Malaysian Airlines doesn’t accept the ‘Russia did it’ narrative regarding MH17 crash
‘You cannot just blame Russia out of the blue’

Whenever something happens, the habit, as of late, has been to point the finger at Russia. ‘The Russians did it!’ is proclaimed from the rooftops, followed by a very shady story about how they supposedly did it. Whether it’s election hacking or ex spy poisonings, or plane crashes, the Russians are the ones who did it.
The narrative is that the Russians used old soviet equipment, from within the Ukraine, to shoot the passenger plane out of the sky. But so far, no conclusive evidence has come forward to back up the claim. The Malaysian Airlines doesn’t even buy the story.
Vesti News reports:
The JIT international investigative group has been unable to provide conclusive evidence that Russia is responsible for shooting down Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 over Donbass. Responding to journalists, Malaysian Transport Minister Anthony Loke summed up the interim results of the investigation of the tragedy, stressing that such groundless accusations should not spoil the current diplomatic climate.Anthony Loke: “In the report by the Joint Investigation Team, there is no conclusive evidence pointing to Russia. Any further action by us will be based only on incontrovertible evidence. You cannot just blame Russia out of the blue. We also have to take into account our diplomatic relations.”A commission that includes dozens of professionals from Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, the Netherlands, and Ukraine presented a report a week ago. It concluded that the plane was shot down by a Russian anti-aircraft missile. After this, the Dutch and Australian governments stated that they would bring Russia to justice.
But when Americans shoot down passenger airliners, the international community doesn’t put all that much concern into it, because it was the Americans who did it, and they’re the good guys.
With MH17, the Russians are the bad guys, so they must’ve done it, and they need to face the wrath of the international community for what they’ve done. Doesn’t that sound a little bit hypocritical?
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