zaterdag 4 januari 2020

Soleimani Assassination: Sowing the Wind, Reaping the Whirlwind

Soleimani Assassination: Sowing the Wind, 

Reaping the Whirlwind

Our president is not a religious man.  But it’s suitable to quote a verse from what his Christian allies call “the Scriptures:”
For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind…
I will send a fire upon his cities,
And it will devour their castles.
This single act has further displayed Trump’s contempt for our European “allies,” who sought a diplomatic solution to the conflict with Iran.  In a single act, he has flung decades worth of diplomacy and engagement into the trash heap.
Whether Trump realized it or not, this means war.  Even if he didn’t officially declare war, he has just done so by this unmitigated disaster of a decision.  The War Powers Act demands that a president consult Congress before commencing hostilities on a foreign power.  Trump not only didn’t consult Congress, he didn’t even consult his own Party.  No President in the history of this country would ever have done anything so reckless and abandoned the traditional ‘niceties’ of consultation with the legislative branch.
Sen. Blumenthal alluded to this when he said:
“The present authorizations for use of military force in no way cover starting a possible new war. This step could bring the most consequential military confrontation in decades,”

Soleimani was an enemy of the United States. That’s not a question.

The question is this - as reports suggest, did America just assassinate, without any congressional authorization, the second most powerful person in Iran, knowingly setting off a potential massive regional war?

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Bernie Sanders was typically clear and resolute:
“Trump promised to end endless wars, but this action puts us on the path to another one,”
Trump is now facing the nadir of his presidency.  He is mired in an impeachment; and Democrats are in no mood to let him off the hook by transferring the articles to the Senate so it can dispose of them in 12 minutes on the floor.  Trump thought this would be like Obama assassinating Osama bin Laden or like the murder of ISIS leader, al-Baghdadi.  Americans would hold rallies and cheer as they did after Bin Laden was eliminated. But he has failed to take into account that Iran will be a far more formidable enemy than he gives it credit.  It will make him pay in blood.  When the bodies come home in flag-draped coffins, I hope one family has the guts to ship theirs to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to lie in state, as it were.  Let hundreds of thousands come to pay their respects to a life wasted on the altar of a president’s vanity.

1 opmerking:

Sjuul van Dissel zei

Jij ook de beste wensen voor 2020 beste Stan.

En ik maar naief denken hè hè ze gaan eindelijk elkaars generaals afschieten. Wat zou dat toch mooi zijn, eindelijk oorlog waar het thuishoort, in de warrooms van waaruit anders enkel bevelen klinken die elkaars generaals niet raken.
Eervol pensioen? Nee opblazen voordat ze carrière kunnen maken met oorlogszuchtige valse vlag acties.
Dus ik verwacht hoopvol een gelijkwaardige wraakactie van Iran zonder een nu gelukkig totaal overbodige valse vlag inleiding.
Of was dit in Trumps tranentrekkende 'vredes'-campagne de uiteindelijke false flag actie waarmee dit 'war on terror' droneoorlogje begon? Hustler's pride? Te laat.

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