dinsdag 13 juni 2017

Terrorism supporters in Washington and Riyadh close ranks

Liars Lying About Nearly Everything
Terrorism supporters in Washington and Riyadh close ranks against Qatar
Trump and Saudis
The United States has been using lies to go to war since 1846, when Americans who believed in manifest destiny sought to expand to the Pacific Ocean at the expense of Mexico, acquiring by force of arms California and what were to become the southwestern states. In 1898 the U.S. picked up the pieces of a dying Spanish Empire in a war that was driven by American imperialists and the yellow dog reporting of the Hearst Newspaper chain. And then came World War 1, World War 2, and Korea, all avoidable and all enabled by deliberate lying coming out of Washington.
More recently, we have seen Vietnam with its Gulf of Tonkin fabrication, Granada and Panama with palpably ridiculous pretexts for war, Iraq with its nonexistent weapons of mass destruction, Afghanistan with its lies about bin Laden, Libya and its false claims about Gaddafi, and most recently Syria and Iran with allegations of an Iranian threat to the United States and lies about Syrian use of barrel bombs and chemical weapons. And if one adds in the warnings to Russia over Ukraine, a conflict generated by Washington when it brought about regime change in Kiev, you have a tissue of lies that span the globe and bring with them never-ending conflict to advance the American imperium.
So lies go with the American Way of War, but the latest twist and turns in the Middle East are bizarre even by Washington’s admittedly low standards of rectitude. On the 5th of June, Saudi Arabia led a gaggle of Arab and Muslim nations that included the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Bahrain to cut off all diplomatic, commercial and transport links with Qatar, effectively blockading it. Qatar is currently isolated from its neighbors, subject to sanctions, and there have even been Saudi threats of going to war against its tiny neighbor. Salman al-Ansari, the president of the Saudi American Public Relation Affairs Committee, even tweeted: “To the emir of Qatar, regarding your alignment with the extremist government of Iran and your abuse of the Custodian of the two sacred mosques, I would like to remind you that Mohammed Morsi [of Egypt] did exactly the same and was then toppled and imprisoned.”
It is the second time the Saudis have moved against Qatar. Two years ago, there was a break in diplomatic relations, but they were eventually restored. This time, the principal allegation being directed against Qatar by Riyadh is that it supports terrorism. The terrorist groups that it allegedly embraces are Hamas, Hezbollah and the Muslim Brotherhood, Morsi’s affiliation. Hezbollah and Hamas are close to Iran which is perhaps the real reason for their being singled out as many would call them resistance movements or even legitimate political parties rather than terrorists. And the Iran connection is critical as Qatar has been under fire for allegedly saying nice things about trying to respect and get along with Tehran, undoubtedly somewhat motivated by its joint exploitation with Iran of a vast gas field in the Persian Gulf.
Qatar’s ownership of al-Jazeera also has been a sore point with the Saudis and other Gulf states as its reporting has often been critical of developments in the region, criticisms that have often rankled the Saudi monarchy and the Egyptians. It has been accused of spreading propaganda for “militant groups.” One of the Saudi demands to permit Qatar to again become a “normal” Arab Gulf state would be to close down the network.
The terrorism claims by the Saudis are, of course, hypocritical. Both Qatar and Saudi Arabia are well known as sponsors of Salafist terrorism, including the funding and arming of groups like ISIS and the various al-Qaeda franchises, to include al-Nusra. Much of the money admittedly comes from private individuals and is often channeled through Islamic charities, but both Qatar and Saudi Arabia have been extremely lax in their enforcement of anti-terror and money laundering regulations. In a 2009 State Department memo signed off on by Hillary Clinton it was stated that “donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide.” Qatar, meanwhile, has been described as a “permissive environment for terrorist financing.”
The Saudis also have considerable blood on their hands by way of their genocidal assault on neighboring Yemen. In addition, the Saudi Royal House has served as the principal propagator of Wahhabism, the virulently fundamentalist version of Islam that provides a form of religious legitimacy to terror while also motivating many young Muslims to join radical groups.
The falling out of two Gulf Arab regimes might be a matter of relatively little importance but for the unnecessary intervention of President Donald Trump in the quarrel. He has taken credit for the burgeoning conflict, implying that his recent visit to the region set the stage for the ostracizing of Qatar. His twitter on the affair, posted on June 6th, read ““So good to see the Saudi Arabia visit with the King and 50 countries already paying off. They said they would take a hard line on funding extremism, and all reference was pointing to Qatar. Perhaps this will be the beginning of the end to the horror of terrorism!” And he again came down on Qatar on June 9th during a press conference.
Trump’s tweets might well be regarded as simply maladroit, driven by ignorance, but they could also provide a glimpse of a broader agenda. While in the Middle East, Trump was bombarded with anti-Iranian propaganda coming from both Israel and the Saudis. An escalation of hostilities with the intention of starting an actual war involving the United States to take down Iran is not unimaginable, particularly as the Israelis, who have already endorsed the Saudi moves, have been arguing that option and lying about the threat posed by Tehran for a number of years.
A war against Iran would be very popular both with the U.S. congress and the mainstream media, so it would be easy to sell to the American public. The terrorist attack in Tehran on June 6th that killed 17 is being blamed in some Iranian circles on the Saudis, a not unreasonable assumption. ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack but it must also be observed that both the Saudis and Israelis have good connections with the terrorist group. But if the possibility of a possible Saudi hand is true or even plausibly so, it guarantees a rise in tension and an incident at sea could easily be contrived by either side to escalate into a shooting war. The United States would almost inevitably be drawn in, particularly in light of Trump’s ridiculous comment on the tragedy, tweeting that Iran is“falling victim to the evil they promote.”
There is also other considerable collateral damage to be reckoned with as a consequence of the Trump intervention even if war can be avoided. Qatar hosts the al-Udeid airbase, the largest in the Middle East, which is home to 10,000 U.S. servicemen and serves as the Combined Air and Space Operations Center for Washington and its allies in the region and beyond. Now the United States finds itself squarely in the middle of a fight between two alleged friends that it doesn’t have to involve itself in, an intervention that will produce nothing but bad results. Backing Saudi Arabia in this quarrel serves no conceivable American interest, particularly if the ultimate objective is to strike at a non-threatening Iran. So the fallback position is to lie about what the support for the aggressive Saudi posturing really means – it is alleged to be about terrorism, which is always a popular excuse for government overreach.
And the ultimate irony is that when it comes to terrorism the United States itself does not emerge without fault. As early as 2011, the U.S. was arming Syrian dissidents from the arsenals in Libya, flying in weapons to Turkey to hand over to the rebels. Many of the weapons, as well as those provided to Iraqi forces, have wound up in the hands of ISIS and al-Nusrah. U.S. advisers training rebels have conceded that it is impossible to determine the politics of many of those receiving instruction and weapons, an observation that has also been made by the Obama White House and by his State Department.
So watch the lies if you want to know when the next war is coming. If the House of Saud, the Israelis and Donald Trump are talking trash and seem to agree about something then it is time to head for the bomb shelter. Will it be Iran or an escalating catastrophe in Syria? Anything is possible.
• Category: Foreign Policy • Tags: Donald TrumpQatarSaudi Arabia 
  1. Wizard of Oz says:     
    PG – lots of lies: no dispute, bit what were the (relevant) lies about bin Laden?
  2. anon says:     
    Why doesn’t Giraldi move to Iran ?
    Thats where his concerns and allegiance are. And maybe the source of his finances also ? 
    I bet they would love a chubby bear like him.
  3. MSB says:     
    This article is still in need of some editing. At times it is unclear, or implies the opposite of what the author intended. For example: “Hezbollah and Hamas are close to Iran which is perhaps the real reason for their being singled out as many would not call them resistance movements or even legitimate political parties rather than terrorists.” The “not” should be removed.
  4. truthtellerAryan says:     
    Hi PG, could our commander-in-chief have had ulterior reasons to cook up the ostracizing of Qatar? 
    Mind you, we have these obese brainless stooges who would dance to any tune as long as they’re assured they’ll still be in power comes tomorrow. Now the assurance has also been approved by the masters, DJT is in deeply with the Ziocons . When our masters accomplish this mission, than we’ll again be led to the next one. The Ayrabs don’t seem to get it yet. They’ll all end up in the Zionists slaughterhouse
    It seems Gen. Clark was right, just a little diversion here.
    What will become of the average Goy?
  5. exiled off mainstreet says:     
    Let me commend Mr. Giraldi for another excellent contribution. The Saudi regime is the chief enemy of civilization and those backing it are tarred with the same brush. It is disappointing to see Trump taken in by the deep state love of the Saudi barbarians.
  6. Miro23 says:     
    So watch the lies if you want to know when the next war is coming. If the House of Saud, the Israelis and Donald Trump are talking trash and seem to agree about something then it is time to head for the bomb shelter. Will it be Iran or an escalating catastrophe in Syria? Anything is possible.
    A fine article, and the answer to all this surely lies with the US.
    If Trump had pulled out of Middle East conflicts (as he was elected to do), all this talk would be much less dangerous. Israel and Saudi Arabia aren’t going to attack Iran on their own.
  7. Lot says:     
    So many lies in America-hating Philip Giraldi’s article, hard to know where to begin. The first lie is literally in the first sentence of the article:
    The United States has been using lies to go to war since 1846, when Americans who believed in manifest destiny sought to expand to the Pacific Ocean at the expense of Mexico
    The Mexican-American War was provoked by Mexico, which refused to recognize the independence and annexation of Texas, even though the rest of the world and the vast majority of Texans were English speakers who supported joining the USA.
    Not only did it provoke the war generally, it fired the first shots, killing 11 of 70 American in a surprise attack with 2000 Mexican soldiers.
    The Saudis also have considerable blood on their hands by way of their genocidal assault on neighboring Yemen.
    There is nothing “genocidal” about the Saudis supporting the elected government of Yemen against Iran-funded rebels. The UN estimates 100 civilians are killed per month during the war, and that includes all three sides. Source http://bigstory.ap.org/article/43471432a8e949a7af6fc56928284d78/top-un-official-10000-civilians-killed-yemen-conflict
    This in a nation of 25 million. That is just about the least bloody civil war I’ve heard of. But Giraldi calls it “genocide” because he is a lying propagandist who hates America and wants to defame the side of the civil war we support.
    Finally, no surprise that Giraldi supports Qatar, funder of the Muslim Brotherhood and supporter of the Sharia-imposing former Morsi government of Egypt and the increasingly totalitarian Islamic dictatorship in Turkey.
  8. animalogic says:     
    As some what of an aside, on the issue of US lie-started wars: I agree with the author’s list except for WW II.
    Yes, the Pacific war was essentially lie-started & possibly unnecessary. However, whatever lies were used for the European war, it’s a mute question as to the necessity of US involvement. Essentially, US interests were directly affected by either a Nazi or Soviet victory. Either victory would likely have placed the people & resources of Europe/ western Russia under the control of dubious regimes: there must be strong arguments to justify US European engagement.
  9. Fran Macadam says:     
    It’s The Art of the War Deal.
  10. War for Blair Mountain says:     
    Texas belongs to America not Mexico. And this means the mass expulsion of the Mexican demographic Fifth Column out of Texas…and many other parts of the US.
    You can always pack up and go live in Mexico.
  11. Mark Green says:     
    Trump has been captured by the Deep State and the mainstream Zio-media.
    First, the implacable Left-Hollywood-Zionist axis unnerved, abused, and punked Trump out. Then they and their minions harassed and spooked him. Insurrection was in the air–ever as the President was being sworn into office! 
    Has any newly-elected president has ever been treated so disdainfully and with such widespread contempt?
    It was very unsettling. 
    Then Trump blinked. After that he caved. 
    Now he is moving rapidly ‘towards the center’. Unfortunately, this ‘centrism’ will require a Mideast war.
    The Donald has morphed. He is now part neocon and part Wall St. errand-boy. 
    Trump–who campaigned on a populist, pro-American, non-interventionist platform–has his new, improved sights set on toppling/destabilizing Iran, Syria and Lebanon. Haven’t we seen this song and dance before? 
    Yes we have, despite the fact that these distant, non-nuclear states do not threaten US interests and do not threaten US security in any way, shape, or form. 
    Huge lies have become ‘facts’.
    Russia’s alleged influence in our presidential election, for instance, is not even a fraction of what Israel can impose almost effortlessly. 
    The hysteria over ‘Russian interference’ is a complete fabrication. This very accusation turns reality upside down. But it persists 
    What’s going on? 
    These illusions are pure Zionist subterfuge. Trump’s now their boy. 
    The wall with Mexico will just have to wait; as will Trump’s infrastructure build. Gotta take out Assad first! After all, Syria shares a disputed border with Israel. That’s important! 
    First up: Israel’s foes. (Syria, Iran and Russia.) 
    But who cares? 
    Why should this matter?
    As Bibi Netanyahu observed: “America can be moved”. 
    And Bibi’s quite right. 
    Therefore, Trump’s pro-Zionist militancy is being sold as something else (‘war on terror’) even though it is being championed by the usual Zionist cheerleaders in media and in government.
    Pro-Zionist alliances however radiate in odd directions. This explains Washington’s (and our news media’s) rising love affair with the House of Saud.
    Note that the Saudi Royals 1) have totally accepted Israel, 2) have absolutely nothing negative to say (or do) regarding Israel’s subjugation of Palestine, 3) are hostile to Iran (like Israel), and 4) are willing also to accept the Kingdoms’s second-tier military status vis-a-vis Israel.
    For these reasons, the authoritarian, undemocratic, and terror-funding Royal Saudi family is totally ‘in sync’ with Zio-Washington. The Saudis are even safe from any potential US-Israeli destabilization campaign. (At least for now.)
    But alliances can change rapidly, especially when anti-Zionist regimes rise and persist. Then they get targeted. (See: ‘Saddam’s Iraq’. See: ‘Gadaffi’s Libya’.) 
    Up next: Syria, Lebanon and Iran. 
    In any case, US aid will flow immensely, unconditionally and without interruption to glorious ‘democratic’ Israel. 
    BTW- while it’s widely known (and continuously recalled) that Hearst and his newspapers promoted the Spanish-American war (as Mr. Giraldi notes above) what’s been mostly forgotten is that Hearst and his newspapers largely opposed Washington’s entry into both WWI and WWII. ‘Citizen Kane’ and the endless array of Hearst-bashing references ignore this neglected yet significant fact. 
    In fact, it was none other than Joseph Pulitzer (for whom the pretentious and politicized journalistic prizes are named) whose newspapers helped spearhead the international campaign for America’s unnecessary and tragic entry into WWI. 
    Pulitzer was as influential as Hearst–and every bit as sensational. But Pulitzer was both anti-German and very pro-US-intervention in Europe. 
    Unlike Hearst, Pulitzer demonized Imperial Germany long before the Great War began and it was Pulitzer–not Hearst–who helped sanitize America’s pre-war efforts (before WWII) to aid the British and violate laws that sought to preserve US neutrality. 
    Like Hearst, Pulitzer was an artful media demagogue; but it was Pulitzer–not Hearst–who used his skills and power to steer America into the two greatest political conflicts ever seen. Joseph Pulitzer was also Jewish.
  12. jacques sheete says:     
    The Mexican-American War was provoked by Mexico, which refused to recognize the independence and annexation of Texas, even though the rest of the world and the vast majority of Texans were English speakers who supported joining the USA.
    Nah, it was provoked by the concept of manifest destiny.
    Mexico had more right to Tejas than the Zionist gangsters have to Palestine.
  13. LondonBob says:     
    The Israeli and Saudi lobbies, and associated actors, seem to have had some success. I still don’t see it going much further, Trump instinctively doesn’t want another Iraq on his watch whatever the likes of Mattis etc. wish to engineer.
  14. jacques sheete says:     
    @Mark Green
    …what’s been mostly forgotten is that Hearst and his newspapers largely opposed Washington’s entry into both WWI and WWII. ‘Citizen Kane’ and the endless array of Hearst-bashing references ignore this neglected yet significant fact.
    Very, very true, and funny how that works. In the same way Charles Lindbergh, because of his opposition to entering WW2, has been egregiously smeared as an “anti-Semite” and the charge still sticks to this day.
    Thanks for pointing that out, and informing us about Poo-litzer.
  15. RealAmerican says:     
    An anonymous dim-witted nincompoop attacking the honorable and brave Mr. Giraldi for speaking the truth. The definition of cowardice, I bet.
  16. AmericaFirstNow says: • Website     
    All in accord with the rest of the Israeli Likudnik Oded Yinon neocon plan vs Iran which Netanyahu’s Israel AIPAC agent Kushner has duped the Saudis into supporting as well because of their Sunni vs Shia hatred of Iran:
    Netanyahu’s Israel 1st AIPAC agent Kushner has Trump pushing Israel Lobby agenda vs Syria as well:
    No surprise when pandering Hillary Clinton pushed Syrian regime change for Israel’s sake as well:
    So ISIS attacks Europe and US because of Israel:
    CIA’s Mike Scheuer on ISIS:
    CIA’s Mike Scheuer on terrorism motivation ignored by US media:
    Petraeus & CENTCOM warned of Israel threat as well:
    Israel as terrorism motivation for San Bernardino ignored by US media as well:
    Paul Findley: The High Cost of Subservience to Israel:
    See Dutch AIPAC documentary via following Youtube:
    So no surprise when Netanyahu said US is easily manipulated at following URL:
    George Washington must be rolling in his grave for pandering US politicians who ignore his Farewell Address warning at following URL:
  17. Anonymous says:     
    @exiled off mainstreet
    “The Saudi regime is the chief enemy of civilization…”
    Looks like you have a problem with reading comprehension.
    Read the first two paragraphs again, and then review who is indeed the Chief enemy of civilisation.
  18. AmericaFirstNow says: • Website     
    Just noticed that the youtube for Michael Scheuer’s CNN interview with Smerconish about ISIS didn’t go through in prior post! Following one should:
  19. War for Blair Mountain says:     
    Iran poses no threat to the Native Born White American Working Class.
    Your allegiance is to Greater Israel…Phil and I have 0 allegiance to Israel…Donald Trump’s allegiance is to Greater Israel…and this makes Donald Trump a GOD DAM TRAITOR!!!
    Donald Trump is on the verge of igniting NUCLEAR WW3…
    Donald Trump and Melania….a filthy disgusting cockroach breeding pair….
  20. dearieme says:     
    “The United States has been using lies to go to war since 1846″: 1812.
  21. ANON says:     
    @Mark Green
    Well I have to thank you for prompting me to read up on Joseph Pulitzer”s remarkable career but I can’t commend your attention to detail or recommend you as a source of accurate information to others. 
    There is a slight problem about your blaming him for being (before WW1) “pro US intervention in Eutope” having “demonized Imperial Germany” and then that he “helped sanitize American efforts (pre WW2) to help the British”. *He died in 1911*.
    Interesting to compare Pulitzer’s great career with that of another Central European Jew who immigrated with no English but built a popular newspaper empire. Both served in the armed corces of their adopted country. The other is that appalling rogue Robert Maxwell.
  22. AmericaFirstNow says: • Website     
    See following article from Jewish Forward publication on how Netanyahu’s Israel 1st AIPAC agent Kushner (who arranged Trump’s trip to Saudi Arabia and Israel) has brought other Jewish AIPAC Israel 1sters into the White House:
  23. NoseytheDuke says:     
    @Wizard of Oz
    Idiot! The lie that OBL was involved in any way in 9/11 for just one. The lie that he was killed in the Delta 6 raid in Pakistan is another.
  24. jacques sheete says:     
    Speaking of lies, war and the media, let us not forget the blatant lying about Stalin’s crimes by Walter Duranty published in the New York Times for which the scumbag was awarded a prize by Pulitzer, another Red Millionaire.
    It took the Times around half a century to begin to publicly admit to its callous malfeasance, yet apparently..
    The Pulitzer board has twice declined to withdraw the award, most recently in November 2003, finding “no clear and convincing evidence of deliberate deception” in the 1931 reporting that won the prize (see Pulitzer Board statement), and The Times does not have the award in its possession.
    - New York Times Statement About 1932 Pulitzer Prize Awarded to Walter Duranty
    Also note that in the statement, they deceitfully attempt to shift the responsibility for dirtball reporting on the effects of Soviet censorship, which though real, is no excuse for their mendacity.
  25. anonymous says:     
    Looks like the Saudis have pretty much bought us off with their ridiculously large arms purchases and other ways of sending their billions our way. Money talks. The other stuff is just window dressing. We’re their hired help and security guard.
  26. War for Blair Mountain says:     
    Seriously…1846 is not relevant….and anyone who thinks it is in the context of opposing the ongoing war against Christian Russia and Shia Muslim Iran is not really a serious anti-war critic…..You need to deal with the fact that many of us here on Unz Review do not suffer from even a speck of White Guilt….even Old Noam Chomsky likes his precious Israel Jew only….which is the reason why Noam and Norman Finklestien are opposed to the right of return for Palestinians…
    So be a good phenomenologist and remember that context is everything…
  27. Agent76 says:     
    Jun 6, 2017 America’s Reign of Terror: A Nation Reaps What It Sows
    The U.S. government is creating the terror. It is, in fact, the source of the terror. Just think about it for a minute: almost every tyranny being perpetrated against the citizenry—purportedly to keep us safe and the nation secure—has come about as a result of some threat manufactured in one way or another by the U.S. government.
  28. Agent76 says:     
    Mar 22, 2017 How the CIA Plants News Stories in the Media
    It is no longer disputed that the CIA has maintained an extensive and ongoing relationship with news organizations and journalists, and multiple, specific acts of media manipulation have now been documented. 
  29. War for Blair Mountain says:     
    I can tell you from first hand…personal…family reasons…that the filthy cockroach Donald Trump has very big plans to slaughter the Working Class Native Born White Christian American Male Teenager Population by using them as canon fodder for Greater Israel in a war with Shia Muslim Iran. This is Donald Trump’s MAGA JOBS PROGRAM….post-Gruman Corp MAGA rally a year ago…
    Trump is as much of a filthy repellent cockroach as Hillary and Bill Clinton.
    It looks like Trump’s red hat MAGA HAT WEARING CHICKENHAWK WARHAWK JOCKSNIFFING White Male Voting Bloc Cucks…and they are most definitely CUCKS who deserve to have the shit beat out of them….have given Trump a blank check to 1)bomb Hezzbollah in Syria…and 2)bomb Shia Muslim Iran for Greater Israel…
    Donald Trump+Hillary Clinton=a “cute” post-nuclear WW3 cockroach breeding pair….a 13 billion year COCKROACH RIECH!!!
  30. Wizard of Oz says:     
    I never doubted that you think that but PG is a comparatively serious person and I wondered what he would say, choosing his words as carefully as he quite often seems to. Come to think of it I think he’s been caught out being a bit careless on some of his other details this time.
    And what’s your version of sbat happened at Abbotabad and why?
  31. nsa says:     
    The jooies and their kept eunuchs in wash dc are complaining their precious US (((holocaust))) museum is only being funded with 54 million in American taxpayer funds. This underfunding is very serious as they will have to close the lampshade wing and the soap bar exhibition. Contact your congressional whore immediately and complain……..
  32. anon says:     
    @War for Blair Mountain
    Hey Happy Guy ,
    Whats the problem. Giraldi is always whining about America and praising Iran. Why should he stay here . If he likes Iran so much he should move there . Do you think Giraldi should disclose if he has received money from any Iranian entity ??
  33. Wizard of Oz says:     
    Presumably you think ObL died much earlier than the Navy Seals raid. But why would Obama go along with the charade? No doubt you would say he was looking for political advantage domestically – to which of course I answer that he wouldn’t be so dumb as to believe that no one would blow the whistle.
    Let’s move on to whete you say the extremely long and detailed account of ObL’s death in Wikipedia is wrong and say why. In particular, how come Al Qaeda and other Muslim organisations announced his death and threatened revenge?
  34. War for Blair Mountain says:     
    Well now…first of all,….I want to greet you with a great big FUCK OFF!!!….Dearest Ivanka…
    The target of Phil’s venom are the Jewish Neocons….and non-Jewish Neocons:The homo- cannibal General Mattis….Hannibal Lectre look-a-like General McMaster in-a-flava-bean-salad with the homo General Mattis….and the filthy cockroach breeding pair Donald Trump and his cockroach husband Hillary Clinton….and the SATANIST!!! that own and run the Military Industrial Complex…..the treasonous SATANIC NON-AMERICAN-ANTI-AMERICAN CABAL spawned in Satan’s personal toilet bowl in rancid rotting corpse strewn HELL!!
  35. Z-man says:     
    @Mark Green
    True, thank you and depressing, but hope springs eternal and I’m hoping Trump still has some independent thought and some patriotism and patriots behind him!
  36. Chris Mallory says:     
    @jacques sheete
    Mexico had more right to Tejas than the Zionist gangsters have to Palestine.
    Neither group has any claim to the land. Mexico invited the Americans into Texas, primarily because Mexico could not deal with the Comanche who lived in Texas and raided both Texas and Mexico. Mexico then lost the war against the Texans and lost all claim to Texas. 
    Much of the SW, though claimed by Mexico was controlled by either the Comanche or the Apache. 
    Those tribes might have a claim, but Mexico has none.
  37. David says:     
    You’re displaying poor moral character to call the author America-hating.
  38. Z-man says:     
    Unfortunately Mr. Scheuer hasn’t been on TV much lately.
  39. Z-man says:     
    Looks like the Saudis have pretty much bought us off with their ridiculously large arms purchases and other ways of sending their billions our way. Money talks. The other stuff is just window dressing. We’re their hired help and security guard.
    Ah but there’s the rub, and a good one, as the die hard Zionists in the US Congress, isn’t that redundant, are already complaining about the deal. http://www.defensenews.com/articles/us-senate-democrats-rallying-votes-against-saudi-arms-sale
    Hopefully the rats will kill themselves!
    Theres also this from ‘Up Chuck’ Schumer;
  40. Mark Green says:     
    Joseph Pulitzer II ran the St. Louis Post Dispatch and NY World after his father’s death. He was a staunch supporter of FDR.
  41. MarkinLA says:     
    @jacques sheete
    Mexico lost Texas because Santa Anna made himself a dictator and caused revolts all around Mexico. The Texans just happened to win. Mexico was trying to raise an army to retake it when the US annexed Texas.
    Mexico made the stupid mistakes. Mexico knew the US wanted Texas and California. Mexico had rejected offers to buy them. Mexico should have done everything it could to avoid giving the US a chance to grab them.
  42. Dutch Boy says:     
    Quite correct. Polk wanted to buy the eventual Mexican Cession, not conquer it.
  43. Realist says:     
    “In a 2009 State Department memo signed off on by Hillary Clinton it was stated that “donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide.””
    Why the hell would use anything Clinton said or did to advocate a position?
  44. jacques sheete says:     
    @Chris Mallory
    You are correct that the Mexicans invited Americans into Texas, (talk about the negative effects of encouraging immigration), and Mexico may never have had much claim to the land, but they still have a more legitimate claim than the Zionist gangsters have on Palestine.
    In fact, if there were no oil in the region, I suspect the Zionists would all move to NYC!
  45. Rurik says:     
    @Mark Green
    Note that the Saudi Royals 1) have totally accepted Israel, 2) have absolutely nothing negative to say (or do) regarding Israel’s subjugation of Palestine, 3) are hostile to Iran (like Israel), and 4) are willing also to accept the Kingdoms’s second-tier military status vis-a-vis Israel.
    For these reasons, the authoritarian, undemocratic, and terror-funding Royal Saudi family is totally ‘in sync’ with Zio-Washington. The Saudis are even safe from any potential US-Israeli destabilization campaign. (At least for now.)
    to understand the Saudi leadership, you need only see how they got along with Iran during the reign of the Shah; a Zio/Anglo quisling installed after the CIA putsch that removed the legitimate, democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh. 
    Under the quisling puppet Shah, Iran was terrorized by a CIA/Mossad run organization notorious for its torture methods. 
    Time magazine described SAVAK as having “long been Iran’s most hated and feared institution” which had “tortured and murdered thousands of the Shah’s opponents.”[24] The Federation of American Scientists also found it guilty of “the torture and execution of thousands of political prisoners” and symbolizing “the Shah’s rule from 1963–79.” The FAS list of SAVAK torture methods included “electric shock, whipping, beating, inserting broken glass and pouring boiling water into the rectum, tying weights to the testicles, and the extraction of teeth and nails.”[25]
    it was during this reign of Zionist and Anglo terror that the corrupt House of Saud got along wonderfully with the Shah’s Zio-Iran. Here you see the king of Saudi Arabia dancing for the amusement of the treacherous little Shah:
    - who exhorted the rulers of Saudi Arabia to embrace the cultural and spiritual sewage of the Zio-West thus:
    “Please, my brother, modernize. Open up your country. Make the schools mixed women and men. Let women wear miniskirts. Have discos. Be modern. Otherwise I cannot guarantee you will stay on your throne.”[15] 
    as long as Iran was under the thrall of the Fiend, the Saudi were their bestest buddies ever. They were also bestest buddies with Israel and England and the ZUSA. 
    so much treachery and evil and oppression and murder and torture.. it makes the head spin. 
    anyways, what do you expect from a fiend, I guess 
    so today the Saudis are still under the thrall of the same Fiend, but Iran is not. Hence Saudi Arabia assassinates Shia clerics it doesn’t like, and Iran gets blamed for human rights violations. 
    The lies and mendacity and treachery are nearly beyond comprehension. The Saudis toss their fellow Arabs in Palestine under the Zionist bus, and fund and foment ISIS to crucify Christians and burn men alive. The stark divisions between good and evil (if there are such concepts) could hardly be more glaring. 
    and yet the Zio-fiend has Trump making nice with the murderous, terrorist-funding Saudis, while saber rattling at the peaceful and civilized Iran. 
    great article yet again Mr. Giraldi !
  46. jacques sheete says:     
    Yeah, I know all about it. At one time I was a great admirer of the Texians, and the constitution of the Texas Republic, and used to love to visit the Alamo before it was done over. Anyway my main point was not about Mexico or Texas.
    BTW, as you probably know, Davey Crockett was one of the original “Love it or Leave It” dudes and left the US in disgust (in 1836) with craven, dishonest, politicians after his stints in government including Congress and headed for Texas telling the story that if not re-elected, his constituents could go to Hell, and [he] would go to Texas. 
    Rotten politicians are an original and permanent feature of American political life, it seems.
  47. Sam McGowan says: • Website     
    I’ve been to Iran and anyone who thinks a war there would be easy has rocks in their head.
  48. Jake says:     
    I believe Qatar has the highest per capita income (for its citizens) in the world. That can never sit well with the House of Saud. 
    The British Empire made the House of Saud what it is, and the American successors of the Brits intend to keep the con game going. Wise and decent US leadership would recognize the Saudis as the worst of the Middle East and act accordingly. But the English all but created them, and we follow the English lead. And ow that the Israelis dearly love the Saudis, we can expect to see US-Israeli-Saudi mischief all over the region.
  49. iveritas says:     
    PG is a true and a great patriot. those who have the chutzpa to tell PG, “move to Iran”, my message to you is, move to Saudi Arabia or to Israel. But then again, most likely you’re already there. 
    On the plus side, the personal attacks on PG are great. It means he must be doing something right. 
    Not to mention, when comments take the form of personal attacks instead of arguing the principle tenants of the article, it means the other side doesn’t have a defensible point of view. Which only means PG’s assertions are correct and indisputable. 
    I see some red-blooded Americans arguing about Texas, not being in Mexico. These people are forgetting the best form of patriotism is true understanding of our history as a nation. Ignorance and waiving a flag alone is not patriotism. Patriotism is defending the foundation and principles of our nation. Mainly, our constitution. Texas or the number of stars on our flag, etc. does not make America. America for me is the principles our founding father put forth. Which was formulated in a document far advanced for its time (even for today) in the form of our constitution. 
    Anything outside of the framework of our nation, I consider false or anger-patriotism. There is a reason why media has played a role in shaping the wars of choice mentioned in this article. Because faced with true facts against the framework of our constitution, those wars are not in the best interests of the public or the country. 
    Thank you, PG!
  50. Moi says:     
    It would be great to have Mr. Giraldi write an article about the Mother of all Terrorism.
  51. edNels says:     
    @War for Blair Mountain
    Now that’s something. 13 billion years of COCKROACH REICK PESTILENCE!
    Who or what is underlying the common denominator that makes it compelling to work so hard to bring about the ideal conditions for the Cockroach infestation that will grow after the Nuclear conflagration that is the fruit of Heimy science? (Poison/long half-lives.)
    Or, what is the correlation in DNA of the Cockroach and some humanoids? Ever think of that? 
    God…(as he may be understood,) or not, has infinity to work it out, and one lead that should be gone into could be where (from a concept called ”Morphic Resonance” which posits that within DNA code there is much dormant potentiality, that also can be shown to tie together various diverse life forms. 
    INO’s, some of the humans are… in effect analogous to David Icke’s ideas about lizards, or like… the Bodysnatchers concept of long ago SF movies, (the one with Kevin McCarthy in BW was good).
    The proclivities of, or the fruits of, the Drift… The point aimed at by some people!
    They seem to want to reset Earth to another beginning. A CockRoach Reich!
    Thanks for the idea!
  52. Quartermaster says:     
    The Orange Revolution was the work of Soros. Maidan, however, belongs to the Ukrainians themselves. They had no desire to be sold out to Putin by Yanukovich.
  53. Mark Green says:     
    Thank you for your thoughtful comments. Here is an outstanding essay that distinguishes between patriotism and nationalism. The author is none other than Joe Sobran.
  54. jacques sheete says:     
    @Sam McGowan
    I don’t think a shooting war on Iran is imminent; it’s enough to yap about imagined threats to keep people glued to the media and thinking we need the protection of crazies. No threat, less “need” for politicians and the military.
    The more threats, the more dollars for the nut jobs amongst us.
    Civilization, in fact, grows more and more maudlin and hysterical; especially under democracy it tends to degenerate into a mere combat of crazes; the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.
    H.L. Mencken, In Defense of Women (1918)
    Scott Peterson at the Christian Science Monitor produced a timeline for dire Israeli and US predictions of an imminent Iranian nuclear weapon, beginning ~38 years ago.
    A timeline of warnings since 1979. Breathless warnings that the Islamic Republic will soon be at the brink of nuclear capability have been made for decades. Here is a chronicle of predictions.
  55. jacques sheete says:     
    Patriotism is defending the foundation and principles of our nation. Mainly, our constitution. 
    You sound like a highly respectable sort, and I agree with a lot of your comment, but you may want to reconsider your ideas about that document. I consider it a huge link in the chain around our necks. As for the “founding fathers,” they were of opposing minds and the anti-federalists had good reasons for arguing against the imposition of the constitution. They were mostly correct.
    In fact, Patrick Henry refused to attend the Constitutional Convention saying, “I smell a rat.” He could have been totally anosmic and still would have been able to smell one, or more likely, quite a few.
    The document stinks, and here’s why*.:
    The Constitution looked fairly good on paper, but it was not a popular document; people were suspicious of it, and suspicious of the enabling legislation that was being erected upon it. There was some ground for this. The Constitution had been laid down under unacceptable auspices; its history had been that of a coup d’état.
    It had been drafted, in the first place, by men representing special economic interests. Four-fifths of them were public creditors, one-third were land speculators, and one-fifth represented interests in shipping, manufacturing, and merchandising. Most of them were lawyers. Not one of them represented the interest of production — Vilescit origine tali. (the dice were loaded from the start)
    Albert Jay Nock, Liberty vs. the Constitution: The Early Struggle
    [Excerpted from chapter 5 of Albert Jay Nock's Jefferson] 
    *My apologies to those who’ve seen this numerous times before, but it’s a critical message and obviously must be presented to each individual as (s)he steps forward. Thanks in advance for your patience as well as your indulgence!
  56. truthtellerAryan says:     
    Why don’t you crawl back to the ghetto that you belong?
    Why, after over two millennia of living in peace and prosperity in the land of Iran, the loudest voices for going to destroy Iran is coming from Joooies Iranians who have left Iran after the revolution? If they can’t pinch a penny from you, you become their enemy. Has their lived such a treacherous bunch?
    It’s greedy Zionists like you that end up putting the whole tribe in trouble
  57. chris says:     
    There is nothing “genocidal” about the Saudis supporting the elected government of Yemen against Iran-funded rebels
    The “elected government of Yemen,” of course, featured exactly ONE candidate who won with a 100% of the vote, supported by Hillary Clinton, in 2012!
    And if the elected “leader” of Yemen fled to the KSA why is he any more legitimate than the president of Ukraine who was overthrown by a US-funded revolution and fled to Russia?
  58. chris says:     
    @War for Blair Mountain
    You can always pack up and go live in Mexico.
    Why bother, if they’re all coming here anyway?
  59. anon says:     
    @Wizard of Oz
    https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/10/did-george-w-bush-do-all-he-could-to-prevent-911/411175/—Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz objected that “I just don’t understand why we are beginning by talking about this one man, bin Laden.” Clarke responded that, “We are talking about a network of terrorist organizations called al-Qaeda, that happens to be led by bin Laden, and we are talking about that network because it and it alone poses an immediate and serious threat to the United States.” To which Wolfowitz replied, “Well, there are others that do as well, at least as much. Iraqi terrorism for example.”
    and more “cording to Eichenwald’s sources, “the neoconservative leaders whohad recently assumed power at the Pentagon were warning the White House that the C.I.A. had been fooled; according to this theory, Bin Laden was merely pretending to be planning an attack to distract the administration from Saddam Hussein, whom the neoconservatives saw as a greater threat.”
    That was the lie about Laden That was the lie
  60. RobinG says:     
    @jacques sheete
    Question: How does Mr. Nock define production? 
    He wrote, “Not one of them represented the interest of production- ” but he had just listed manufacturing as one of the represented interests. Also, in those days, did shipping include ship-building? If not, it was certainly a closely related enterprise. Anyway, you see my point. Nock made an absolute statement, but he himself contradicted it. 
    Certainly the scales were weighted, but so much of the argument here is just railing against human nature. Are some people more ambitious or enterprising than others? (Let alone those who are more evil and unscrupulous.)
    Some people are very intelligently curious, but it seems rare that the scientist who makes [often labors over for years] a discovery is the one who profits from it. Not fair perhaps, but the way of business, the way of the world.
    You don’t like the Constitution or the Founders? They were the ones who stepped up to take responsibility (and to press their own interests, if you will). It’s hard to please everybody. So much harder now that there are so many of us. Just look at how much disagreement there is here in these comments. Can you imagine if there were another revolution, and afterwards a new convention. Do you think they’d crowdsource the new Constitution on the web? Let the computer decide? Who would program the machines?

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