Het NOS-Journaal had zijn correspondent helemaal naar de plaats gestuurd waar in 1968 Martin Luther King werd doodgeschoten, om aldaar uit de mond van een medewerker van de dominee te vernemen dat King sigaretten rookte en niet wilde dat kinderen dit wisten. Daarom had deze medewerker het pakje sigaretten uit de zak van Martin Luther gehaald terwijl de man met een half weggeschoten hoofd lag dood te bloeden op een balkon. De nieuwslezeres Sacha de Boer wist aan het eind van het item nog te melden dat dat pakje sigaretten en de laatste peuk nog steeds bewaard zijn. Als dat geen nieuwsgaring is weet ik het niet meer.
De debilisering van het publiek kent geen ondergrens in Nedederland. Veel relevantere informatie gaf de BBC al tien jaar geleden. Maar voor het NOS Journaal is dit een irrelevant triviaal feit en bovendien verstoort 't het propagandabeeld van het democratische Amerika. De BBC:
'1998: Martin Luther King killer dies
James Earl Ray, the convicted killer of the black American civil rights leader Martin Luther King, has died, aged 70, still protesting his innocence.
Officials in the Tennessee prison department said he died in hospital where he was being treated for terminal liver disease. He had been treated in hospital several times in the last 15 months.
Dr King died from a single rifle shot as he stood on the balcony of the Lorraine Hotel in Memphis, on 4 April 1968.
The assassination sparked race riots in more than 100 cities and set off one of the biggest manhunts in US history.
Ray, an escaped convict, was captured in London more than a year later.
He pleaded guilty to the killing and was sentenced to 99 years in prison for the murder to escape the electric chair, but three days after his jail sentence began he withdrew his confession.
Campaign to clear Ray's name
His case was taken up by the King family, which has campaigned for a new investigation into the assassination in the belief that it may have been plotted by senior officials in the US Government.
The King family issued a statement expressing grief over the death of Ray and renewed its call for a fresh inquiry.'
James Earl Ray, the convicted killer of the black American civil rights leader Martin Luther King, has died, aged 70, still protesting his innocence.
Officials in the Tennessee prison department said he died in hospital where he was being treated for terminal liver disease. He had been treated in hospital several times in the last 15 months.
Dr King died from a single rifle shot as he stood on the balcony of the Lorraine Hotel in Memphis, on 4 April 1968.
The assassination sparked race riots in more than 100 cities and set off one of the biggest manhunts in US history.
Ray, an escaped convict, was captured in London more than a year later.
He pleaded guilty to the killing and was sentenced to 99 years in prison for the murder to escape the electric chair, but three days after his jail sentence began he withdrew his confession.
Campaign to clear Ray's name
His case was taken up by the King family, which has campaigned for a new investigation into the assassination in the belief that it may have been plotted by senior officials in the US Government.
The King family issued a statement expressing grief over the death of Ray and renewed its call for a fresh inquiry.'
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