dinsdag 1 mei 2018

Trump Is Doing What Kennedy Tried To

CIA Whistleblower: Trump Is Doing What Kennedy Tried To

Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says what is going on with Donald J. Trump “is an ongoing coup to remove a duly elected President.” Shipp contends, “This is a huge constitutional crisis like the country has never seen before. This makes Watergate look like a Sunday school class.”
On Friday, Shipp and other retired top officials at the CIA, FBI, DOJ and NSA held a press conference and demanded Attorney General Jeff Sessions prosecute top Obama era officials for obvious crimes against the incoming Trump Administration. Shipp says,
We have a coup within our government right now at the senior levels at the CIA, DOJ and the FBI attempting to unseat a duly elected President who was elected by the American people and remove him from office...
This is, at worst, treason with senior officials in the shadow government or Deep State . . . to attack Donald Trump and remove him from office. . . . We have not seen anything like this since the Presidency of John F. Kennedy (JFK), when CIA Director Allen Dulles attacked him, and we saw what happened there...
There is crystal clear evidence that the CIA was, at least, involved with the cover-up of the JFK assassination.  Now, we have the same thing happening again...
Remember what Chuck Schumer said, and it was chilling.  He said, ‘If you cross the intelligence community, they can hit back at you six ways from Sunday.’  That’s what we are seeing now.  It’s collusion or a coup with senior officials at the FBI, DOJ and CIA along with Robert Mueller to unseat an elected president.”
Shipp goes on to explain, “There is essentially a civil war involving parts of senior management and upper parts of our government that is occurring in the United States. It’s between the ‘Dark’ side and the ‘Constitutional’ side."
"There has never been anything like this in history.  It is extremely serious, and this is an extremely serious hour for our government and especially for our constitutional freedoms...
This essentially is a global criminal cabal that has penetrated into our government and now has senior level officials colluding and, I would argue, conspiring to unseat this president.

2 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

More and more: Eyes in the sky...

In decades past, human rights advocates famously challenged the development of technology for racial capitalism. Activists, including students and workers, pressured IBM, General Motors and other corporations to stop aiding and abetting apartheid and war.
Today, a new wave of technology is being tapped by military and police forces. Google, Big Tech and the US War Machine in the Global South

Ongeveer tezelfdertijd dit:
Bill Gates Backs Plan to Surveil the Entire Planet From Space "EarthNow will use an upgraded version of OneWeb’s technology with a lot of hardware power packed into a 500-pound unit. “Each satellite is equipped with an unprecedented amount of onboard processing power, including more CPU cores than all other commercial satellites combined,” the announcement says. The satellites will also do an onboard analysis of the live imagery using machine learning, but the company doesn’t go into detail about what it will analyze or why it would be necessary to dedicate that processing onboard."

Remember the introduction of Vricon? Beyond Google Earth, How One Company Wants to See the World in 3D ""One key feature," says Anliot, "is the line of sight calculation." By dropping a pin onto a given point on a Vricon model within their visualization platform, a client can determine what the line of sight is from that position. (See the image below where the yellow colorization denotes what line of sight would be from the pin at the center.) This becomes very handy in, for example, combat situations. "You can position snipers in different locations to make sure that you get the proper coverage of the target that you’re looking for," says Anliot."

EarthNow to Deliver Real-Time Video via Large Satellite Constellation

"EarthNow represents a dramatic leap forward in capability compared to other Earth observation satellite systems which deliver pictures and sometimes video clips to users many minutes, hours and even days after they are requested. Hannigan said, “With existing systems, users can see only what has happened in the past. With EarthNow’s constellation of satellites, you will see events unfold as they happen in real-time.”

Propaganda has it, this is rolled out to benefit the public (scroll down page to check the investors) as in the 'do-good industry', the stealth mode of the military industrial complex.

Anoniem zei

De eerste link ging de mist in :( Google, Big Tech and the US War Machine in the Global South moet zijn: https://www.counterpunch.org/2018/04/27/google-big-tech-and-the-us-war-machine-in-the-global-south/

Zionist Nazi's. Punish Them

  Mitch @everyonetalks21 This you? 3:28 a.m. · 12 mrt. 2024 · 194 Weergaven https://x.com/everyonetalks21/status/1767377134933184758