dinsdag 29 november 2005

Scott Ritter

Onlangs zei de voormalige VN-wapeninspecteur Scott Ritter tijdens een bijeenkomst in Amherst, Massachusetts, over de Amerikaanse bezetting van Irak: 'A lot of people want to call this George W. Bush’s war. It’s a little convenient to say that, especially if you are a Democrat or somebody who is not very fond of the Republican Party, either a progressive, a Green, etc. It’s George W. Bush’s war. Well, you know, if that’s what you’ve been calling it, you’re wrong, and, remember, we’re looking for a solution here tonight. We’re trying to find the way forward. I already told you there’s not going to be a solution until you’re honest about the problem, and, if you call this George W. Bush’s war, you already have a problem of definition because this isn’t George W. Bush’s war. This is America’s war. This is Bill Clinton’s war. This is the Congress of the United States’ war. This is an indifferent American public’s war. This is our war. We’re to blame. We’re responsible. We’re the ones that facilitated this mad rush to insanity that has occurred in Iraq today.' En ook de Nederlanders die het kabinet Balkenende zonder protest laten aanmodderen zijn verwijtbaar voor de waanzin van de militaire terreur die in het Midden Oosten wordt uitgeoefend. De rest van Ritters' toespraak kunt u lezen en beluisteren via: http://www.traprockpeace.org/podcasts_transcripts/index.php/2005/11/28/4/

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