George Soros: The Savior Of The European Union
23 APRIL 2020
Here is the billionaire George Soros with a new mission once again, this time to save the European Union from collapsing. Sometimes you need a financial crook for the good idea that the EU can be held together for another five years.
George Soros, the speculator who killed the European currency system in 1992, sees it as the egg of Columbus as EU government leaders continue to argue about eurobonds or so-called coronabonds. The Belgian economist Paul de Grauwe, professor at the London School of Economics, came up with this proposal. It would be the ideal way to raise an amount of EUR 1000 billion that, according to EU President Ursula von der Leyen, is needed to prevent the COVID-19 crisis from leading to a euro crisis.
Soros is seen as the savior for the European Union, at least for Liberals, the Greens and Social Democrats. He has a long history of “saving“ and financing the EU. Although the regular MSM denies that he is sponsoring EU policies, it‘s obvious his newest scheme is to introduce perpetual bonds to the EU leaders. He has the money, which comes from his dubious organizations and his immense wealth, earned in 1992. He is known as "The Man Who Broke the Bank of England" because of his short sale of $10 billion US dollars worth of pounds sterling, which made him a profit of $1 billion US dollars during the 1992 Black Wednesday UK currency crisis.
Georges Soros is often accused of financing the so-called migrant crisis. His Open Society Foundation helped and sponsored what the EU calls refugees, but the majority, as it turns out, are migrants. The Foundation has an endowment of a staggering $19,590,570,302US dollars. Their slogan: “Open Society Foundations financially support civil society groups around the world, with a stated aim of advancing justice, education, public health and independent media“.
Hungary, Israel, Palestine and COVID-19
In 2007, Nicolas Guilhot (a senior research associate of CNRS) wrote that the Open Society Foundation serves to perpetuate institutions that reinforce the existing social order, such as the Ford Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation. I want to add that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which doesn't hold a medical doctor or specialist degree, is doing the same by financing vaccinations around the globe. This foundation, in cooperation with the WHO and world government leaders, had a special event.The dubious Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, also to be found in Germany, were the figures responsible for COVID-19 appearing on the German MSM every day. They're funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and Bloomberg (Michael Bloomberg, who was a candidate for the US presidency) in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, who hosted Event 201, high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, US. The exercise illustrated areas where public-private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences “.
The Open Society Foundation has been criticized in pro-Israeli newspapers for funding activists from pro-Palestinian groups like Adahala according to the documents released by DCLeaks, a website that was established in June 2016. It has been responsible for publishing leaks of emails belonging to multiple prominent figures in the United States government and military. Cybersecurity research firms say the site is a front for the Russian cyber-espionage group Fancy Bear. It alleged that DCLeaks is part of a Russian military operation to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, which is complicated if you think about these allegations! But of course, Russia is part of the new Hybrid War, but funded by George Soros? I guess that these are unfounded allegations to create chaos and division, and through this chaos, it‘s hard to find the truth. The OSF funding for both Israeli and Palestinian groups is a great strategy to create upheaval.
In Hungary, the birthplace of George Soros, he is banned and his university and organization are closed. The Hungarian government started a campaign against him during the 2015 migrant crisis when 1.2 million migrants came through Hungary to go to the “promised“ land of Germany. Hungary accused Soros of the destabilization of the EU countries, which turns out to be true. Some forces in the EU, mainly the Greens and Social Democrats like Frans Timmermans (Social Democrats) and Judith Sargentini (Green Party), accused the Hungarian government of being antisemitic due to the fact that Soros was Jewish by birth. On the contrary, the Hungarian government is pro-Jewish, which doesn‘t necessarily mean you are pro-Zionist. As I wrote many times, Judaism is a religion while Zionism a political movement that wants to use religion as a political tool, consisting of Jews and non-Jews. Zionism and Globalism have many similarities.
The rich and powerful are for sure benefiting from the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe. The EU once again will be saved by financial crooks like George Soros. We can ask ourselves the question, who is ruling the EU or how democratic (meaning the will of the people) is it? If people are governed by the law of money, democracy should be left out.
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Sonja van den Ende
Twitter: SonjaEnde
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