woensdag 24 juli 2024

Will Kamala Harris Be Different? Mehdi Asks Congressman Ro Khanna

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Haven't we all missed that in a Democraticpresidential candidate, the ability to speakcoherently, go on the offensive, call outDonald Trump? Meanwhile, the notoriouslyfar-right and racist top Trump ally andformer advisor Stephen Miller went on Foxto have his own meltdown, breakdown. Idon't actually know what you call this.
They held a primary. People, they hadballots. They filled out circles. They wentto the voting booths. They spent moneyon advertisements. And as PresidentTrump said, the Republican Party spenttens of millions of dollars running againstJoe Biden. Now they just woke up onemorning and said, never mind. We'recanceling the entire primary.
We're getting rid of our candidate. Andwe're pretending the election has nevereven happened. And we're going to letdonors handpick a new nominee.
Look, let's be clear. The Republicanswanted to run against 81-year-old JoeBiden. Sleepy Joe, the guy they couldaccuse of having dementia, of being out ofit, of being past it. Now they're stuck withKamala Harris. And aside from good oldGOP racism and misogyny,
they don't really yet seem to have any kindof strategy to deal with her. Which may bevery good news for not just big DDemocrats, but also small D democracy.Joining me now is Congressman RoeCunna, Democrat of California, NorthernCalifornia, where Vice President Harrishails from.
He's the ranking member on the HouseArmed Services Committee and was amember of the Biden campaign's NationalAdvisory Board. Congressman, welcometo May the Unfiltered. Excited to be on.Congratulations on the show. Thank youso much. Were you surprised by the Bidenannouncement on Sunday? Did you thinkit was going to happen?
Because on Friday morning, his campaignmanager was on Morning Joe saying he'scampaigning next week. He's in this race.And then Sunday, done. I was surprised. Infact, I was on Sunday TV defending thepresident, both in the morning and on JenPsaki in the afternoon.
Oh, they didn't give you a heads up? No,they did not. Oh, always awkward.


Will Kamala Harris Be Different? Mehdi Asks Congressman Ro Khanna

Plus, journalist Rula Jebreal reacts to the landmark ICJ ruling on Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories.

Two historic events happened in the last week and this week’s ‘Mehdi Unfiltered’ covered both of them. 

On the international front…

The International Court of Justice, the ICJ, issued a landmark 83-page opinion on Friday agreeing with the decades-long assertions from Palestinians that Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip is unlawful and should come to an end “as rapidly as possible”. Award-winning journalist and Zeteo contributor Rula Jebreal joins Mehdi to talk about what the historic decision means, what it could lead to, and shares some strong opinions about Vice President Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee. 

On the domestic front…

For the first time since 1968, a sitting U.S. president decided not to run for re-election. But how will Vice President Kamala Harris fare against Donald Trump? And how do progressive Members of Congress feel about Biden’s decision to bow out of the race? Mehdi spoke to Congressman Ro Khanna of California - who also discusses why he won’t be attending Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress on Wednesday.


Mehdi and Zeteo’s new political correspondent, Prem Thakker, will go LIVE on Substack Chats tomorrow, July 24th, at 10:30am reporting on the historic and controversial speech from the Israeli prime minister. 

Prem will be on Capitol Hill, both outside with protestors and inside with members of Congress, and chatting live during Netanyahu’s speech at 2pm. Mehdi will also have a lot to say, so join in the conversation with your own thoughts and questions! 

This Substack Chat event is open to all paid subscribers. You should receive an email notification once the Chat is live and running. 

We strongly recommend downloading the Substack app for a better Zeteoexperience - including tomorrow’s chat. See you there!


A very good combination of Rep Ro Khanna and Rula Jebreal, one providing some answers to our domestic politics and the other nuances on the ICJ rulings re the status of Palestine.

I am hoping Rep Khanna would use his clout to push Kamala Harris to see and talk about the Palestinian’s humanity. Mr. Khanna is a key member of the Progressive caucus and carries weight in the Democratic Party and possible could use it in the Democratic Party Platform.

Between the two I think the law and order version of Rula is something that could be used on Kamala as she pushes DT on legal issues and completely ignores the ICJ rulings.

You see Mehdi, this is exactly why we needed this channel. Please continue bringing these knowledgeable guests and keep asking these questions. 

I do hope that Kamala Harris pivots away from Biden's Israel policy and talk about the international law and its implication/implementation throughout the world without any discriminations. Maybe the reasonably good days are ahead of us and the Palestinians.

In China the PLO and Hamas did reach an understanding re the governance of Gaza. This could be used by Kamala to further the idea of governance in the Palestine.

Amazing episode.. very important questions to me personally. I hope Ro and the progressive caucus convince Harris to not gamble away the uncommitted vote and to go beyond just talk about Palestinian lives mattering, and to do something concrete to win back the trust Biden lost.

Also loved the passion of your guest Rula. Wow, very strong points and so well spoken... I pray she stays safe and many more get to hear from her.


Rula Jebreal nailed it, as per her usual: Kamala Harris cannot claim to be the someone who is about justice and the law and abide war crimes and persistent disregard for international law by Netanyahu's government... PS: Ro Khanna is just always the best

Unbelievable that any self-respecting person would attend the Netanyahu love-in. The man is literally giving congress their orders through his many mouthpieces in the States. he always comes with his hand out, either to change policy or to get weapons; disrespecting the people of a foreign country. I long for the day he is left in the lurch when he comes with his begging bowl. Anyway, as Rula said, Israel has been found guilty on so many things, yet Netanyahu has the brass to show up in the States. Too bad nobody there will arrest him as they would in many other countries now. Shame on the sheep who will become the clapping seals when he speaks tomorrow.

Ro Khanna is so well spoken. I appreciate this interview very much. 

Rula Jebreal is a force of nature - I am so pleased to be supporting you, Rula, and so many powerful needed voices on this channel!

I keep pointing to who she is married to, a zionist.

Do you mean because he's Jewish? If so, why don't you just say that, straight out? Do you know anything about him except that he's Jewish?

Not because he's Jewish. Because he is a zionist. 

I have so many ppl saying this to me and let’s not forget it is the Jewish population that has been leading the protests against Israel’s atrocities, groups like Not in My Name and Jewish Voice for Peace. So you can just assume a Jewish person is a Zionist until proven otherwise or assume a Jewish person is a good human until proven a Zionist. I choose the latter. 

Does anyone in fact know if Mr. Harris supports Zionism and the ethnic cleansing genocide of Palestine? 

Come to Zeteo, where you can see the commenters say "I don't trust Kamala Harris because she married a Jew."

Actually I agree that is not correct as many Jews are supportive of the pro- Palestine movement. But I believe Kamala is a large AIPAC recipient and previously spoke at their conference. Also her husband is a big supporter of stomping out “antisemitic” speech in our schools and elsewhere which is code for speech critical of Israel. Just hoping she doesn’t share those views…

Any news on the documentary release? 


Incredible show. Ro and Rula have very different styles and are in different fields, but both are fighter for justice and dignity for all. Thank you.

The national leadership "difference" we so desperately need is addressing massive human overpopulation/overconsumption and the consequential ongoing but strengthening climate collapse. C3S (EU) just published "Hottest May on record spurs call for climate action", in which the data set reveals a 0.75 degC global temp increase over the 3 1/2 yr. since the 1991-2020 baseline ave. This huge jump in global temp (1/2 of the 1.5 deg BS), which portends 2 degC by 2027, 3 deg by 2032, and another 1 degC increase every 5 yrs., so 6 degC by 2047, 23 yrs. from now. Still want to bring another innocent child into being, only for that child to literally burn-p and hate your guts?

I feel like there must be a better way to make the case that we need to take action on climate change.

And your suggestion is? This is end of life on earth level news and it is far, far more important than our political BS.

Just on this thing about population growth, the countries that have the greatest population growth rates are in sub-Saharan Africa and have nearly zero per-capita GHG emissions. The countries that have the highest emissions rates, like Europe, Japan, South Korea, China, have near-zero or even negative population growth rates.

Seems like putting this on population growth is blaming the wrong people. 

This argument always seems to me to accept that people in sub-Saharan Africa will never be able to use more resources. They want a better life and they deserve it. And they should get help in having fewer children, which most women prefer if they have more control over their lives.

Kudos on an excellent episode. I think these long form, in-depth interviews are great for getting below the surface and the sound bites of the issues.

Another awesome show with excellent guests. In the spirit of being unfiltered, It would have been nice to disclose to your viewers that in 2017 Kamala was a speaker at the AIPAC convention and has consistently received campaign contributions from them. Given this political support it will be at a minimum hard for to go against the superPACs wishes to have an ironclad support for Israel. So sadly we should not expect too much of a change from Biden’s tough talk but no action policy. I believe only by openly talking about the influence of all lobbyists and special interests in our political system can we counter their influence as people will realize politicians are actually paid by them to hold certain policies across the board. 

Ro Khanna came pretty late to opposing Israeli genocide. It's hard to believe that he really means it, when it took him so long. A strange choice for Mehdi to choose to talk about Gaza.

Excellent show, Mehdi. This is the first time I’ve seen Rula Jebreal speak. I appreciate her passion but also the clear and logical substance of her statements. Impressive. 

Keep it coming! Medhi. We appreciate you!


She is a Zionist just like Biden. She’s been paid by AIPAC. 

I guess Donald Trump is coming to my hometown today, just registered my attendance

Excellent show again. Love Rula & her fighting spirit, wish there were more journalists of her ilk.

MEHDI: James Rainey’s piece in the L.A. Ti mes 7/23/24 issue, “The leading candidates to fill her shoes,” extolled the presumed virtues of the one that may be least acceptable to the Dem base—those that dethroned Biden—Josh Shapiro. The article conveniently appeared in the front page, demonstrating how the media seeks to perpetuate the pro-settler and anti-Palestinian genocide. 

Rainey disingenuously stated: “Some political observers [AIPAC?] have said that, as a [Zionist] Jew and strong supporter of [Apartheid. Zionist, fascist, racist] Israel, Shapiro would help bring in the votes of some Jewish [right-wing] voters who who have been alienated from the party after the Hamas attack and subsequent pro-Palestinian [anti-genocide] protests.” Precisely why Shapiro should be taken off the VP “leading candidates” list.

Shapiro is one of the Trojan horses Harris should avoid. Hope you can interview Rainey about why he wrote favorably about Shapiro when this “strong supporter of Israel” would help Harris presidency implode just as Biden did. 

Perhaps Netanyahu’s visit to DC should be met by large non violent peaceful protests and civil disobedience, as well as a resolution by the city declaring the PM a persona non grata. A lost opportunity? A clear message? Letters to the editor? 

Kamala, Netanyahu is radioactive! 

Brilliant episode, Rula Jebrael always has invaluable input on Middle Eastern topics and Rep Ro Khanna was a great guest to discuss Democrats and US politics in general. 

Yes, the US Secret Service did screw up during the Trump assassination attempt & a good leader will take full responsibility.

However, its also worth stating that, given the increasing polarisation of US society & increase in gun ownership since the 1990s, maybe one should praise the Secret Service & other law enforcement agencies for preventing previous attempts on political leaders over the past 40 years. For all we know, there were likely 1000s of attempts on Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama, Trump & Biden, not to mention other political leaders, which were successfully prevented.

Off exact topic but please Kamala, may we more forward feature a robust repudiation of the notion that functional slavery could be made legal where concerns chaining a woman to not only an unwanted pregnancy but a child for the rest of her life?

Using someone else’s religious beliefs (the start of personhood) to chain a woman’s body and life to caring for a baby she doesn’t want? So much for liberty & the pursuit of happiness. No one else owns a woman’s privacy & freedom. What man would tolerate such chains?

What Kamala should do is not listen to Chait or anyone like him since he and his ilk - provably - don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

Medhi’s Idiocracy says No. It doesn’t matter what Harris says or decides. My impression of Medhi’s Idiocracy is that they’ve already decided, no matter what. God could run for office and Medhi’s Idiocracy would still say no. 

I'm voting for Harris, but it's not "Idiocracy" to have some standards. If someone says "I can't vote for someone who supports the current US policy on Palestine" then they're probably not gonna vote for Harris. Just imagine, for example, someone who's Palestinian-American and has lost family in Gaza. You're gonna yell at them if they don't vote for Harris?

Anyway, the insults sure don't help.

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