dinsdag 10 september 2024

Zionist Jews Try to Destroy International Law

 CC Newsletter 10 Sept - Israel Lobbies US Congress to Pressure South Africa to Drop ICJ Genocide Case


Countercurrents editor@countercurrents.org via dreamhost.com 

18:34 (53 minuten geleden)
aan mij

Dear Friend,

Israeli officials are lobbying U.S. lawmakers to pressure South Africa into dropping its genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice, according to a report published Monday. Axios said it obtained a classified Israeli Foreign Ministry cable sent Monday to the country’s embassy in Washington, D.C. and all its U.S. consulates threatening consequences if South Africa proceeds with its case in The Hague—which is backed by dozens of nations and regional blocs, as well as countless legal and genocide experts.

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Binu Mathew

Israel Lobbies US Congress to Pressure South Africa to Drop ICJ Genocide Case
by Brett Wilkins


Israeli officials are lobbying U.S. lawmakers to pressure South Africa into dropping its genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice, according to a report published Monday. Axios said it obtained a classified Israeli Foreign Ministry cable sent Monday to the country’s embassy in Washington, D.C. and all its U.S. consulates threatening consequences if South Africa proceeds with its case in The Hague—which is backed by dozens of nations and regional blocs, as well as countless legal and genocide experts.

UN expert accuses
Israel of “deliberate starvation” as a means of exterminating the Palestinians
by Andre Damon


Michael Fakhri, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, has published a report accusing Israel of carrying out the “deliberate starvation” of the Palestinians in Gaza as a means of exterminating them and annexing their land. “Israel has engaged in an intentional starvation campaign against the Palestinian people, which evidences genocide and extermination,” Fakhri said in his report.

Israel and US Already Know Who Assassinated Aysenur Eygi
by Ann Wright


As someone who spent 29 years in the U.S. Army, I know the Israeli military knows the names of all of its snipers, just as the U.S. military knows the names of those who have been trained as
U.S. snipers and who killed Afghans and Iraqis in the past decades.

Israel’s murderous colonial drive  
by Dr Ranjan Solomon


What the Israelis are doing in Palestine is what the French did in Algeria, the British did in India, the Belgians in the Congo, the Americans in Vietnam, the Spaniards in Latin America, the Italians in Africa and the Germans in Namibia, another chapter of European genocidal history. Zionism is the Jewish version of the racist US doctrine of manifest destiny, a belief in the racial superiority of white people and definitive to the American colonial conquest of the Native Americans and other groups they exterminated. 

Germany: Paradox of Atoning for Holocaust by Facilitating Genocide
by Bharat Dogra


Germany is a country from which several supporters of peace, human rights,
democracy and environment protection have high hopes. However these hopes have been hurt in recent times, and remedial actions are urgently needed. The greatest concerns relate to the stand that the government of Germany has taken in the context of Israel’s genocidal actions in Gaza during the last 11 months or so.

Bypassing Sanctions: Russia, Trade Routes and Outfoxing the West
by Dr Binoy Kampmark


Invention is the mother of necessity, and Russia’s response to largely Western-imposed economic and trade sanctions has shown the extent of that inventiveness.  While enduring attritive punishment in its Ukraine campaign, the war remains sustainable for the Kremlin.  The domestic economy has not collapsed, despite apocalyptic predictions to the contrary.    In terms of exports, Russia is carving out new trade routes, a move that has been welcomed by notable powers in the Global South.

Ruminations on the 24th anniversary of 9/11
by Dr Suresh Khairnar


Tomorrow it will be 24 years since the attack on the World Trade Center in America. I am trying to write this article today on this occasion. 

“Post Growth”—Why and How?
by Michael Albert


People against destroying our planetary home often favor “No Growth”—“steady as she goes”—or even the rhetorically catchier “DeGrowth”—“shrink baby shrink.” Their pro-growth opponents sometimes say, “grow baby grow,” or more pointedly, “drill baby drill.” But if you asked me, “where do you stand vis a vis growth? Give yourself a really short label that includes the word growth.” I would reply, “I favor what I think most degrowthers and no-growthers also favor and what many pro-growthers oppose. That is, I am for “post-growth” or, to clarify,
I am for good growth and against bad growth.

Money is a Social Agreement—Let’s Start Treating It That Way
by Nick Natrella


Barclays’ slogan “make money work for you” encapsulates the commodity imaginary, focusing on the personal gain made possible by playing a strategic financial game. But lest we wish to see history repeat itself, we mustn’t lose sight of money’s intrinsic relational nature. People say money makes the world go round; if that’s true then we need to make money go round. A better, alternative economics will prioritise circulation over accumulation9. Only when we leave cartoonish barter villages to the world of fiction and embrace money as a social agreement will we truly make money work for us.

Democratic Protest Against the Eviction of Haider Canal Settlements
Press Release


 A comprehensive initiative will be undertaken to ensure a dignified life for the people in opposition to the bulldozer actions being carried out by the Yogi government. Recently, the district administration’s actions to evict the people living along the 16-kilometer stretch of Haider Canal will be peacefully and democratically resisted, and outreach efforts will be made to all opposition political parties and civil society groups in the state for support. A delegation from the Lucknow Bachao Sangharsh Samiti will soon meet with the Commissioner and administrative officials regarding the issue of rehabilitating the displaced people of Akbarnagar back in Akbarnagar with proper compensation, resolving the civic issues arising in Basant Kunj, providing employment, and canceling the ?4.80 lakh imposed by the LDA on their homes. 

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Countercurrents editor@countercurrents.org via dreamhost.com 

18:36 (51 minuten geleden)
aan mij

Countercurrents editor@countercurrents.org via dreamhost.com 

18:37 (50 minuten geleden)
aan mij

Countercurrents editor@countercurrents.org via dreamhost.com 

18:37 (50 minuten geleden)
aan mij

Countercurrents editor@countercurrents.org via dreamhost.com 

18:37 (50 minuten geleden)
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Countercurrents editor@countercurrents.org via dreamhost.com 

18:39 (48 minuten geleden)
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18:43 (44 minuten geleden)
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18:48 (39 minuten geleden)
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Countercurrents editor@countercurrents.org via dreamhost.com 

18:53 (34 minuten geleden)
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Countercurrents editor@countercurrents.org via dreamhost.com 

18:54 (33 minuten geleden)
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18:55 (32 minuten geleden)
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18:56 (31 minuten geleden)
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19:01 (26 minuten geleden)
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Countercurrents editor@countercurrents.org via dreamhost.com 

19:02 (25 minuten geleden)
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Countercurrents editor@countercurrents.org via dreamhost.com 

19:05 (22 minuten geleden)
aan mij

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