dinsdag 19 december 2006

The Empire 98

'British Push Puppet Cheney To Trigger Global Chaos.

By Jeffrey Steinberg

Within hours of Air Force II returning to Washington from Saudi Arabia, Executive Intelligence Review issued a memorandum, "Behind Cheney's Trip to Riyadh." The document revealed that the Bush Administration has launched a new berserker "diplomatic" initiative, which, if successful, would likely trigger a new Hundred Years' War, starting in Southwest Asia, but soon engulfing much of the planet in chaos.

The Cheney scheme to promote a so-called "Sunni alliance" to counter Iran's growing Shi'ite dominance over the Persian Gulf and Eastern Mediterranean region, is the latest handiwork of a crew of outright British agents, who have employed the thuggish Vice President and his deadly wife, to wreck the United States from within, as a step towards undoing the entire nation-state system.

On the surface, the argument could credibly be made that the immediate target of the Cheney trip to Riyadh‹the latest victim of a Cheney preemptive strike‹was his long-time political rival cum arch-enemy, James Baker III. Cheney's push for a Sunni military alliance with Washington and Tel Aviv against Iran was, after all, kicked off literally moments before the Baker-Hamilton Iraq Study Group held its final meetings, before presenting its findings to the White House and the outgoing Congress on Dec. 6. Those findings were widely reported to include the call for a regional peace conference and the beginning of direct diplomatic talks among the United States, Iran, and Syria.

But the reality is different. By the time the Baker-Hamilton study group was seated around the conference table at the U.S. Institute for Peace in Washington, the "Ultimate Decider," President Bush, had already "decided." He shot off his mouth at the NATO summit in Riga, Latvia, declaring that the United States will not consider withdrawal from Iraq until "victory" has been achieved, and will not talk with Iran or Syria.

Moreover, State Department official Nicholas Burns had told reporters travelling with the President that the goal of the NATO summit in Riga, apart from the push for increased NATO troop deployments in Afghanistan, would be to forge closer security ties between NATO and the leading American allies in the Pacific Far East, and in the Persian Gulf and Eastern Mediterranean. In the case of the Persian Gulf, Burns singled out the Gulf Cooperation Council, the alliance of Sunni oil sheikhdoms, as the best vehicle for NATO extension. Qatar and Kuwait, two GCC members, have already been engaged in quiet talks with NATO, on increasing defense cooperation, according to one well-placed Arab source.'

Lees verder: http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2006/3349british_cheney.html

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