vrijdag 17 april 2009

De Israelische Terreur 830

The rhetoric of "peace"
Ziyaad Lunat, The Electronic Intifada, 15 April 2009

The Israelis have offered the Palestinians many types of "peace." Their first attempt to reach out to the Palestinians was in 1948 with an offer of a "racist peace." Ethnic cleansing was the basis of a "racist peace" where Zionist terrorists drove out two thirds of the Palestinian population from their homes. Its logic was that expulsion would end strife between Zionists and Palestinians (by eliminating one side) enabling the Zionists to enjoy peace in an ethnic Jewish haven. The Palestinians, stubborn as they were, refused a racist Zionist state as the basis for "peace." 

Israel relentlessly extended its hand to the Palestinians offering them a "military peace" instead. Deterrence was the basis of a "military peace" where a Zionist state armed to the teeth would instill fear in the hearts of the Palestinians. Its logic was that through military deterrence the Palestinians would accept their condition of displacement. Soon after their expulsion in 1948, Palestinian refugees continuously attempted to return to their properties. The Zionists initiated a campaign of reprisals to deny their right to return. Hundreds were killed in this way, massacres included Qibya in 1953, Lebanon in 1982, Jenin in 2002 and Gaza in 2009. Palestinians however rejected Zionist military domination as the basis for "peace."

While the above two peace offers were crude, Israel devised an "apartheid peace" as a more elaborate proposal to the Palestinians, hoping they would finally reciprocate. Physical separation between Jews and Arab Palestinians was the basis for an "apartheid peace." Its logic was that the Palestinians would be given limited autonomy to manage their internal affairs and build their own institutions but their demands would have to eventually fall short of full sovereignty. Some Palestinians were co-opted in signing the Oslo accords in 1993, accepting apartheid as the basis for "peace."

During the following years, Israel consolidated its vision for an "apartheid peace," generously referred to as a "two-state solution." More land was taken from the Palestinians for building of Jewish-only colonies and Jewish-only roads, fragmenting the territories. House demolitions cleared unwanted Palestinians from certain areas and a wall was built to encircle the ghettos. Israel's "peace" offensive divided the Palestinians into those who accepted Israel's apartheid, namely the Palestinian Collaborationist Authority in Ramallah, and those who refuse to subordinate their most basic rights to Israel's racism.

4 opmerkingen:

Sam zei

Palestinian Collaborationist Authority is inderdaad een betere benaming voor de PA. Al sinds Arafat met zn honderden miljoenen op zn bankrekening. Elke Palestijn die een beetje kan vechten moet ondergronds keihard in het verzet gaan net zoals Hamas doet. Er valt niet te praten met de zionistische moordernaars. Met Sharon niet, met Netanyahu niet, met Barak niet, en zeker niet met Lieberman. De PA is een schande voor elke verminkte en vermoorde Palestijn. Jong tot oud. Ze moeten via de Internationale gemeenschap hun rechtmatig volledig soevereine eigen staat afdwingen.

Sonja zei

Aanbevolen interview:
Lucas Cathérine over de Palestijnse tragedieWel aangeboden door ANP, maar toch niet gedrukt door onze grote "kwaliteitskranten":
Israël werkt niet mee met VN-onderzoek naar Gaza-offensief

Sonja zei

Het rectieformulier verwijdert de laatste dagen de nieuwe regel en nieuwe alinea, althans, bij mij.

stan zei

wat bedoel je precies? ik ben een absolute onbenul; op het gebied van techniek.

How NATO. and EU Support Ukrainian Terrorism
