Bas Heijne schrijft in zijn column voor de NRC onder andere dit: Toch is het vreemd dat een belangrijke vraag aan Geert Wilders vrijwel nooit wordt gesteld: wie betaalt hem? Hijzelf weigert bij mijn weten openheid van zaken te geven over zijn financiers. Dat recht heeft hij, de PVV is een beweging met maar twee leden: Wilders zelf en de stichting waarvan Wilders enig bestuurder is. Er is een wet in de maak die het mogelijk maakt ook bewegingen als die van Wilders en Verdonk te subsidiëren, maar de kans dat Wilders die subsidie accepteert lijkt me klein, omdat hij dan ook opening van zaken moet geven over zijn buitenlandse geldschieters.
Dat die deels uit Amerika komen en behoren tot ultraconservatieve groepen, lijkt evident. Vooral tijdens zijn inzamelingsreizen in Amerika hamert Wilders er steeds op dat voor hem de islam geen geloof is, maar een fascistoïde ideologie, die te vuur en te zwaar bestreden moet worden. De tweede vijand bestaat uit de ‘linkse’ elites, die de deur wijd openzetten voor het groene gevaar en de vrijheid van meningsuiting achteloos verkwanselen in naam van de wederzijdse multiculturele welwillendheid, die natuurlijk niets anders is dan laffe capitulatie. In zijn komende rechtszaak naar aanleiding van zijn internetproductie Fitna wordt Wilders onder meer gesteund door het Legal Project van de neoconservatief Daniel Pipes. Tegenover de Volkskrant ontkende een woordvoerder van die organisatie afgelopen zomer dat er rechtstreeks geld in de kas van de PVV is gestort: „We hebben geen geld ingezameld voor zijn politieke partij. We hebben hem wel voorzien van juridisch en tactisch advies.”Welnu, duidelijk is dat Wilders onder andere door de joodse lobby wordt gefinancierd. Daniel Pipes is een van de spreekbuizen van die lobby:
The Lobby also monitors what professors write and teach. In September 2002, Martin Kramer and Daniel Pipes, two passionately pro-Israel neo-conservatives, established a website (Campus Watch) that posted dossiers on suspect academics and encouraged students to report remarks or behaviour that might be considered hostile to Israel. This transparent attempt to blacklist and intimidate scholars provoked a harsh reaction and Pipes and Kramer later removed the dossiers, but the website still invites students to report ‘anti-Israel’ activity.
Een vooraanstaande Nederlandse diplomaat vertelde mij in aanwezigheid van enkele academici enkele jaren geleden dat toen Hans van Baalen de buitenland-portefeuille van Wilders overnam de nieuwe VVD-woordvoerder ineens een telefoontje van de Israelische ambassade kreeg waarin hij werd uitgenodigd om op de Israelische ambassade te bespreken wat het VVD-standpunt moest zijn bij het komende Kamerdebat over het Midden-Oosten. Van Baalen verklaarde daar geen behoefte aan te hebben en vroeg waarom de Israelische ambassade van mening was dat hij hierop zou ingaan. Het antwoord was dat de Israelische diplomaten dit al jarenlang met Wilders deden. Het was de AIVD die liet uitlekken dat Wilders de deur platliep bij de Israelische ambassade. Het zal dan ook niemand verwonderen wanneer bekend wordt dat Wilders door de joodse lobby wordt betaald, die op deze manier een greep krijgt op de Nederlandse buitenlandse politiek. In de VS doet de joodse lobby dit al decennia lang. Dus niets nieuws.
5 opmerkingen:
Even over Zizek:
nieuwe stuff... ;-)
Waar Wilders precies inzamelt in de VS? Daar hoeft niemand naar te raden.
"passionately pro-Israel neo-conservatives"
O, rechtse extremisten dus.
25 februari An Interview with a Local Hero: Rabbi Jon Hausman
The Wilders tour began Monday with luncheons and private dinners in Manhattan, and appearances on FoxNews Glen Beck’s “War room” and the “O’Reilly Factor.” Wilders was in Washington Thursday at an event on Capitol Hill organized by Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) and sponsored by the International Free Press Society and the Center for Security Policy. Friday, Wilders held a public news conference at the National Press Club. Later he was recognized at the CPAC convention. ... the Middle East Forum Law Project was a co-sponsor ... Steve Leventhal and I facilitated Wilders appointments with RJC [Republican Jewish Coalition] headquarters people in Washington, DC.
27 februari An evening with Geert Wilders
Wilders, the foremost defender of free speech in the modern age, will deliver an address at a reception at the Omni Shoreham Hotel, site of the Conservative Political Action Conference, on Friday, February 27, at 6:00PM. ... The reception is sponsored by the David Horowitz Freedom Center, Atlas Shrugs, Jihad Watch, and Dr. Andrew Bostom.
28 februari Dutch Foe of Islam Ignores US Allies' Far Right Ties
Although Wilders’s stated goal has been to campaign for free speech, his trip has been sponsored and promoted by an unlikely coalition of groups united primarily by their hostility towards Islam. His backers include neoconservative and right-wing Jewish groups on the one hand and figures with ties to the European far right on the other.
... This week, he gave a private viewing of his 17-minute anti-Islam film in the U.S. Senate, where he was hosted by Senator Jon Kyl, an Arizona Republican. He also appeared on Bill O’Reilly’s and Glenn Beck’s popular right-wing TV shows, met privately with the Wall Street Journal editorial board, and hobnobbed with former U.N. ambassador John Bolton at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).
... His chief sponsors during the trip have primarily been neoconservative organisations such as Frank Gaffney’s Centre for Security Policy, David Horowitz’s Freedom Centre, and Daniel Pipes’s Middle East Forum, which is also helping to raise money for Wilders’s legal defence.
An event he held at a Boston-area synagogue was sponsored by the Republican Jewish Coalition, an influential group whose board members include casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer, and neoconservative writer David Frum, who attended Wilders’s Friday event in Washington.
His trip has also been heavily promoted by conservative blogger Pamela Geller, who sponsored a reception for him in Washington on Friday. Geller is perhaps best known for alleging during the 2008 presidential campaign that now-President Barack Obama is the illegitimate child of the late Nation of Islam leader Malcolm X; she also continues to argue that Obama is a secret Muslim.
[lees ook verder voor connectie Vlaams Belang]
4 april Geert Wilders Weekend in Southern California: Orange County and Los Angeles
The event -see below- is jointly sponsored by the David Horowitz Freedom Center, American Freedom Alliance and the Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors (CJHSLA). This afternoon he will speak at Chapman University in Orange County. He will also attend a private dinner in his honor this evening in Los Angeles.
13 april Geert Wilders in Beverly Hills
Geert Wilders-- Chairman of the Freedom Party and Member of Parliament in the Netherlands-- visited the west coast, and spoke at the Hilton in Beverly Hills. The event was sponsored by the David Horowitz Freedom Center and the International Free Press Society. The Center for Security Policy sponsored Mr. Wilders' last American visit.
27 april
Wilders’ latest trip across the pond will take him to Florida where on April 27th the Florida Security Council’s Free Speech Summit in Del Ray Beach will award him the “International Freedom of Speech Award”.
The Florida Security Council is headed by Tom Trento—a former pro-life activist—who assisted the Clarion Fund in the distribution of Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West. The film was widely seen as an example of anti-muslim bigotry and historically inaccurate. Trento—on his now defunct website—offered helpful tips in the, “Good Muslim vs. Bad Muslim” four page pamphlet on how to tell if a Muslim is of the ‘good’ or ‘bad’ variety.
Just as in Wilders’ appearances in Washington DC and LA, the host committee for the Summit includes individuals or groups who were present at the VB sponsored CounterJihad Europa conference.
These include: blogger Pamela Geller (who gained notoriety for advocating the debunked Barack Obama birth certificate forgery conspiracy theory, as well as spreading rumors that Obama is Malcolm X’s illegitimate son), writer Nidra Poller and the IFPS.
Christian Zionist organizations are well represented in the host committee as well.
These include: Christians and Jews United for Israel, the Christian Action Network and Faith 2 Action.
Other notable hosts include: Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy and Florida House Majority Leader Adam Hasner (R).
The Republican Jewish Coalition will host Wilders and Nidra Poller the following evening at a separate event.
All these groups value their ties to Jewish communities in Florida and across the United States. It seems like they will have some explaining to do if Wilders enters into an alliance with VB and/or refuses to disassociate himself from VB’s advocacy on behalf of convicted Nazi collaborators.
20 en 21 oktober The Jihad Is Joined At Temple University
As part of its Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, and its campaign to Stop the Campus War Against Israel and the Jews, the David Horowitz Freedom Center is sponsoring campus appearances by Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders at Temple University (October 20 and 21).
23 oktober Geert Wilders Takes America by Storm
Dutch MP and Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders has been busy this week in both Philadelphia and New York at a number venues including Temple and Columbia University. Yesterday, we had a full day with events at both the Harvard Club courtesy of Nina Rosenwald and the Hudson Institute and later in the evening at Columbia. Among the people besides yours truly who attending the Hudson Institute event were Nobel Laureate Elie Weisel and his wife Miriam, David Horowitz, New English Review colleague Ibn Warraq, U.K. apostate Dr. Sam Solomon, Warrior Rabbi [???] Jon Hausman, Tom Trento and CJ Sculnick from the Florida Security Council, Security consultant David Moore, blogger Larry Auster, Brooke Goldstein formerly with the MEF legal project, Jed West, west coast based publicist and brother of columnist Diane West, Jamie Kirchick assistant editor of The New Republic, Judy Jacobson of the Columbia Chapter of Schollars for Peace in the Middle east (SPME), her husband Leon and son Matthew and Dr. Michael Welner, ABC, CNN forensic psychiatrist and consultant and his wife Orli.
En zo krijgt van Amerikaans neoconservatief tot Amerikaans extreem rechts voet aan de grond in het Nederlandse parlement.
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