Beginning December 2007 Norman Finkelstein gave a lecture in Amsterdam under the title: The Coming Break-Up of American Zionism. Finkelstein is the author of among others Image & Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict (1995), The Holocaust Industry (2003) and Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History (2005)
The Lecture: http://webdisk.planet.nl/houck006/default.aspx
The Interview: http://webdisk.planet.nl/houck006/default.aspx
Or here: http://www.stanvanhoucke.net/audioblog/index.php
Here you'll find the leatest information about Norman Finkelstein: http://www.normanfinkelstein.com/>
4 opmerkingen:
Norman Finkelstein heeft een aantal briljante boeken geschreven, een genot om te lezen alleen al om het heerlijke sarcasme dat er vaak doorheen sijpelt.
Hij heeft zowel Daniel Goldhagen, Elie Wiesel, als de "holocaustindustrie" genadeloos ontmaskert.
Vandaar dat je zult zien dat hij regelmatig wordt "gedemoniseerd", en aangezien hij 'helaas' joods is kan hij niet worden uitgemaakt voor antisemiet. Wat jammer nou. Dan maar het epitheton "joodse zelfhater", doet het ook altijd goed.
Briljante man.
Greetings. Do I deduce correctly, that Norman Finkelstein's lecture (your audio) is from this event?:
Norman Finkelstein, remarks, "The coming break-up of American Zionism," (UU: Universiteit Utrecht, Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid, SIM: Studie- en Informatiecentrum Mensenrechten, co-sponsored: NIPI: Nederlands Instituut Palestina Israël, Kromme Nieuwegracht 80, Van Ravensteijnzaal, Utrecht Netherlands, Thursday December 6 2007, 12-1:30pm) (en: Utrecht University, School of Law, Netherlands Institute of Human Rights, Netherlands Institute Palestine/Israel)
Deduced from this: Other of his Netherlands events (on December 5 and 6 2007) were scheduled for longer, and with co-speakers. Also, was your interview conducted on Friday, December 7?
dear mr. harwood
the interview was on wednesday december 5. the lecture was on wednesday evening december 5 in the cultural centre De Balie in Amsterdam and was organised by Het Nederlands Instituut Palestina/Israel (NIPI) together with Een Ander Joods Geluid (EAJG), the first organisation was started by academics, the second is a progressive jewish organisation.
stan van houcke
My logic professor summoned me, he was not impressed.
He observed, you said the lecture was in Amsterdam, and the photo was taken at night, not at a luncheon lecture in Utrecht. I explained, that Mr. van Houcke could have attended both events, and used the photo from the one to illustrate the other. My professor did not speak a reply, but uttered a sound instead, hurumph! it could have been, but sounded more like humph!. I then said, the audio was only an hour, and the evening event was two hours. Again, he didn't speak. He just looked at me, shook his head, and sighed, I think I heard him mutter, holy mackerel!.
I believe he was conflicted. My deduction exhibited some logic but based, as it was, entirely on supposition (his especial peeve), I knew it warranted a failing grade. I rather surprised him though, with my request for confirmation, a species of investigation, which he also stresses. He gave me a D-- (double minus), and not the F I deserved, which I do confess was generous of him, logic tempered with mercy, I suppose, a grace not much encountered these days. Cheers, -CJ
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