zondag 17 december 2006

The Empire 93

Anneke Auer uit Rotterdam mailde mij het volgende:



MARK SCHISSLER"Generational" struggle.

Americans have to be ready to fight a war with radical Muslims that may last 50 to 100 years, according to a top war-on-terror general.
"We're in a generational war," Air Force Brig. Gen. Mark Schissler told the Washington Times.
Like the 40-year Cold War, the struggle with fanatics seeking to create radical Islamic states will be fought around the world, he said.
"You can try and fight the enemy where they are and where they're attacking you, or prevent them and defend your own homeland," Schissler said. "But that's not enough to stop it. We've got to break the chain, and that's . . . the ideology.
"We really need to show the errors in Islamist extremist thinking."
Terrorists follow the concept of jihad or holy war, which makes it a religious duty to wage attacks on nonbelievers, he said.
He said Americans, used to wars that last three or four years, must be prepared "for a long fight."
"They're absolutely committed to the 50-, 100-year plan," Schissler said of Muslim extremists.
Schissler is the deputy director for the war on terrorism in the strategic plans office of the Pentagon's Joint Staff.
Al Qaeda has said its goal is to create a Muslim "caliphate" from western North Africa to southern Europe and across the Mideast to Southeast Asia.



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