vrijdag 23 december 2005

Weapons of Mass Deception

Een advies voor alle luie, slechte en domme journalisten die Nederland telt, kijk even naar Danny Schechter's trailer en leer er iets van of zoek een ander vak. Schechter himself leidt het alsvolgt in: 'I wanted you to see the trailer because it shows that media coverage tends to follow a certain narrative, often leaving out as much as it includes. The film urges all us to become involved in making media matter, in talking back to the media and demanding integrity, honesty, truth and accountability. We want you to visit and become a member of Mediachannel.org and join the fight for a media that serves our democracy. Together we can send a powerful message to the country to care about the media and prod it to do the job it was meant to do. Please visit http://www.wmdthefilm.com for more on the movie and http://www.newsdissector.org/store.htm for more on my books. We also want to introduce you to this exciting new video email technology that brings you inexpensive streaming video in your emails. It could help you become more effective in communicating your own message. Click here for more information from KOTW, the folks who are pioneering this cool new media tool.
And tell them that Mediachannel.org sent you.
Happy News Year,
Danny SchechterNews Dissector and Blogger-in-chief at Mediachannel.org' http://www.kotw.net/VEMail/WMDTrailer.html

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How NATO. and EU Support Ukrainian Terrorism
