Het moet iets met mijn uitstraling te maken hebben want zodra ik mijn hoofd op straat vertoon komen bedelaars altijd onmiddellijk naar mij toe gerend om geld te vragen en nooit naar degene naast me. En op internet trekt ik allerlei types aan die iets van me willen. De laatste tijd ben ik weer het doelwit van een bende Westafrikaanse zwendelaars die me dit soort emails sturen: 'REPLY VERY URGENT
I got your contact through a desperate and personal search on the web for someone I could really trust as I have prayed over it and I wish to express my interest to handle this matter with you as I believe that you are reliable in handling these type of international transaction.
Though we have not met before but I believe one has to risk confiding in someone to succeed sometimes in life but however is not mandatory or in any manner compel you to Honor against your will.
I am Suna Burah Omamm, the only child to the former Sierra-Leone Minister of Mines and Energy who was killed during the Sierra-Leone war by the rebels.
I am now residing in Brunei as refuge and my father before his untimely death left behind a box containing physical cash of US$9 Million (Nine million US dollars) Which he safely deposited in a security vault during his regime in the office and now I need a foreigner who will stand as my guardian and benefactor to this fund by acting as my father foreign partner so that I can retrieve the money from the security company and transfer it to the persons foreign bank account for safe keeping and proper investment to secure my future.
I am a highly school college with little knowledge of business which is why I am in need of a partner whom will assist me to get this fund released for investments in his or her country while I proceed with my education.
Dearest, I am in a sincere desire of your humble assistance on this regard and If you know you are capable of handling such a huge amount of money respond to me and I will compensate you by giving you 25% of the total fund and additional 5% for any expenses which you might incur as a result of this transaction including all sundry expenses and also note that you must keep this transaction top secret as my life is at stake if any one hears of this transaction.
Please consider this and get back to me as soon as possible to enable me give you the full information's that will be needed but please if my proposal do not suit your interest please confirm to me as to enable me solicit for another person and give me your your private phone number as well.
Thank you so much and God bless you abundantly.
Yours sincerely,
Suna Burah Omamm
U moet voor de grap ook deze eens lezen van die andere enige dochter van de minister van Mijnbouw en Energie: http://servlets.com/archive/servlet/ReadMsg?msgId=558113&listName=jsp-interest
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