Corrupt Romanian Duo, exported to EU Secret Service
The EU’s secret service project is supported among others by the former Justice Commissar, Viviane Reding and ALDE leader Guy Verhofstadt – and faced opposition from the United Kingdom. However, this opposition will be gone after Brexit finalizes.

Submitted by Serban V.C. Enache…
Big rumors are coming out of Bruxelles and Bucharest…
Seems the secret collaboration protocols signed between the Romanian prosecution departments and the Romanian secret service – started out during the Traian Basescu regime [2006-2014], which lasted until 2017 – has inspired the European Union higher-ups. Florian Coldea, the former deputy director of the Romanian Information Service [SRI] will head the EU’s secret service, an institution which is supposed to come into being next year and collaborate with the EPPO [the European Public Prosecutor’s Office], whose headed by none other than Laura Codruta Kovesi, the former Romanian chief prosecutor. The EU’s secret service project is supported among others by the former Justice Commissar, Viviane Reding and ALDE leader Guy Verhofstadt – and faced opposition from the United Kingdom. However, this opposition will be gone after Brexit finalizes.
This type of secret collaboration between prosecutors and intelligence agents in Romania destroyed any notion or expectation of a free and impartial justice system. Mixed teams operated using SRI spying techniques and equipment; and their goal wasn’t to combat terrorism, super-corruption, or the business cartels, but to conduct political policing. EU elites seem hellbent to import this loathsome practice. Rumors of such a federal institution [a European style CIA] have been circulating ever since 2015, with the terrorist attacks in Paris, but the real push started this year, after the May elections.
Florian Coldea was named in 2006 by president Basescu [a proven collaborator of the Communist security intelligence service under the cover name Petrov] to head the Romanian Secret Service. In 2017, he lost this position, after former MP Sebastian Ghita [a media mogul himself, part of the intelligence network, currently outside the country to escape prosecution] published damning evidence against Coldea. President Iohannis and the [new] SRI director Eduard Hellvig agreed to put Coldea, a four star general, in reserve. In 2009, both Coldea and Kovesi became famous for the meeting inside Gabriel Oprea’s living room – Oprea being a member of the social democrat party [PSD] and a general himself – during the presidential election day [rewon through shady means by Traian Basescu]. Other politicians and even journalists took part in that meeting.
This year, the Romanian Constitutional Court [very late as usual] formally condemned the secret collaboration protocols. A case under instrumentation by SIIJ [the Section for Investigating Crimes in Justice] – so hated by president Iohannis, by PNL and USR [who also back the Orban Government] – is the “Jakarta operation” from 2011, when Nicolae Popa [the ex president of the National Investment Fund] was extradited from Indonesia with a private plane, paid in half by Internal Affairs and the other half by Sebastian Ghita, via a private construction firm from Ploiesti. Aboard this rented private plane were two SRI officers – and Florian Coldea, asked by investigators working on this case, admitted the involvement of the SRI and called the operation a success.
The group behind EPPO is also behind the EU Secret Service
The European Public Prosecutor’s Office was built on the same model of the Romanian DNA [the National Anti-Corruption Direction] to investigate fraud involving European funds among and between EU member states. One initiation of the EPPO was former Romanian European Parliament member, former prosecutor during Ceausescu’s reign, and Kovesi’s political godmother Monica Macovei. With the power of the big lobby groups inside the EU Parliament, Codruta Kovesi, despite being fired from her job at DNA for grave violations of the Romanian constitution and other infractions like taking bribes and unlawful repression, was nominated to lead the EPPO and “won” that position with virtually no contest.
In early 2018, Florin Coldea stuck less to the shadows and began making more visits to Bruxelles. According to anonymous sources in the press, the former chief of SRI [who is also a military man] held private meetings, including with the Romanian political party USR, and participated at the 29th edition of the Crans Montana Forum at Bruxelles [June-July], where he gave a speech on the security threats in the East Balkans.
In 2015 and 2016, ALDE leader Guy Verhofstadt pressed for EU control over land borders and coasts, calling the need for such a thing more pressing than ever. He said: “Cooperation between the secret services across the EU have been a failure. After every tragedy we realize that our attempts at collaboration don’t work. So, either we create a system which obligates the exchange of intelligence agents at national level, or we create a European structure to do that.” Prior to that statement, the EU Commission had announced no plans to create a secret service for the Union. The wet dream of Viviane Reding for a EU style CIA, put forth in 2013, had finally gotten echoes after the attacks against the Charlie Hebdo publication in Paris. In 2016, Dutch European MP Sophie Int’Veld said that IntCen [the EU Intelligence and Situation Center] should be turned into a spy service, and Italian PM Matteo Renzi publicly supported the idea for the EU to have its own secret service. That same year, German publication Die Welt wrote that the Union will indeed have its own secret service, to work also as a crisis management cell. I think it should be obvious to all that the EU secret service becoming operational at the same time with the EPPO [somewhere during 2020] is no coincidence…
Since we’re talking about a [federal] secret service institution, many details will obviously be hidden from public knowledge. But it will definitely have the attribution to gather information and cooperate with EU member state intelligence networks and implement surveillance techniques to combat what they perceive to be as crimes against the financial interests of the European Union – they should begin first with baseless Washington sanctions against state and private institutions within EU territory. But what are the odds for that? Info gathered by the European CIA will no doubt be used by EPPO. It’s a given, especially when you factor in Laura Kovesi’s close and illegal collaboration with Coldea – when the former was heading the DNA and the latter SRI. It’s reasonable to assume a [de facto] secret and unlawful collaboration between these new European institutions, set to come into operation next year. Another aspect which lends weight to this is the fact that the EU Commission never taxed this practice through the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism’s reviews and reports on Romania’s situation. Finally, other EU member states will feel what it’s like to have “binomul Kovesi-Coldea” over their heads, as mercenary vultures; sadly, only the Periphery states will get the nasty treatment, while the North will be exempt.
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