maandag 19 december 2005

Martelen 6

Volgens de Amerikaanse advocaat Martin Garbus is het volstrekt onjuist te denken dat het martelen nu door de Amerikaanse president is verboden of onmogelijk gemaakt. Garbus is volgens Time Magazine "one of the best trial lawyers in the country," terwijl thet National Law Journal hem 1 van de tien topadvocaten van het land heeft genoemd. Hij schrijft: 'An Incredible Day in America. Today, for two separate reasons, has been an incredible day in America. First, the United States has legitimized torture and secondly, the President has admitted to an impeachable offense.First, the media has been totally misled on the alleged Bush-McCain agreement on torture. McCain capitulated. It is not a defeat for Bush. It is a win for Cheney.Torture is not banned or in any way impeded.Under the compromise, anyone charged with torture can defend himself if a "reasonable" person could have concluded they were following a lawful order.That defense "loophole" totally corrodes the ban. It is the CIA, or the torturing agency, who will decide what a "reasonable" person could have concluded. Can you imagine those agencies in the interrogation business torturing on their own in trying to decide what is reasonable or what is not? What is not "reasonable" if the interrogator (wrongfully or rightfully) believes he has a ticking-bomb situation? Will a CIA or military officer issue a narrow order if he knows his interrogator believes, in this case, torture will work? The Bush-McCain torture compromise legitimizes torture. It is the first time that has happened in this country. Not in the two World Wars, Korea, the Cold War or Vietnam did the government ever seek or get the power this bill gives them.' Of:

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