dinsdag 22 september 2015

Oliver Stone

Oliver Stone Says America, Not ISIL, Is 

World’s Greatest Threat

The director has a reputation for making films that rattle the establishment. "JFK," "Wall Street," and "Born on the Fourth of July" all question American dogma. Oliver Stone’s latest venture continues that trend. His new documentary series points out the true history of American exceptionalism, something more dangerous than ISIL.

In 2012, Oliver Stone co-wrote “The Untold History of the United States” with American University professor Peter Kuznick. The book received somewhat mixed reviews. While many hailed its brave unveiling of a history otherwise left untold in American classrooms, others felt threatened by the facts within.
Now that the book has been made into a ten-part documentary series on Showtime, many of those same exaggerated criticisms have been leveled against the authors.
"This Stone-Kuznick film could have been put out in 1955 as Soviet propaganda," CUNY professor Ronald Radosh told the New York Times.
But before taking these criticisms at face value, it’s worth evaluating what Stone’s series says to provoke attempts at discretization.
"We’ve destabilized the entire region, created chaos. And then we blame ISIS for the chaos we have created," Stone said, according to Anti Media.
This is a major focus of both the book and series: a thorough look at the true rationale behind America’s wars in the Middle East. Truths that the mainstream media would rather overlook.
"When I studied the untold history, one thing that really hit me hard was the history of our involvement in the Middle East," Stone told Middle East Eye.
"We create these messes, then we have a grand military plan to solve them," Kuznick added. "And the military solutions just don’t work."
Analyzing US history from the end of World War II right up until the Obama administration, Stone’s documentary attempts to provide an alternative version of events, one that counters the propaganda taught in standard American textbooks.
"American exceptionalism has to be driven out of our curriculums," Stone said, according to Anti Media.
"We’re not under threat. We are the threat."

2 opmerkingen:

Ron zei

Een aanvulling hierop . Vooral de opsomming op het eind betreffende de laatste episode :"Bush and Obama.Age of Terror"

Ron zei

Een aanvulling hierop.

Vooral dit:

The last episode in the series is called Bush & Obama: Age of Terror. It covers the following subjects:
The Project For A New American Century, a neoconservative think tank that called for a Pearl Harbor-type event to catalyze military action in the Middle East
The tyranny of neoconservatives who pushed us to war with Iraq using faulty intelligence
The rushing through of the Patriot Act, which stripped Americans of a wide variety of civil liberties while bestowing legal precedent to the new surveillance state
The national brainwashing and fear-mongering of the War on Terror
Invading Afghanistan to defeat some of the same terrorists the U.S. armed and trained two decades earlier
Unconstitutional torture and interrogation tactics at Guantanamo Bay
The mainstream media’s facilitation of war through propaganda and corporate collusion
Obama selling out to J.P. Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, General Electric, and Big Pharma
The $700 billion financial bailout paid for by workers, pensioners, homeowners, small businessmen, and students with loans
The rise of CEO compensation amid the collapse of the middle class
Obama’s failure to deliver hope, change, or transparency, his prosecution of government whistleblowers, his fortification of Bush’s national security state (though he repudiated the unilateralism of Bush, he doubled down on troops and, according to Stone, “lacked the courage of a John F. Kennedy”)
Obama’s targeted drone strikes on Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, and Somalia (includes a breathtaking clip of his remark to troops: “Unlike the old empires, we don’t make these sacrifices for territory or for resources….We do it because it’s right.”

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