Zionistische terreur waarop sommige Joods Israeli's ook nog trots zijn. Rechts een Palestijns slachtoffertje van het zionistische geweld, waartegen PVDA-minister Timmermans niet wenst op te treden en elke mogelijke EU-sanctie om Israel te dwingen het internationaal recht te respecteren zal
Ondertussen heeft de Palestijnse organisatie Badil, die opkomt voor de mensenrechten van de Palestijnen, het volgende bekend gemaakt:
BADIL Resource Center publishes Israeli Land Grab and Forced Population Transfer of Palestinians: A Handbook for Vulnerable Individuals and Communities
Forced population transfer is illegal and has constituted an international crime since 1942. The strongest and most recent codification of this crime is in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. The Rome Statute clearly defines the forcible transfer of population and implantation of settlers as war crimes.
In order to forcibly transfer the indigenous Palestinian population, many Israeli laws, policies, and state practices have been developed and utilized. Today, Israel carries out this forcible displacement in the form of a “silent” transfer policy. The policy is silent because Israel applies it while attempting to avoid international attention by regularly displacing small numbers of people, which it presumes would go unnoticed. Israel’s legal and political structures discriminate against Palestinians in many areas including citizenship, residency rights, land ownership, and regional and municipal planning.
The Handbook aims to help stymie this forced population transfer. It focuses on West Bank Area C and East Jerusalem regarding three triggers of displacement: land confiscation, restrictions on use and access of land, and the system of planning, building permits and home demolitions. The Handbook outlines Israeli state practices used to implement displacement by drawing on court decisions, legislation, military orders, and original interviews with affected individuals. They provide a much-needed practical tool for those facing possible displacement. Although these resources are not a substitute for qualified legal advice, BADIL hopes they can assist at-risk Palestinians by helping them delay or counteract Israeli displacement strategies. Apart from the legal analysis, the Handbook includes 70 case-studies on forced population transfer.
Amjad Alqasis
Legal advocacy programme coordinator
BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency & Refugee Rights
P.O.Box 728
Bethlehem, Palestine
Badil heeft enkele aanbevelingen gedaan gericht op degen van de internationale gemeenschap die de democratische rechtstaat respecteren. Deze aanbevelingen staan lijnrecht tegenover de PVDA-politiek van het steunen van de Joods Israelische terreur:
Recommendations to the International community and civil society
• Study and address the root causes of the ongoing forcible displacement of
Palestinians by Israel. After 65 years of a protracted Nakba, civil society and
influencers continue to bear the duty of promoting awareness of and effective
responses to Israel’s system of occupation, apartheid and colonialism that
prevents Palestinian self-determination and constitutes the root cause of
Israel’s policy of population transfer;
• Develop mechanisms and take effective measures to bring Israel into
compliance with international law. Responsibility and accountability for
injuries, loss of life and property should be pursued through investigations,
ensuring reparations and prosecuting those guilty of serious international
human rights and humanitarian law violations;
• Improve response mechanisms in the occupied Palestinian territory through
short-term emergency aid within the framework of filling medium and
long-term protection gaps, a central requirement of which is preventing
institutionalized forced displacement;
• Lobby governments to cease diplomatic, military and economic support of
and cooperation with the state of Israel;
• To the degree possible, reject limitations on interventions based on Israeli
political and legal requirements.
• Ensure reparation and remedies for Palestinian victims. Practical measures
to facilitate housing and property restitution and compensation by Israel
include comprehensively documenting damages incurred by Israel’s
violations of international human rights and humanitarian law, and allocating
compensation funds such as through activating and developing the UN
Register of Damages caused by the Wall;
• Update the compilation work begun in the Handbook with changes in Israeli
legislation, court decisions and state practices. Expand on the Handbook’s
preliminary research particularly on forcible population transfer in the Gaza
Strip. Elaborate on all issues illustrated in the Handbook with further detail.
Voorbeeld van de dagelijkse zionistische terreur, Joodse fundamentalisten die ongestraft een Palestijnse vrouw aanvallen. Al meer dan vier decennia duurt deze terreur in bezet gebied. Het Westen steunt dit, tot het straks een geweldige rekening daarvoor moet betalen.
About Badil
BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights is an independent, community-based non-profit organization works to defend and promote the rights of Palestinian refugees and IDPs. Our vision, missions, programs and relationships are defined by our Palestinian identity and the principles of international law, in particular international human rights law. We seek to advance the individual and collective rights of the Palestinian people on this basis.
BADIL Resource Center was established in January 1998 based on recommendations issued by a series of popular refugee conferences in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.BADIL is registered with the Palestinian Authority and legally owned by the refugee community represented by a General Assembly composed of activists in Palestinian national institutions and refugee community organizations.
Our work is implemented by two specialized units - campaign unit and resource unit -and guided by a Board, and supervised by an Oversight Committee, both of which are elected from the General Assembly.
Membership, Networks & Coalitions
BADIL has special consultative status with UN ECOSOC, a framework partnership agreement with UNHCR, and is a member of Palestinian Human Rights OrganisationsCouncil (PHROC), al-Awda Right-to-Return Coalition (USA), BDS Campaign National Committee, HIC-Habitat International Coalition (Cairo), CRIN-Child Rights Information Network (UK), ICVA-International Council of Voluntary Agencies (Geneva), ICNP-International Coordinating Network on Palestine, OPGAI-Occupied Palestine and Syrian Golan Heights Advocacy Initiative, and PNGO-Palestinian NGO Network.
Tegelijkertijd gaat de terreur van de Israelische bezettingsmacht en de Joodse kolonisten die illegaal op Palestijns land leven dagelijks gewoon door, met regelmatig dieptepunten zoals te zien zijn op deze foto's van vogelvrij verklaarde Palestijnse kinderen. De Nederlandse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Timmermans weigert hiertegen daadwerkelijke stappen te ondernemen. Sterker nog: ook de PVDA steunt de diplomatieke, economische, politieke en zelfs militaire steun aan de Israelische terreur en saboteert mogelijke EU maatregelen om hier een eind aan te maken.
Ook het beroep dat Badil doet op het internationaal recht is ter voorbereiding van het moment dat Palestina als een volwaardige staat een beroep kan doen op de bescherming van het internationaal recht, zo liet Amjad Alqasis,
Legal advocacy programme coordinator van Badil, mij twee weken geleden weten.
Ons kent Ons. Degenen die de terreur steunen schudden elkaar de hand. Een schreibtischmörder en zijn vriend.
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