Ook joods Israelis strijden tegen de Israelische Apartheid. Van Angela Godfrey-Goldstein van The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) in Jeruzalem ( zie: http://www.icahd.org/eng/) ontving ik informatie over 'MachsomWatch, an Israeli women’s organization, monitors one of the gravest aspects of the Occupation – the restriction of free movement by Palestinians in the Occupied Territories. ‘The hope of us all.’
Huge billboards have sprung up at the entrance to the new checkpoints, proclaiming ‘the hope of us all’. Paraphrasing an Israeli song - the Occupation, like despair, is becoming far more convenient …the sight of the billboards evokes horror and evil associations; they tower over the new checkpoints, as if orchestrating people’s entrance into them – ‘the hope of us all’ indeed – a contemptuous, contemptible message. Humiliations, physical injuries, delays, penalties, closures, walls, cantonization, house demolitions, hacked down olive-trees, hazing, impromptu checkpoints, shots, handcuffing, denial of passage to get medical care, intimidation… a partial list that’s encapsulated in a single word – occupation – and translated into solid terms in the field. Blacklisted by the Shabak (General Security Services or GSS) Official reports state that close to 200,000 citizens of the Occupied Territories have been ‘blacklisted by the Shabak’ (or ‘denied passage’ = prohibited from leaving the territories). The policy of denial means withholding access to medical treatment, preventing options for earning a living, severing family ties, refusing access to studies, and ruling out freedom of worship. Au Shabak comme au Shabak – no one is obliged to provide an answer and of course no one does. The blacklisted themselves have no idea why they were awarded the honorific title. Did you know that –
· If the IDF maliciously or negligently injures a relative of yours, you automatically become a ‘potential’ (risk) and enter the Shabak’s blacklist.
· If you refuse to collaborate with the Shabak by incriminating your relatives or friends, it blacklists you.
· If you are caught as an ‘illegal’ in Israel, trying to support your family – again, you’ll be blacklisted.
· Every male aged 16 to 30 is ‘denied passage.’
· And if you’re a man of over 30 but unmarried or married without children, you remain "denied."' De site van Machsom Watch is: http://www.machsomwatch.org/eng/homePageEng.asp?link=homePage&lang=eng
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