donderdag 22 december 2005

Irak 6

In het land met de op 1 na grootste oliereserves ter wereld is de prijs van olieprodukten scherp gestegen. Dahr Jamail bericht: 'Iraqis Reject Increased Fuel Costs. For two days demonstrations have continued across Iraq in protest against the government's decision to raise the price of petrol, cooking and heating fuels. With costs increased up to nine-fold, Iraq's oil minister, Ibrahim Bahr al-Uloum has threatened to resign. Yet this has done nothing to quell the outburst of anger in Iraqis towards the sudden and drastic price hike. Iraq's Oil Ministry spokesman Assem Jihad told reporters that the Cabinet raised the prices in order to curb a growing black market. Jihad said that kerosene prices were raised fivefold, cooking gas threefold, and diesel was raised nine-fold. Iraqi response to the recent hiking of fuel prices has been one of indignation and disapproval. ''Are we responsible for fuelling the American occupation forces with petrol from our refineries?" asked Akram Mohamed, a consumer. ''Can you believe they receive our gasoline then use it to kill our people? This is something unacceptable to every honorable Iraqi!" ''It's a gift from the government after the elections," said Mohamed sarcastically, ''Nobody wants the responsibility of raising the fuel prices and they are afraid to announce it. That's why they raised it the day after the elections."'

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