The secret documents about the sponsoring of Jihadist groups in Syria, by the Dutch government
IBAN: NL10 SNSB 0902 6349 33

Picture: Twitter/Rijksoverheid
Last months there was a debate about the sponsoring of Jihadist/terrorists, by the Dutch government. I wrote about it in two articles, today is the continuation, released documents by the Dutch government, which is actually a big dissapointment, the released documents, as expected, are not readable, the most important passages are marked black!
But let’s make a reconstructing of the facts starting in 2017 up to 2018 and then to figure out who where among the groups (the Ducth government says 22) sponsored by the Dutch government and taxpayers of the Netherlands.
Note: From 2012 up to 2015 it’s very clear they supported the so-called FSA (Free Syrian Army), who were established and made by the US and her allies, among them the Netherlands. But in 2015, things started to get really bad, when the US unleashed ISIS (made in Camp Bucca, like Abu-Bakr-al-Bagdadi, a.k.a Shimon Elliot). By then the Dutch government should have drawn a red line, knowing that they sponsor terrorists, but they continued doing so up to October 2018.

In the debate, as I mentioned in one of my articles: The regular (Dutch) MSM highlights only one group, which is a rather not significant group Jabhat al-Shamiya, who was resolved, in 2015, after the SAA won the battle of Aleppo, but of course they went on as Ahrar-as-Sham and now Tahrir-as-Sham, being part of ISIS.
Also, the Kurdish representative of the Socialist Party brought up, consequently, the, who conducted warcrimes in eastern-Aleppo in revenge on the Kurds in the Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood, inhabted mainly by Kurds.
So, here we have two groups who were supported and financed by the Dutch government, the Levant Front, who was resolved in 2015, but up to now known as Ahrar-Tahrir-as-Sham, ISIS (still highly present in the IDLIB region) among these fighters in IDLIB are many Jihadist from European countries, like the Netherlands. The second group being the Murad Division, part of Fatah Halab.
Here we discover more groups, who must have been sponsored by the Dutch government, because, the plain facts they were part of Fatah Halab, like the Murad Division.
Let’s start with Jahbat al-Shamiya, a.k.a. the Levant Front:
I refer to a very good article The CIA TOW PROGRAMME; were they documented all groups and I will emphasize the part of the Levant Front, SHAM LEGION and Murat Division;
Further Reading:
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