Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman: We want Assad out of Syria no matter what the cost
"The country [Syria] was at peace, prosperity was on the rise, and human rights were respected. A common home and fatherland to many ethnicities and 23 different religious groups, Syria has always been a place where all were free to believe and live out their creed, all relationships were characterized by mutual respect. The freedom that is purportedly being brought to us by the rebels is precisely what this rebellion has taken away from us."
Think again. Who’s killing who in this picture?
…by Jonas E. Alexis
Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman thinks that he is fooling the entire world when he has recently said that “We have no intention of entering any conflict, but I advise our neighbors not to test us.”[1]
Israel has no intention of getting involved in the Syria conflict? Doesn’t this man know that even Efraim Halevy, former director of the Israeli Mossad, admitted unequivocally that Israel has supported factions of Al-Qaeda and al-Nusra in Syria? Does this man really think that he can con the entire world with crazy statements like this?
That’s not all. Lieberman has more interesting things to say. He declares that Israel wants to flesh out a peace process in Syria, but get this: that peace process must not involve interesting guests like Iran, Hezbollah and Assad. Lieberman declared: “Keeping Assad in power is not in our security interests.”[2]
The logic is pretty clear here: for Lieberman, peace process means that Assad has to go and has to be replaced with ISIS or al-Qaeda or al-Nusra. As Israeli ambassador Michael Oren himself has said, Israel prefers the bad guys in Syria over Assad.[3] According to Lieberman, if Assad isn’t dead like Gaddafi or Saddam, then there will be no peace in Syria.
Here again we are confronted with one of the most fundamental issues of our age: the Israeli regime wants to kill, steal, and destroy. They want to create an unnecessary war, which potentially can morph into a nuclear war with Russia. As Gordon Duff has recently argued, Israel wants to push both Russia and the United States into a nuclear war.
In a sane world, this is not rational at all precisely because Assad hasn’t done anything that warrants such a diabolical war. Even PBS, of all places, agreed that Assad has been protecting the small Christian population in Syria.[4] Both Obama and Ran Paul also knew that Assad provided a bulwark for defending the Christian population.[5]
ISIS has looted and burned down Christian homes and churches in the region,[6] but Neocons puppets and warmongers still want to support those ethnic cleansers. Assad is also a moderate and is open to Western ideals, but the warmongers still want to get rid of him. Giuseppe Nazzaro, former apostolic visitor to Aleppo and former Custodian of the Holy Land, said:
“[Assad] opened the country up to foreign trade, to tourism within the country and from abroad, to freedom of movement and of education for both men and women. Before the protests started, the number of women in the professional world had been constantly increasing, the university was open to all, and there was no discrimination on the basis of sex.
“The country was at peace, prosperity was on the rise, and human rights were respected. A common home and fatherland to many ethnicities and 23 different religious groups, Syria has always been a place where all were free to believe and live out their creed, all relationships were characterized by mutual respect. The freedom that is purportedly being brought to us by the rebels is precisely what this rebellion has taken away from us.”[7]
Italian journalist Alessandra Nucci reported:
“Syrian Patriarch Ignace Joseph III Younan, in Rome for the recent synod on the family, told about the time the host of a French prime-time news program asked him about Syria’s ‘awful president,’ saying, ‘He’s a monster. He’s killing innocent people, children and women.’
“To which Patriarch Younan replied with the story of a Capuchin priest from a Syrian town on the Euphrates River which is 98 percent Sunni Muslim. The Capuchin told Younan that as the town was being attacked by anti-government rebels, he sheltered four Missionaries of Charity sisters and 12 elderly women in their care within his parish center. When the situation was no longer sustainable, the Capuchin said, the nuns called Damascus. ‘And Damascus sent military vehicles to evacuate [them] from the parish compound—there were the nuns, 12 elderly people, and [the Capuchin], and they took all to safety, in Damascus.’
“‘Now,’ Patriarch Younan had said to the French news-show host, ‘you can judge for yourself if this person, Assad, is a monster or not.’”[8]
Warmongers aren’t interested in unity and peace in Syria at all. In fact, Syria has been a place for religious unity long before the Neocon war. As Nucci moved on to say: “In Syria, the tradition of peaceful, brotherly coexistence among religions is a national trait of which all Syrian groups have always been proud, including Syrian Muslims, for whom the differences between Sunnis and Shiia are not cause to rend the fabric of the nation.”[9]
Msgr. Mario Zenari, current apostolic nuncio to Syria, agrees with Nucci: “Although Syria is a Muslim-majority country, Syrians reject radicalism and the Islam they practice is a moderate form of Islam.”[10]
So, the Israeli regime and the Neocons in America want to destroy the unity in Syria and replace it with terrorism. Even the British newspaper the Daily Telegraph observed that this isn’t good at all:
“If the insurgents win the war, there will be no Christian churches in Syria any more (just as there aren’t in Saudi Arabia at the moment). Life will be similarly terrible for many of the ordinary Muslims who make up the great majority of the population.
“There are no ‘good guys’ in Syria’s civil war. But we should not be blind to the fact that there is a project out there to destroy its rich, pluralist, and unbelievably intricate culture and replace it with a monochrome version of Wahhabi Islam, of the kind favoured by Saudi mullahs. And for reasons that history may come to judge very severely, Britain, the United States, and the West have been aiding and abetting this project.”[11]
So, the Israeli regime and its apologists in the United States and England want to destroy much of the Middle East and build what some historians have called the Greater Israel.[12] In order for that to take place, open prisons such as the Gaza Strip must be established,[13] Palestinians have to die, and apologists like Alan Dershowitz have to defend those torturous acts as “self-defense.” Thank God for intrepid people like Norman Finkelstein who have morally and intellectually stripped those apologists of their political pedestal.
[1] “Israeli Defense Minister Warns Syria, Lebanon: Don’t Test Us,” Sputnik News, July 3, 2017.
[2] Ibid.
[3] “Israel wanted Assad gone since start of Syria civil war,” Jerusalem Post, September 17, 2015.
[4] “Why Did Assad, Saddam and Mubarak Protect Christians?,” PBS, October 14, 2011.
[5] “Obama: Assad Protected Christians In Syria,” MintPress News, September 12, 2014; Christina Wilkie, “Rand Paul: Assad ‘Protected Christians’ in Syria, Rebels ‘Attacking Christians,’” Huffington Post, September 3, 2013.
[6] Alessandra Nucci, “ISIS, Assad, and What the West is Missing About Syria,” Catholic World Report, December 15, 2015.
[7] Ibid.
[8] Ibid.
[9] Ibid.
[10] Ibid.
[11] Quoted in ibid.
[12] See for example Ilan Pappe, The Making of the Arab–Israeli Conflict, 1947–1951 (London: I. B. Tauris, 1994). For similar studies, see Sara Roy, Hamas and Civil Society in Gaza: Engaging the Islamist Social Sector (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2011); Neve Gordon, Israel’s Occupation (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2008).
[13] Ilan Pappe, The Biggest Prison on Earth: A History of the Occupied Territories (Oxford: One World Publications, 2017).
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