woensdag 24 oktober 2007

De Democratie

Ik weet niet hoe u erover denkt, maar wat mij vanavond trof was de verslaggeving van het NOS Journaal over de top in het zwaar belegerde hotel in Noordwijk. Een jonge knul in het spergebied met een brilletje op, dus daar kan het niet aan gelegen hebben, vertelde ons dat de eerste horde was genomen voor de verlenging van het militair debacle in Afghanistan. En een andere horde bestaat niet echt. De volksvertegenwoordiging is nauwelijks een horde te noemen, de regeringspartijen knikken braaf als ze daartoe opdracht krijgen. En die krijgen ze. Tot zover de democratie. Het is precies hetzelfde als met de Europese grondwet, die nu anders heet, en de mogelijkheid om je daar democratisch tegen uit te spreken. Dat was toegezegd, maar door de sociaaldemocraten en christenen werd die belofte weer ingeslikt en besliste de elite wat het volk moet willen. Dat de democratie in een kapitalistische staat een farce is, weten we allang. Maar dat de schijn van de democratie niet eens meer wordt opgehouden is toch betrekkelijk nieuw.

'Who Restarted the Cold War?
By Patrick J. Buchanan

"Putin's Hostile Course," the lead editorial in The Washington Times of Oct. 18, began thus: "Russian President Vladimir Putin's invitation to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to visit Moscow is just the latest sign that, more than 16 years after the collapse of Soviet communism, Moscow is gravitating toward Cold War behavior. The old Soviet obsession – fighting American imperialism – remains undiluted. ... "(A)t virtually every turn, Mr. Putin and the Russian leadership appear to be doing their best in ways large and small to marginalize and embarrass the United States and undercut U.S. foreign policy interests." The Times pointed to Putin's snub of Robert Gates and Condi Rice by having them cool their heels for 40 minutes before a meeting. Then came a press briefing where Putin implied Russia may renounce the Reagan-Gorbachev INF treaty, which removed all U.S. and Soviet medium-range missiles from Europe, and threatened to pull out of the Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty, whereby Russia moved its tanks and troops far from the borders of Eastern Europe. On and on the Times indictment went. Russia was blocking new sanctions on Iran. Russia was selling anti-aircraft missiles to Iran. Russia was selling weapons to Syria that found their way to Hezbollah and Hamas. Russia and Iran were talking up an OPEC-style natural gas cartel. All this, said the Times, calls to mind "Soviet-era behavior." Missing from the prosecution's case, however, was the motive. Why has Putin's Russia turned hostile? Why is Putin mending fences with China, Iran and Syria? Why is Putin sending Bear bombers to the edge of American airspace? Why has Russia turned against America? For Putin's approval rating is three times that of George Bush. Who restarted the Cold War?To answer that question, let us go back those 16 years. What happened in 1991 and 1992? Well, Russia let the Berlin Wall be torn down and its satellite states be voted or thrown out of power across Eastern Europe. Russia agreed to pull the Red Army all the way back inside its border. Russia agreed to let the Soviet Union dissolve into 15 nations. The Communist Party agreed to share power and let itself be voted out. Russia embraced freedom and American-style capitalism, and invited Americans in to show them how it was done. Russia did not use its veto in the Security Council to block the U.S. war to drive Saddam Hussein, an ally, out of Kuwait. When 9-11 struck, Putin gave his blessing to U.S. troops using former republics as bases for the U.S. invasion. What was Moscow's reward for its pro-America policy? The United States began moving NATO into Eastern Europe and then into former Soviet republics. Six ex-Warsaw Pact nations are now NATO allies, as are three ex-republics of the Soviet Union. NATO expansionists have not given up on bringing Ukraine, united to Russia for centuries, or Georgia, Stalin's birthplace, into NATO.'

Lees verder: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article18590.htm

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