zaterdag 14 augustus 2010

The Empire 629

Information Clearing House Newsletter
News You Won't Find On CNN
August 12, 2010
"The hidden hand of the market will never work without a hidden fist. McDonald's cannot flourish without McDonnell Douglas, the designer of the U.S. Air Force F-15. And the hidden fist that keeps the world safe for Silicon Valley's technologies to flourish is called the U.S. Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps.": - Thomas Friedman
"Every 10 years or so, the US needs to pick up some small, crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business.": - Michael Ledeen
All across the world, in every kind of environment and region known to man, increasingly dangerous weather patterns and devastating storms are abruptly putting an end to the long-running debate over whether or not climate change is real. Not only is it real, it's here, and its effects are giving rise to a frighteningly new global phenomenon: the man-made natural disaster. - Barack Obama, speech, Apr. 3, 2006

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq:  4,
Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 1,995
Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan
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1 opmerking:

Paul zei

De offers zijn het waard Stan

Mor absurdly, the Faux News Channel interviewed an army officer this morning by first congratulating him and his fellow soldiers for “making Iraq a safe and secure place.” Before he said this, the network announced that they could not reveal the location of the interviewer “for security reasons.” The interview took place at a location where they were completely surroundedd by ten foot high piles of sandbags. This is how D.C. spells “secure.”

Zoveel succes ,dit moet herhaald.
Onze Nobel vredesprijs ontvanger,heeft ''nieuwe'' adviseur laten aanschuiven.
Neocon ijzervreter Kagan

That's right; Frederick Kagan, the neocon architect of the Iraq "surge," the epitome of the armchair warriors who have sent thousands of human beings (including their fellow Americans) to needless death and plunged millions more into needless suffering, has been hired by the Peace Laureate Administration to serve as guide and counsel to the Laureate's newly appointed military supremo.

Israeli F-16 warplanes heavily bombed displacement tents in central Gaza City @RyanRozbiani This is one of the most horrific videos I have seen Israeli F-16 warpl...