maandag 10 februari 2025

Trump will apply pressure on Gulf states to bankroll His Gaza


“They are not going to pay for the forced displacement of hashtagPalestinians”: President Donald Trump will apply pressure on hashtagGulf states to bankroll the US’s takeover of the hashtagGaza Strip amid frustration among advisors that the oil-rich allies haven’t coalesced behind the deal or made a counter-offer. Feb 6, 2025.

The Trump administration's plans for hashtagSaudiArabia, hashtagQatar and the hashtagUAE to obtain waterfront property rights in a reconstructed Gaza Strip and for their construction firms to be awarded contracts to build apartment towers there would be in return for funding the “relocation” of Palestinians and Gaza’s reconstruction, the official, who was briefed by one of a handful of Trump advisors consulted on the plan, told MEE.

However, it is no small matter that international law dictates those territorial rights, and the US does not control the property rights for Gaza's waterfront or its maritime boundaries.

Trump’s press conference on Tuesday, alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, stunned allies and foes alike, including ordinary Americans.

But it may be the cold shoulder it received from the US’s Arab Gulf partners that is grating the White House the most.

Trump insisted on Tuesday that his vision would be “paid for by neighboring countries of great wealth”.

The plan was shot down by Saudi Arabia, which rushed out a statement early on Wednesday morning that rejected any efforts to displace Palestinians from their land.

It also upped Saudi Arabia’s demand that an independent Palestinian state be created before it normalizes diplomatic relations with Israel.

The language, which said the Saudi position was nonnegotiable, marked a step up from previous statements that called for a pathway to a Palestinian state as a prerequisite to a deal.

Anna Jacobs, a Middle East expert at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington DC, said that Gulf states had made it “crystal clear” to Trump that his statements on Gaza were a non-starter.

“They are not going to pay for the forced displacement of Palestinians,” she said.

The US president’s advisors spent Wednesday walking back some of his more stunning statements.

US Secretary of State said Trump’s speech "was not meant as hostile", describing it as a "generous move - the offer to rebuild and to be in charge of the rebuilding”.

White House Press Secretary said Palestinians would only be "temporarily relocated” from the enclave and that Trump did not commit to deploying American troops.

Kristian Coates Ulrichsen, a fellow for the Middle East at Rice University's Baker Institute, said that, far from moving the needle in negotiations with the Gulf states about funding Gaza’s reconstruction, Trump may have caused them to harden their positions.

“If the idea was to shock the Gulf into action, I think it backfired,” he told MEE.
“Trump may think he created space to make concessions, but he made it harder for regional leaders to make a deal.”

✍️: MEE/Sean Mathews
stan van houcke

Almighty, You are the best of planners,
In Your hands, the fate of all mankind rests.
We pray for our brothers and sisters,
That they may never again endure such tests.

No more days of agony, no more nights of fear,
No more Ramadans spent in sorrow or tears.
Let them never face another moment of war,
Another day of oppression, forever more.

May Palestine rise, from the ashes of pain,
And Syria, Lebanon, be free once again.
No more chains, no more cries,
Only peace under the endless skies.

Grant them solace, grant them grace,
A future where no one has to face
The horrors of genocide, the weight of the fight,
Only hope, only peace, only light.

In Your wisdom, in Your might,
We place our trust, we seek Your light.
May the lands of our brothers and sisters be free,
In Your mercy, we find our plea.
May Allah Kareem a sudden death to trump, Israeli leaders and all those are involved in committing this centuries biggest terrorism against the Muslims along with all the Muslim rulers who have in this biggest bloodshed against Muslim Um ah. O'Allah Kareem please send your angles to impose the punishment to all these empty heart mentors of terrorists as soon as. A'ameen

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