Dit is buitengewoon interessant:
'States Claiming Ownership of Newborn's DNA
By Marti Oakley
Unknown to most new parents, or those who became parents in the last
ten or so years, DNA of newborns has been harvested, tested, stored
and experimented with by all 50 states. And all 50 states are now
routinely providing these results to the Homeland Security Department.
No doubt we can all see the benefits in testing for genetic disorders
or genetic traits and tendencies that could be more adequately dealt
with, in some cases actually deterring the onset of life-time
illness, but that seems not to be the real thrust of these programs.
It may have been initially….but not now.
As with all good things, there are always those who seek the more
evil path, in essence turning what should have been a life saving
tool, a preventative measure into something insidious and inhumane.
This is what has happened to this national effort.
Here in Minnesota the state tests for 56 various genetic disorders
and variants. At least 1/3 of these tests produce a false positive
meaning that a flaw was identified that actually did not exist.
Regardless, that false positive becomes part of the permanent record
of the child and follows them for the rest of their lives as does any
true positives. This means that the child will eventually and most
likely face discrimination in employment and the ability to gain
health insurance at any cost.
There are other nagging problems with this system. Although the
national website http://genes-r-us.uthscsa.edu/ insists that this
harvesting of DNA is a highly visible program, my own polling of
parents of newborns, or the grand parents had no idea that this was
being done to their children and grand children. Further, not one
knew that they had the right to demand the blood and tissue samples
be destroyed after 45 days per written request. Even had they known,
and the samples were destroyed (you would have no way of knowing if
they really were) the information gleaned from them would still be
available and on file…..in perpetuity.'
Lees verder:
Nu de vraag: Wat is een genetic disorder precies? Wie bepaalt dat? Wat zijn de criteria. Is maatschappelijk verzet een genetic disorder? Zo nee, waarom niet? Zo ja, mag de staat - die toezicht op ons houdt - ons dan genetisch manipuleren om te voorkomen dat we tegen de maatschappelijke orde rebelleren en misschien wel verstoren?
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