zondag 21 juli 2024

Ongoing Jewish Influence in the Transformation of Ireland

 Ongoing Jewish Influence in the Transformation of Ireland

Ebun Joseph

The ‘softening up’ of Ireland for the ongoing scheme of mass population replacement is set to gather pace following the appointment of Nigerian Ebun Joseph in the Orwellian role of “Special Rapporteur for the National Plan Against Racism.” The stated aim of this plan is to “make Ireland a place in which the impacts of racism are fully acknowledged and actively addressed.” In other words, the goal of the plan is to brainwash the Irish population into a sense of White guilt, or as a recent article in The Spectator put it, “the Nigerian-born Special Rapporteur will deliver regular reports to the Irish government about how hideously white and racist Irish people are.” The national Plan Against Racism will begin a process where special rights and privileges are handed to foreigners while the Irish become second class citizens in their own land. The reason for the implementation of the plan, according to Shane O’Curry, Director of the Irish Network Against Racism (INAR), is that “migrants in Ireland are reporting not feeling safe across the board in all areas of life.” Mr O’Curry does not appear to be concerned about the declining sense of safety among Irish women and children thanks to these same migrants, but I suspect that Mr O’Curry is on too high a salary, much of it provided by globalist NGOs, to concern himself with such matters. Nonetheless, as will be explained below, Ebun Joseph is merely the figurehead for something that has a distinctly Jewish complexion, because Ireland’s National Action Plan Against Racism has Jewish origins.

Alice Feldman and the Need for an “Anti-Racist Ireland”

Ebun Joseph is a direct protege of Jewish-American academic Alice Feldman, a sociologist at University College Dublin. It was Feldman who supervised Joseph’s PhD, and it was Feldman who groomed Joseph for her current role as the face of Irish ‘anti-racism’. Athough a whole host of Irish and ethnic minority names have been listed as authors of the “National Plan Against Racism,” even the briefest of research reveals that it was first conceived as far back as 2003 and that the author of a plan bearing this precise name was none other than Feldman herself — a draft document carrying that name is listed among her publications for 2003. According to Feldman’s own profile on the University College Dublin website, “Over the past two decades, I have worked in research, advisory and volunteer capacities with many civic, community and other organisations in Ireland involved in anti-racism, migration and interculturalism work.” In other words, like other Jews to be discussed in this essay, she has invested more than twenty years in opposing the interests of the native Irish. Feldman has also perfected the art of linguistic academic nonsense, once describing her work as drawing “on a trans disciplinary variety of traditions to cultivate and mobilise decolonial praxes that intervene in the global colonial legacies underpinning the current necropolitical moment.”

Looking into the relationship between Feldman and Joseph, it is clear that Feldman is quite the activist, though content to let the Nigerian be the public figure advancing her agenda. A description of one of their partnerships reads:

UCD (University College Dublin) academics Dr. Ebun Joseph and Dr. Alice Feldman led a talk on Thursday 2nd July entitled “So What Next: Becoming Anti-Racist via Zoom.” … Joseph is a race relations consultant, Career Development Specialist and module coordinator for UCD’s Black Studies module. Feldman works in the UCD School of Sociology and is a convenor of the UCD MA Race, Migration and Decolonial Studies and Decolonial Dialogues Platform. The academics commented during the webinar that they already have a long working relationship. Joseph and Feldman focused on two topics: white fragility and anti-racism allyship. Feldman said she believed white fragility needed to be understood by white people so they can do the work of anti-racism allyship. … They discussed how when white people defensively deflect during conversations about race out of discomfort, or the fear that they are being attacked, they put the exhausting responsibility on people of colour to ensure that they feel comfortable and as a result, the conversation is closed. They both believe that if we cannot have open conversations about race and racism, we cannot change it. Joseph stressed that there are only racists and anti-racists; if someone defensively says they are not a racist, that merely means that they are a racist in denial. Joseph added that silent racists are in the majority whereas the loud, violent racists are in the minority. Feldman said that an anti-racist needs to accept that they live in a racist society and they should examine the way racism can be eradicated from the organisations they are a part of. … The academics would like there to be a compulsory anti-racism module in UCD because they feel we cannot expect to have an anti-racist society if we do not teach anti-racism.

Alice Feldman
Alice Feldman

A 2020 article for Gript rightly pointed out that

the ideology of Doctors Joseph and Feldman, which is corrupting the Irish academy as it has corrupted the universities of other western democracies, is Critical Race Theory. This theory, whatever about those who espouse it, can be used as perniciously as the spurious race theories that have gone before it. It is racialism directed against white people: no more nor no less. Its methods are the boots and petrol bombs of Antifa and Black Lives Matter allied to a craven intellectual capitulation on the part of the deracinated bourgeois liberals and lefties who control much of the institutions where the poison is disseminated.

Laura Weinstein and the Dangers of “Irish Inbreeding”

Feldman is not the first American Jew to arrive on Irish shores and start telling the Irish they have no ethnic interests. Back in 2019, Laura Weinstein, a New York PhD living in Ireland and claiming to be an expert in Irish history and culture waded into Ireland’s growing immigration debate. Of all the aspects of Irish history and culture Weinstein could have chosen to focus on, she decided she was most interested, like Feldman and others, in the “myth” of a homogeneous Irish identity and “right wing Irish nationalism.”

Laura Weinstein
Laura Weinstein

Weinstein employed her Twitter account to the trolling of Irish political figures opposed to mass immigration. In one example she responded to a post by the National Party by implying that Irish opposition to immigration would leave the Irish like “neurotic” “inbred” “dogs.” She wrote: “Gene flow as a result of immigration prevents the negative impact of inbreeding. But, go ahead and constrain migration and gene flow if you want to create a race of humans that reflects the neuroticism of “pure bred” dogs. Just be sure to hold a referendum on inbreeding first.” Not only was Weinstein’s fixation exceedingly strange and unsettling, it was also fanciful. Genetic studies have shown the Irish already possess a diverse gene pool in the form of genetic clusters of Scandinavian, Norman-French, British, and Iberian origin. This is a considerably wider gene pool than that of Dr Weinstein’s Ashkenazi Jews, who are descended from a single group of 350 people. It will come as no surprise to readers of this website that Weinstein is acutely concerned about the preservation of her own people, and is listed by Algemeiner as “an antisemitism analyst at the ADL.” “Inbreeding” for me, but apparently not for thee.

Ronit Lentin’s Deconstruction of the Irish

As well as being a direct protege of Alice Feldman, Ebun Joseph is the ideological child of Ronit Lentin, the Israeli Jew who in 1997 established Ireland’s first “Ethnic and Racial Studies” programme, and thereby ushered in the arrival of Critical Race Theory in Ireland. Lentin was also a colleague and collaborator with Alice Feldman in an early 2008 side project of the National Action Plan Against Racism. From 1997 until 2012 Lentin was Head of Sociology, and acted as director of the MPhil program in “Race, Ethnicity, Conflict.” She was also the founder of the Trinity Immigration Initiative, from which she advocated an open-door immigration policy for Ireland and opposed all deportations, as well as engaging in activism to liberalise Irish abortion laws.[1] As an academic and “anti-racist” activist, Lentin formulated what would become some of the cardinal facets of Irish self-recrimination on matters of race, beginning with her definition of Ireland as “a biopolitical racist state.”[2] By her own account, before she began her work on stoking Irish race guilt in the early 1990s, “most people were not conscious that Irish racism existed.”[3]

Ronit Lentin
Ronit Lentin

In some senses Lentin introduced the concept of an Irish racism. Her first step in assuring the Irish that they were indeed racist was to deny their existence as a people. She asserted that the Irish were merely “theorised as homogeneous — white, Christian and settled.”[4] Quite who had developed this theory of the Irish, and when, was never specified by Lentin, nor did she attempt to show that the White, Christian, and settled status of the vast majority of the Irish population was anything other than a matter of fact and reality. It appears to have sufficed for Lentin simply to assert that Irishness was nothing but a theory, and to leave it at that. She was particularly aggrieved by the fact the Irish, apparently unaware they were a figment of their own imagination, voted (80 percent%) to link citizenship and blood (ending “birth-right citizenship) by constitutionally differentiating between citizen and non-citizen in a June 2004 Citizenship Referendum. This move was taken primarily in order to stop African “birth tourism” and “anchor babies” by African women, which had become increasingly common by the early 2000s. To Lentin, however, the move was symbolic of the fact “the Irish Republic had consciously and democratically become a racist state.”[5] She concluded that any idea of the Irish as historical victims should be dispensed with, and that “Ireland’s new position as heading the Globalisation Index, its status symbol as the locus of “cool” culture, and its privileged position within an ever-expanding European Community calls for re-theorising Irishness as white supremacy.”[6]

So, in Lentin’s worldview, Irishness is not only a fiction, but a racist, “white supremacist” fiction. Lentin’s advice to the Irish, should they wish to rid themselves of the delusion of peoplehood, was to engage in mass celebrations of “diversity and integration and multiracialism and multiculturalism and interculturalism,”[7] Lentin adds: “I propose an interrogation of how the Irish nation can become other than white.” Keeping up the family tradition, Ronit Lentin’s daughter Alana moved to Australia several years ago, where she quickly established herself as an equally rabid promoter of White guilt and engaged in successive critiques of Australian “racism.” She is now President of the Australian Critical Race and Whiteness Studies Association, and has penned articles for The Guardian asserting that Australian identity is as fictional as that of the Irish, and demanding Australia adopt an open borders policy so that it too can become other than White.

Katrina Goldstone and the Flooding of Ireland

Working alongside Feldman and Lentin on the 2008 collaboration relating to the early National Plan Against Racism was the Irish Jewish writer Katrina Goldstone. Goldstone remains a board member of New Communities Ireland, “Ireland’s largest independent migrant-led national network of more than 150 immigrant-led groups comprising 65 nationalities,” an organisation similar to Migrant Rights Centre Ireland, the Deputy Director of which is the Sephardic Jew Bill Abom. Goldstone has described herself as being “involved in asylum rights and minority issues” for more than two decades.

Katrina Goldstone
Katrina Goldstone

Louise Derman-Sparks and The Perils of Racist Irish Children

“Teaching anti-racism” is a top priority for Jewish ethnic activists across the West, and involves inculcating a sense of White guilt and shame about expressing White ethnic interests. The groundwork for the brainwashing of Irish children was laid by Katherine Zappone, an American lesbian who served as Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth from 2016 to 2020. In 2016 Zappone unveiled the “Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Charter, and Guidelines for Early Childhood Care and Education.” The document opens by explaining these guidelines for transforming Irish education in an anti-White direction “are informed by national and international equality and antidiscriminatory educational approaches and practice. They draw heavily on the anti-bias approach developed by Louise Derman-Sparks in the USA.”

Derman-Sparks is an American Jew who “pioneered” anti-bias and anti-racism courses for children in the 1980s through such works as Leading Anti-Bias Early Childhood Programs: A Guide for ChangeAnti-Bias Education for Young Children and OurselvesTeaching/Learning Anti-Racism: A Developmental Approach, and What If All the Kids Are White? Derman-Sparks travelled to Ireland on at least one occasion, i n October 1998, to preach her doctrine, giving a keynote speech at a conference on early-years education with a paper titled “Education without Prejudice for the Early Years.”

A good example of Derman-Sparks’ work, which is being incorporated into the teaching of Irish children, can be found in an article for the American Federation of Teachers in which Derman-Sparks states:

Biologically, there is no such thing as race. All people are members of one race, Homo sapiens, the human race—even though everyone does not look the same. … Diversity does not cause prejudice, nor does children noticing and talking about differences, as some adults fear. … Very early, white children come to value their whiteness, presume it is the definition of normal, and believe that therefore all other skin colors are strange and less than. While early childhood teachers want all children to like who they are, the challenge for an anti-bias educator is to enable white children to like who they are without developing a sense of white superiority.

In What If All The Kids Are White? (2011), Derman-Sparks writes that “White children’s learning to be “White” is part of the maintenance of systemic racism, and “Whiteness” plays a significant role in the behaviour of all White adults.”[8] By incorporating the work of Derman-Sparks into the national education system, Ireland has sealed the fate of its youth, consenting to the ongoing brainwashing of generations.


The Nigerian Ebun Joseph is often ridiculed by the right-wing media, both for the extremes of her positions and for her ineptitude at articulating her ideas. She is a figurehead being used by others behind the scenes, and she absorbs much of the jokes and hostility. Joseph is certainly an ideological activist who sees ‘racism’ even in Irishness itself. A good example occurred in 2019 when she was mistakenly served blackcurrant juice instead of house wine at the Galway Bay Hotel. Whereas others might have simply mentioned the mistake to staff, Joseph declared herself the victim of racism. As this affair gathered pace, she took to social media to demand: “Please, more Blacks go there. They can’t discourage us from going where we want!” Ireland now has this person, so militant over a glass of juice, ordering the government to make the nation less ‘racist.’

It would be a mistake, however, to take Ebun Joseph lightly. She has been groomed for her role and she will attempt to perform it with aggression and dedication, to the detriment of the Irish and to the great satisfaction of her mentors. Across the West there has been a pattern of elite-led brainwashing, where ideas cooked up by hostile Jewish academics are fed to students who go on to become the nation’s professional class and from there disperse into the general population. Joseph wants the “anti-racism” material cooked up by her mentors made compulsory in the education system. These ideas infect police forces, the media, and Human Resources departments. They penetrate every aspect of life until they are inescapable. Critical Race Theory isn’t satisfied until everything about European culture and peoplehood is destroyed. There is no set target when it can be agreed that Ireland is sufficiently “diverse,” and there is no point at which the Irish will have the smear of racism lifted from their heads. Under the gaze of Critical Race Theory, the existence of a single Irish family is racist. The Irish will cease to be racist, only when they cease to be; when they are utterly replaced and when nothing of Ireland remains. These are the dictates of new rulers, of a conquering class who have not arrived with swords and guns, but with sob stories, lies and a perverted academic blackmail.


[1] See Lentin, R. (2013). A Woman Died: Abortion and the Politics of Birth in Ireland. Feminist Review105(1), 130—136.

[2] R. Lentin, After Optimism? Ireland, Racism and Globalisation (Dublin: Metro Eireann Publications, 2006), 3.

[3]  Ibid., 1.

[4]  Ibid., 2.

[5]  Ibid., 55.

[6]  Ibid., 107.

[7]  Ibid., 165.

[8] Derman-Sparks, Louise., Ramsey, Patricia G.. What If All the Kids Are White? Anti-Bias Multicultural Education with Young Children and Families. (United States: Teachers College Press, 2011), 31.

(Republished from The Occidental Observer by permission of author or representative)

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