Hating Russia Is a Full-Time Job.“Who is Driving the Hostility towards Russia?”
Neocons resurrect tribal memories to fan the flames

Having just returned from a trip to Russia, I am pleased to report that the Russian people and the officialdom that I encountered displayed none of the vitriol towards Americans that I half expected as a response to the vilifying of Moscow and all its works that pervades the U.S. media and Establishment.
To be sure, many Russians I spoke with were quick to criticize the Trump Administration for its hot and cold performance vis-à-vis the bilateral ties to Moscow while also expressing mystification over why the relationship had gone south so quickly, but this anger over foreign policy did not necessarily translate into contempt for the American people and way of life that characterized the Soviet period. At least not yet.
Somewhat to my surprise, ordinary Russians were also quick to openly criticize President Vladimir Putin for his autocratic tendencies and his willingness to continue to tolerate corruption, but everyone I spoke to also conceded that he had generally acted constructively and had greatly improved life for ordinary people. Putin remains wildly popular.
One question that came up frequently was “Who is driving the hostility towards Russia?” I responded that the answer is not so simple and there are a number of constituencies that, for one reason or another, need a powerful enemy to justify policies that would otherwise be unsustainable. Defense contractors need a foe to justify their existence while congressmen need the contractors to fund their campaigns. The media needs a good fearmongering story to help sell itself and the public also is accustomed to having a world in which terrible threats lurk just below the horizon, thereby increasing support for government control of everyday life to keep everyone “safe.”
And then there are the neocons. As always, they are a distinct force for creative destruction, as they put it, certainly first in line with their hands out to get the funding of their no-expenses-spared foundations and think tanks, but also driven ideologically, which has made them the intellectual vanguard of the war party. They provide the palatable intellectual framework for America to take on the world, metaphorically speaking, and constitute the strike force that is always ready to appear on television talk shows or to be quoted in the media with an appropriate intelligent sounding one liner that can be used to justify the unthinkable. In return they are richly rewarded both with money and status.
The neocons believe in only two things. First, that the United States is the sole world superpower, given license by something like a Divine Entity to exercise global leadership by force if necessary. That has been translated to the public as “American exceptionalism.” Indeed, U.S. interventionism in practice has been by force majeure preferably as it leaves little room for debate or discussion. And the second neocon guiding principle is that everything possible must be done to protect and promote Israel. Absent these two beliefs, you do not have a neocon.
The founding fathers of neoconism were New York Jewish “intellectuals” who evolved (or devolved) from being bomb throwing Trotskyites to “conservatives,” a process they self-define as “idealism getting mugged by reality.” The only reality is that they have always been faux conservatives, embracing a number of aggressive foreign policy and national security positions while also privately endorsing the standard Jewish liberal line on social issues. Neocon fanaticism on the issues that they do promote also suggests that more that a little of the Trotskyism remains in their character, hence their tenacity and ability to slither between the Democratic and Republican parties while also appearing comfortably on disparate media outlets considered to be either liberal or conservative, i.e. on both Fox news and MSNBC programs featuring the likes of Rachel Maddow.
I have long believed that the core hatred of Russia comes from the neocons and is to a large extent tribal or, if you prefer, ethno-religious based. Why? Because if the neoconservatives were actually foreign policy realists there is no good reason to express any visceral dislike of Russia or its government. The allegations that Moscow interfered in the 2016 presidential election in the U.S. are clearly a sham, just as are the tales of the alleged Russian poisoning of the Skripals in Winchester England and, most recently, the claimed assassination of journalist Arkady Babchenko in Kiev which turned out to be a false flag. Even the most cursory examination of the past decade’s developments in Georgia and Ukraine reveal that Russia was reacting to legitimate major security threats engineered by the United States with a little help from Israel and others. Russia has not since the Cold War ended threatened the United States and its ability to re-acquire its former Eastern European satellites is a fantasy. So why the hatred?
In fact, the neocons got along quite well with Russia when they and their overwhelmingly Jewish oligarchs and international commodity thieves cum financier friends were looting the resources of the old Soviet Union under the hapless Boris Yeltsin during the 1990s. Alarms about the alleged Russian threat only re-emerged in the neocon dominated media and think tanks when old fashioned nationalist Vladimir Putin took office and made it a principal goal of his government to turn off the money tap.
With the looting stopped by Putin, the neocons and friends no longer had any reason to play nice, so they used their considerable resources in the media and within the halls of power in places like Washington, London and Paris to turn on Moscow. And they also might have perceived that there was a worse threat looming. The Putin government appeared to be resurrecting what the neocons might perceive as pogrom plagued Holy Russia! Old churches razed by the Bolsheviks were being rebuilt and people were again going to mass and claiming belief in Jesus Christ. The former Red Square now hosts a Christmas market while the nearby tomb of Lenin is only open one morning in the week and attracts few visitors.
I would like to suggest that it is quite possible that the historically well-informed neocons are merely longing for the good old Bolshevik days in Russia. The fact is that much of Bolshevik state atheism was driven by the large overrepresentation of Jews in the party in its formative days. British journalist Robert Wilton’s meticulously researched 1920 study “The Last Days of the Romanovs” describes how David R. Francis, United States ambassador in Russia, warned in a January 1918 message to Washington that
“The Bolshevik leaders here, most of whom are Jews and 90 percent of whom are returned exiles, care little for Russia or any other country but are internationalists and they are trying to start a worldwide social revolution.”
Dutch Ambassador William Oudendyke echoed that sentiment, writing that
“Unless Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately, it is bound to spread in one form or another over Europe and the whole world as it is organized and worked by Jews who have no nationality, and whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things.”
Russia’s greatest twentieth century writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn, feted in the west for his staunch resistance to Soviet authoritarianism, suddenly found himself friendless by the media and publishing world when he wrote “Two Centuries Together: A Russo-Jewish History to 1972”, recounting some of the dark side of the Russian-Jewish experience. In particular, Solzhenitsyn cited the significant overrepresentation of Russian Jews both as Bolsheviks and, prior to that time, as serf-owners.
Jews notably played a particularly disproportionate role in the Soviet secret police, which began as the Cheka and eventually became the KGB. Jewish historian Leonard Schapiro noted how “Anyone who had the misfortune to fall into the hands of the Cheka “stood a very good chance of finding himself confronted with, and possibly shot by, a Jewish investigator.” In Ukraine, “Jews made up nearly eighty percent of the rank-and-file Cheka agents.”
In light of all this it should surprise no one that the new Russian government pf 1918 issued a decree a few months after taking power making anti-Semitism a crime in Russia. The Communist regime became the world’s first to criminally punish any anti-Jewish sentiment.
Wilton used official Russian government documents to identify the make-up of the Bolshevik regime in 1917-9. The 62 members of the Central Committee included 41 Jews while the Extraordinary Cheka Commission Cheka of Moscow’s 36 members included 23 Jews. The 22 strong Council of the People’s Commissars numbered had 17 Jews. According to data furnished by the Soviet authorities, out of the 556 most important functionaries of the Bolshevik state in 1918-1919 there were: 17 Russians, two Ukrainians, eleven Armenians, 35 Latvians, 15 Germans, one Hungarian, ten Georgians, three Poles, three Finns, one Czech and 458 Jews.
In 1918-9, effective Russian governmental power rested in the Central Committee of the Bolshevik party. In 1918 this body had twelve members, of whom nine were of Jewish origin, and three were Russians. The nine Jews were: Trotsky, Zinoviev, Larine, Uritsky, Volodarski, Kamenev, Smidovich, Yankel, and Steklov. The three Russians were: Lenin, Krylenko, and Lunacharsky.
The Communist diaspora in Europe and America was also largely Jewish, including the cabal of founders of neoconservativism in New York City. The United States Communist Party was from the start predominantly Jewish. It was in the 1930s headed by Jew Earl Browder, grandfather of the current snake oil salesman Bill Browder, who has been sanctimoniously proclaiming his desire to punish Vladimir Putin for various alleged high crimes. Browder is a complete hypocrite who has fabricated and sold to Congress a largely phony and self-serving narrative relating to Russian corruption. He is also not surprisingly a neocon media darling in the U.S. It has been more than plausibly claimed that Browder was a principal looter of Russia’s resources in the 1990s and Russian courts have convicted him of tax evasion among other crimes.
The undeniable historical affinity of Jews for the Bolshevik brand of communism coupled with the Jewishness of the so-called oligarchs rather suggests that the hatred of a Russia that has turned its back on those particular aspects of Jewish heritage might be at least part of what drives some neocons. Just as in the case of Syria which the neocons, bowing to Israel’s interests, prefer to see in chaos, some might long for a return to the good old days of looting by mostly Jewish foreign interests, as under Yeltsin, or even better for the heady days of 1918-9 Bolshevism when Jews ruled all of Russia.
This article was also published on The Unz Review.
Philip M. Giraldi is a former CIA counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer who served nineteen years overseas in Turkey, Italy, Germany, and Spain. He was the CIA Chief of Base for the Barcelona Olympics in 1992 and was one of the first Americans to enter Afghanistan in December 2001. Phil is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a Washington-based advocacy group that seeks to encourage and promote a U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East that is consistent with American values and interests. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.
Featured image is from the author.
The original source of this article is Global Research
Copyright © Philip Giraldi, Global Research, 2018
Willem Jacob Oudendijk
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Willem Jacob Oudendijk (Kampen, 22 juli 1874 - Warnsveld, 22 november 1953) was een Nederlandse diplomaat en beleidsadviseur.
Oudendijk werd geboren in het gezin Oudendijk-Witsenborg. Zijn vader was wijnhandelaar. In Amsterdam doorliep hij de middelbare school, en studeerde van 1892 tot 1894 aan de Rijksuniversiteit Leiden rechten. In 1894 werd hij tot de consulaire dienst toegelaten. Als kenner van de Russische, Chinese en Iraanse talen was hij achtereenvolgens tolk en ambassadeur-waarnemer in Peking, Petrograd en Teheran. Van 1910 tot 1913 was Oudendijk consul-generaal en gevolmachtigd minister van de Nederlandse regering in Perzië. Van 1910 tot 1914 was hij tevens in Nederlands-Indië betrokken en later aangesteld als beleidsadviseur. Hij bereikte daar de juridische gelijkstelling van de gediscrimineerde Chinezen in Nederlands-Indië met Europese inwoners van de koloniën. Dit bevorderde handelsrelaties en diplomatie met de Republiek China onder de Kwomintang-regering. Van 1914 tot 1917 was hij als jonge diplomaat non-actief. Dankzij minister van Buitenlandse Zaken John Loudon verkreeg hij zijn diplomatieke post te Petrograd. Begin 1917 werd hij waarnemer van het Nederlands gezantschap in het Russische Rijk. In juli 1917 nam hij het Nederlands gezantschap over.[1] De Februarirevolutie en vernietiging van de monarchie zag de diplomaat van het neutrale Nederland met lede ogen aan. Oudendijk sympathiseerde persoonlijk met de Entente en het Britse Rijk (tot 1917 in de Eerste Wereldoorlog bondgenoot van Rusland). Na de Februarirevolutie zag hij de ontwikkeling van de revolutionaire regering van de gematigde sociaaldemocraat Aleksandr Kerenski als een afglijden in de richting van de radicale bolsjewieken. Oudendijk maakt de Oktoberrevolutie mee te Sint-Petersburg (Petrograd). Oudendijk was anticommunistisch en de slachtingen van de revolutionaire bolsjewieken baarden hem grote zorgen. Oudendijk was er met veel antirevolutionaire tijdgenoten van overtuigd dat joden het communisme en materialisme ook in West-Europa en het Duitse Rijk zouden kunnen en zouden willen invoeren. In 1918, tijdens de Russische Burgeroorlog, trad Oudendijk op als succesvol onderhandelaar tussen het Verenigd Koninkrijk en het nieuwe Sovjetbewind. Maksim Litvinov werd door de Britten overgedragen in ruil voor talrijke Britse krijgsgevangen officieren die de Witte Legers tegen het Rode Leger hadden ondersteund.
Op 1 september 1918 voerde Oudendijk in Moskou besprekingen bij het Sovjet volkscommissariaat voor buitenlandse zaken om op verzoek van koningin Wilhelmina overleg te voeren om de gewezen tsarina en haar kinderen het land uit te krijgen. Hij kreeg daarbij te horen dat de familieleden in goede gezondheid verkeerden en dat hij dit aan zijn eigen regering kon doorgeven. In werkelijkheid waren ze al op 16 juli 1918 geëxecuteerd.[2]
Omdat Nederland de bolsjewiekenregering niet erkende, moest Oudendijk in november 1918 Sovjet-Rusland onmiddellijk verlaten. Hij werkte van 1919 tot 1931 in de Republiek China en behartigde daar westerse handelsbelangen bij de nationalistische regering van de Kwomintang. Oudendijk leefde van 1931 tot zijn dood in Engeland en Zuid-Frankrijk, maar overleed te Warnsveld bij Zutphen. Zijn huwelijk met Daisy Fuller, gesloten in 1911, bleef kinderloos. Na zijn pensionering heeft Oudendijk zijn jeugd en diplomatieke leven beschreven in Ways and by-ways in diplomacy (uitg. Peter Davis, London, 1939). Voor deze gelegenheid verengelste hij zijn naam tot William J. Oudendyk. Er bestaat geen Nederlandse editie van het boek. Voor zijn verdiensten voor de Britse onderdanen in Rusland verkreeg hij van de Britse koning George V het persoonlijk adeldom, waarna de Nederlandse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Herman van Karnebeek hem verbood deze titel te dragen.[3]
„Overwegende dat de onmiddellijke onderdrukking van het bolsjewisme de grootste noodzaak van de wereld is, zelfs groter dan de Oorlog die nog woedt, en dat tenzij zoals bovenvermeld het bolsjewisme in de kiem gesmoord wordt, het gedoemd is om zich in één of andere vorm over Europa en de gehele wereld te verspreiden, daar het georganiseerd en uitgevoerd wordt door zekere Joden die geen nationaliteit erkennen en wier enig doel is de bestaande orde der dingen te vernietigen voor hun eigen bedoelingen (...)”[4]
‘In all my reports I tried to impress upon them [de Nederlandse regering red.] this danger [het communisme red.] which threatened all our democratic institutions, our freedom, and our Christian civilization, and I begged them to communicate this warning whenever an opportunity presented itself to the Governments of the warring nations. I doubt whether this was ever done. I felt like a man who sees a house on fire, who is powerless to put it out by himself and whose cries for help are unheeded.’[5]
‘I like that world from the very beginning… The lower classes were still standing in the Middle Ages; the middle classes had not emerged from the ease and simplicity of the eighteenth century; and the upper classes stood as far as champagne and Houbigant were concerned, on a level with nineteenth-century Paris. To have lived in that world and felt myself at home in it has been one of my pleasantest experiences.’[6]
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