dinsdag 8 december 2015

Tom Engelhardt 134

December 8, 2015

Tomgram: Ira Chernus, Six Mistakes on the Road to Permanent War

In the muddled midst of last week’s mass killing in San Bernardino, California, a few words skittering across my Twitter feed gave me pause. “On this awful shooting: Is U.S. culture evil? Enemy of our civilization? Must all Americans apologize? Should we bar U.S. tourists as dangerous?” asked Simon Kuper, a columnist with the Financial Times.

As information about the massacre was dribbling out, Kuper was surely making a larger point, but I got stuck on that word “evil” and thoughts about American culture’s long, passionate relationship with violence. This is well-worn territory, of course, addressed in great depth and with much skill by many thinkers over the years. But whether we’re ruminating on all-American mass killings or slaughter by foreign terrorists, it’s worth recalling that America was incubated in a roiling storm of atrocity and birthed in savage cruelty.

Just two years after the first Thanksgiving, in fact, Pilgrim commander Myles Standish was hacking the head off a Native American chief to be displayed on a pike in front of the fort at Plymouth, Massachusetts. Not so long after, in present day Jersey City, New Jersey, settler soldiers fell upon a group of mostly women and children of the Wappinger tribe. Thirty were tortured to death for “public amusement.” About 80 others were decapitated and their heads carried across the river to present-day Manhattan where they were gleefully kicked about the streets of the town.

Fast-forward to 1779 and the father of this country, George Washington, was dispatching troops to devastate Iroquois settlements in New York and Pennsylvania. A couple of infant America’s slain enemies were then skinned and turned into footwear. The better part of a century later, native blood was still being spilled in savage fashion. At Sand Creek, Colorado, U.S. forces massacred hundreds, scalping old women, killing babies, even violating the dead body of a “comely young squaw.” Soldiers collected penises of the men, sliced off the breasts of the women. One soldier even wore a breast as a cap.

This is not to say that Native Americans didn’t commit horrendous atrocities, only that violence is intricately woven into America’s DNA, a winding helix of cruelty that then threaded its way through the Philippines and the Caribbean, through HiroshimaNo Gun Ri, and My Lai, through Haditha and Kunduz. Where this country went, so went implements of bodily destruction, weaponry designed to kill or maim: rifles and landmines, bombs and missiles. So, too, went cruelty and massacre, rape and torture, horrendous acts as bad as or worsethan any imaginable depredations by an “evil” terror group. At home, of course, Americans slaughter each other with frightening regularity in schools and movie theaters and, most recently, a center that offers services to people with developmental disabilities. And this is to say nothing of the other lethal and non-lethal horrors we Americans frequently visit upon each other.

Are these acts evil? Are they committed by evil-doers? What about our Islamic State (IS) enemies who are still decapitatingpeople as did our American forebears (and as our current anti-IS Saudi allies do once every few days)? Is their brand of violence especially atrocious? Have they renounced their humanity by committing such depraved acts? Did we? Is IS so evil that we should fight them for that reason alone?

This is precisely the harsh terrain that TomDispatch regular Ira Chernus navigates today. Analyzing their fundamentalism and ours, he delves into essential questions about good and evil, humanity and its loss.

We live in an age in which America has called out an Axis of Evilkilled the most wanted evildoer on the planet, and relentlessly hunted his minions and spiritual descendants. And what do we have to show for it? Before the next American war and the next American massacre -- you can surely count on both -- join Chernus in considering the startling costs of America’s seemingly endless (and fruitless) battle with evil. Nick Turse
America’s Reckless War Against Evil Why It’s Self-Defeating and Has No End 
By Ira Chernus

Oh, no! Not another American war against evil!
This time, it’s the Islamic State (IS). After the attacks in Paris, Barack Obama, spokesman-in-chief for the United States of America, called that crew “the face of evil.” Shades of George W. Bush. The “evildoers” are back. And from every mountaintop, it seems, America now rings with calls to ramp up its war machine.
By the way, George W., how did that last war against the “evildoers” work out for you? Not quite the way you expected, right? I bet you didn’t imagine that your Global War on Terror would plant the seeds of an Islamic State and turn significant stretches of Iraq (and Syria) into fertile soil in which IS would grow into a brand new, even more frightening enemy.
Click here to read more of this dispatch.

1 opmerking:

Unknown zei

Amerikanen zijn een EE, ( Europees Exportartikel ). Cow boys zijn het! En Indianen werden op de juist onder ogen , en in herinnering gebrachte IS -manier, om gebracht. Misschien kan het Amsterdamse lichtfeest , een replica van het Vrijheidsbeeld in het Y plaatsen, met daarop in zwart wit de films die de echte grond onder de voeten van het heden dat er haar afkomst in geniet toont. Vervolgens kan in die zelfde editie van 2016, dan een nieuwe versie van het Vrijheidsbeeld worden geplaatst, Het opperhoofd van Seattle. Zijn toespraak kan dan door een inmiddels baanloze Obama, ingesproken worden, en beluisterd in de rondvaartboten die af en aanvaren over het Y, in de 2016 editie.

Jackson Hinkle delivers a POWERFUL speech in Yemen!

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