woensdag 11 augustus 2010

The Empire 625

Catherine Austin Fitts

 "We may have come here on different ships, but we're all in the same
boat now."

 ~ Flip Wilson









 This Thursday, I am headed over to Top of the World Farm
 to join Franklin Sanders of The Moneychanger
 for the Precious Metals Market Report.

 After my review of Money & Markets, we will review recent
developments in the silver and gold markets. Franklin has just
published a fascinating analysis on the price highs and lows in the
silver and gold markets over the last ten years in the July edition of
The Moneychanger. A copy will be posted at the subscriber control
panel this week.

 Then we will turn to a topic very much on our minds - the role of
precious metals in developing local economies. As background, you will
enjoy Franklin's recent talk about revitalizing local economies
. As fiat currencies grow more unstable, adopting currencies that we
can trust is critical to creating income, reducing expenses and
building and preserving equity for ourselves and our families.

 The more of us who start transacting with precious metals, the more
possibilities for all of us. That is why we launched the Silver & Gold
Payment Calculator - to make it easier for local merchants and
customers alike to transact using silver and gold.

 Remember to e-mail or post your questions for us before Thursday
night, or ask them live through our web access. You can listen now
through the web as well - no need to call in if you are coming in from
other continents.

 More <http://solari.com/blog/?p=8484>
 at the blog.

 Subscribers to The Solari Report receive access to our complete
archive of calls via MP3 recordings and Solari Audio Seminars. You can
learn more and subscribe here

 View The Solari Report Archives

 Listen to the latest Podcast <http://solari.com/podcasts/14>


 New IMF Strategy - Launch Of Global Currency

 Fed Mortgage Bond Trades Failing <http://solari.com/blog/?p=8501>

 Corporate "Cash" - Cheering the Asset and Ignoring the Liability

 The Gulf is Fine <http://solari.com/blog/?p=8512>

 Senators Introduce Bill to Keep SEC Under Open-government Law

 Cern Scientists Plan New Atom Collider

 Camden Preparing to Close its Libraries, Destroy Books

 The Scariest Jobs Chart Ever Takes A Turn For The Worse

 Alaska Plane Crash <http://solari.com/blog/?p=8531>

 We Have a New Sheriff! <http://solari.com/blog/?p=8472>

 I went to the polls on Thursday. My candidate for sheriff won! Your
sheriff's office is funded with your tax dollars. Are they using their
time and your money to process foreclosures for the big banks or are
they using their time and your money to make sure you, your family and
your neighbors are safe?

 Google-Verizon Pact: It Gets Worse

 So Google and Verizon went public today with their "policy
framework" -- better known as the pact to end the Internet as we know
it. Cut through the platitudes the two companies (Googizon, anyone?)
offered on today's press call, and you'll find this deal is even worse
than advertised.


 The Profits of Extinction

 Gold Dinar, Silver Dirham

 Trouble reading this message? View it at solari.com

 If videos do not appear in your e-Mail message, view them here

 If someone you know wants to sign up for Solari Update, you can send
him or her to: http://mail.solari.com/?p=subscribe&id=2

 Nothing in this Solari Update should be taken as individual
investment advice. Anyone seeking investment advice for his or her
personal financial situation is advised to seek out a qualified
advisor or advisors and provide as much information as possible to the
advisor in order that such advisor can take into account all relevant
circumstances, objectives, and risks before rendering an opinion as to
the appropriate investment strategy.

 Š Solari, Inc. 2010

Geen opmerkingen:

Israeli F-16 warplanes heavily bombed displacement tents in central Gaza City

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