inside Israel proper.
Asked about the apparent government flip-flop, Regev said, “There are no special incentives whatsoever to encourage people to live in the West Bank. The same conditions apply to 600 communities throughout the country.”
But neither the Palestinians nor the international community see things that way.
Israeli settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem are at the heart of a 3-year-old deadlock in Mideast peace efforts. The Palestinians claim both areas, captured by Israel in 1967, for a future state. But with more than 500,000 Jewish settlers now living in these areas, the Palestinians say their dream of an independent state is fading as it grows tougher to partition the land between Israelis and Palestinians.
The international community, including the United States, says the settlements are illegal or illegitimate.
Promotion of settlement construction could complicate Clinton’s visit. Clinton was set to arrive late Sunday in hopes of breathing new life into Mideast peace efforts.
The Palestinians say they will only resume peace talks if Israel stops building settlements on the occupied lands they claim.
Palestinian government spokesman Ghassan Khatib said Israel’s settlement policy was “devastating the prospects of a two-state solution.”
“The only way to explain this rapid expansion of settlements is the efforts of the (Israeli) government,” Khatib said. “The government has been responsible for … decisions to expand settlements and … incentives that are given to settlements and settlers in order to expand settlements.”
Netanyahu has rejected that demand, saying the fate of settlements should be decided in negotiations. He has repeatedly urged the Palestinians to return to talks without any preconditions.
The Palestinians do not trust Netanyahu, given his long history of support for Jewish settlement in the West Bank. Many members of Netanyahu’s Likud Party, along with key coalition partners, are Jewish nationalists with close ties to the settlement movement.
At the same time, settlers have suffered several legal setbacks this year. Just two weeks ago, the government uprooted a small outpost built illegally on private Palestinian land. The Supreme Court is also forcing the government to evict residents of a larger outpost by Aug. 1.
In both instances, Netanyahu unsuccessfully tried to stave off the demolition orders but was overruled by the court. He has tried to compensate, in part, by promising to physically move the 30 uprooted homes in the Ulpana outpost to a West Bank site nearby and announcing plans to build hundreds of additional homes in the West Bank.
He also commissioned a report that last week recommended legalizing dozens of illegally built West Bank outposts and proposed an array of measures to facilitate settlement construction.
The report essentially discredits an earlier government investigation that identified more than 100 illegally built outposts in the West Bank. Netanyahu has said little about the latest report, saying only that he would study its conclusions. A special government-appointed forum is to review the proposals and decide which, if any, to adopt.
Copyright 2012 The Associated Press.
Hieronder het Hollandse hoofd van de tot het judaisme bekeerde Hollandse aannemer Yochanan Visser die in de Nederlandse media, onder andere de Volkskrant, alle ruimte krijgt om als illegale bewoner van Palestijns land zijn propaganda te bedrijven. Deze extremist uit Efrat is roomser dan de paus, en steunt de terreur tegen de Palestijnse bevolking omdat hij ervan overtuigd is dat de Joodse God, die hij sinds enige tijd aanbidt, dit land aan de Joden heeft gegeven. Het internationaal recht bestaat voor dit slag fanatici niet, en kennelijk ook niet voor de Volkskrant die als platform dient voor zijn extremistische opvattingen.
Hieronder het Hollandse hoofd van de tot het judaisme bekeerde Hollandse aannemer Yochanan Visser die in de Nederlandse media, onder andere de Volkskrant, alle ruimte krijgt om als illegale bewoner van Palestijns land zijn propaganda te bedrijven. Deze extremist uit Efrat is roomser dan de paus, en steunt de terreur tegen de Palestijnse bevolking omdat hij ervan overtuigd is dat de Joodse God, die hij sinds enige tijd aanbidt, dit land aan de Joden heeft gegeven. Het internationaal recht bestaat voor dit slag fanatici niet, en kennelijk ook niet voor de Volkskrant die als platform dient voor zijn extremistische opvattingen.
Geachte Yochanan Visser,
Op grond van welke overtuiging meent u het recht te hebben om op gestolen land van de Palestijnen te wonen? Met andere woorden: op grond van welk wereldbeeld meent u het internationaal recht te kunnen schenden, zoals in 2004 nog eens werd vastgesteld door het Internationaal Gerechtshof in Den Haag, toen het hoogste rechtscollege ter wereld andermaal bepaalde dat zowel de Joodse nederzettingen, inclusief Efrat, als de Apartheidsmuur illegaal waren. Waarom denkt u boven de wet te staan?
In afwachting van uw antwoord,
Stan van Houcke,
En dan heb ik bij deze ook nog een vraag aan mijn collega's van de Volkskrant. Op grond waarvan biedt u een podium aan iemand die het internationaal recht schendt om de diefstal van Palestijns land direct of indirect te laten rechtvaardigen? Ik bedoel, zou u gelegenheid geven om bijvoorbeeld het met geweld benadelen van de 'Joodse staat' te laten rechtvaardigen? Zo nee, waarom, niet? Zo ja waarom?
Collegial groet,
Stan van Houcke
President of the Local Council and Wadi Rahal Abdullah holds a land confiscation notice from the Israeli authorities stating that the Efrat settlement will be expanding on their land.
Israeli Supreme're a petition against the seizure of 1,300 acres in Bethlehem
Israeli Supreme Court examined in a petition filed by villagers Bee, Wad Rahal Bethlehem district, after the announcement of Israel from their land 'ground state', on the grounds that they do not take advantage of this land will be the expansion of the Efrat settlement on this earth.
In case of rejection of the petition, the settlement of Efrat 'will expand eastward to the area that connects the city with the villages south of the city and practically prevent the development of Bethlehem siege from all sides, and create Jewish contiguity of South Bethlehem towards settlements in the area.
The Israeli authorities had decided in 2004 to seize on the 1300 acres of land Bethlehem and the neighboring villages, on the pretext that they are not exploited by their owners. The hosts went by counsel to the Committee on Military Appeals and confirmed that the settlers 'Efrat' prevented them from entering their land ninety years ago and until 2000.
The owners of the land have submitted the petition in 2009 and on Wednesday was the fourth meeting, represented the prosecution claimed that the Israeli seizure of land was based on 'land laws in force in the West Bank'.
In case of rejection of the petition, the settlement of Efrat 'will expand eastward to the area that connects the city with the villages south of the city and practically prevent the development of Bethlehem siege from all sides, and create Jewish contiguity of South Bethlehem towards settlements in the area.
The Israeli authorities had decided in 2004 to seize on the 1300 acres of land Bethlehem and the neighboring villages, on the pretext that they are not exploited by their owners. The hosts went by counsel to the Committee on Military Appeals and confirmed that the settlers 'Efrat' prevented them from entering their land ninety years ago and until 2000.
The owners of the land have submitted the petition in 2009 and on Wednesday was the fourth meeting, represented the prosecution claimed that the Israeli seizure of land was based on 'land laws in force in the West Bank'.
Joodse kolonisten in bezet gebied. Velen van hen zijn uit de VS afkomstig en zelfs uit Nederland, Via intimidatie en geweld nemen ze steeds meer Palestijns land in bezit, daarbij politiek gesteund door Europa en de VS, omdat westerse politici weigeren daadwerkelijke stappen tegen de Israelische terreur te ondernemen, zoals onlangs de PVDA minister Timmermans aantoonde.
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