dinsdag 5 november 2024

Are The Democrats Actively Trying To Lose This Election?

 Are The Democrats Actively Trying To Lose This Election? 

The Democrats Seem Like They Actively Want To Lose this Election. 

In a recent article, I wrote about how the Democrats have been running one of the worst campaigns since Hillary’s failed 2016 run and wrote about their embrace of neo-conservative policies and figures and the use of pandering identity politics over policy or addressing voters’ actual concerns. Since writing that article the Democrats have doubled down on this with what will go down in history as some of the worst campaign strategies of all time.

In this article, I will discuss the Democrat’s mind-blowingly stupid strategy of drudging out Bill Clinton in an attempt to win Muslim voters back and their blatant lying about what Trump said about Liz Cheney.

The Democrat’s Insane Attempt To Win Back Muslim Voters.

The Democrat’s support of Israel’s genocidal slaughter in Gaza had caused them to lose a substantial amount of their Muslim base. Third-party candidate Jill Stein is beating Kamala Harris in the polling of Muslim voters in the swing states of Wisconsin and Arizona while she polls behind both Stein and Trump in Michigan.

But the Democrats came up with a brilliant strategy to win these voters’ support: trot out Bill Clinton to convince Muslims that Israel’s massacring of hundreds of thousands of civilians in Gaza is actually justified.

No, this article is not satire the Democrats actually sent the 78-year-old former president to give a speech in Michigan where he lectured Muslim voters for not voting for Harris saying that Israel was “forced to kill civilians” and claimed that “Israelis were there first” ignoring the fact that “hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were ethnically cleansed from their homes in 1948, during the war that established Israel” as Al Jazeera put it.

This has to be the dumbest thing a political campaign has ever done in the history of American politics. Bill Clinton may have had some sway in the 90s over the fact that he was charismatic and played the saxophone on TV but a look back at the actual policies he enacted while president reveals that his neo-liberal agenda led to many of the major issues America faces today.

His signing of NAFTA and support for Permanent normal trade relations with China allowed American corporations to outsource their jobs to sweatshops in Mexico and China, resulting in the mass loss of American manufacturing jobs and the destruction of the middle class. His signing of the “crime bill” resulted in mass incarceration in poor and minority areas, which was used to exploit prison labor in the for-profit prisons which many argue constitutes a modern form of slavery. Clinton also repealed the FDR-era Glass-Steagall Wall Street regulations which helped lead to the 2008 financial crash. Finally, Clinton also gutted America’s welfare programs leading to a giant surge in poverty in America.

On a personal level, Clinton has been completely discredited as a pedophile. Flight logs have shown that Bill Clinton flew on Pedophile and sex trafficker Jeffery Epstein’s infamous “Lolita Express” plane 26 times. Furthermore, at the trial of Epstein’s collaborator Ghislaine Maxwell, a witness testified that she had seen Clinton on Epstein's pedophile sex trafficking Island “with two young girls".

Furthermore, the Clinton family is not exactly popular with Muslims. Bill’s equally vile wife Hillary Clinton is consistently protestedanytime she shows her face in public for her war crimes in the Middle East and North Africa. She was a strong supporter of the 2003 war in Iraq and as secretary of state was instrumental in the invasionof Libya that turned the country into a failed state with open slave markets. Clinton also played a big role in sending arms to fuel the brutal 10-year proxy war in Syria. In recent years Hillary has gone around defending Israel’s genocide in Gaza and helped launder thedebunked “mass rape on October 7th” hoax that was used to justify it. 

I cannot imagine what on earth the Democrats were thinking when they came up with the idea of sending Bill Clinton to Michigan. I can’t imagine what would go through someone’s head to think “Oh hey, I know, we should dig up a 78-year-old pedophile tool of Wall Street whose wife helped destroy Iraq, Libya, and Syria to tell Muslim voters that Israel’s mass murder of civilians in Gaza is actually justified, that will win them over!”

There is one very simple thing the Democrats can do to win Muslim voters (and many other voters) over: stop backing Israel’s mass slaughter in Gaza and Lebanon and force a ceasefire, something that would require a single phone call given the fact that the Israeli military is “defined by U.S. assistance and U.S. equipment” as arms expert Elias Yousif put it. But because the Democrats- just like the Republicans- are in the pocket of the military-industrial complex and the Israel lobby, they are unable to do this as it would upset their major donors. Still, the fact that they thought sending Bill Clinton to Michigan to recite a bunch of zionist talking points would win anyone over is so detached from reality that it’s comical.

The Democrats Liz Cheney Lie.

There are a million legitimate things to go after Donald Trump for. I did so in my last article where I reviewed his hawkish neocon foreign policy. But instead of attacking him for his hawkish foreign policy or the fact that his tax cut primarily benefited the top 1 percent of the country the Democrats have attacked him with the most hyperbolic and straight-up dishonest tricks they can think of.

The most absurd example of this is the Democrat’s latest freakout over Trump’s Liz Cheney comments. For context, Trump said Liz Cheney was “a radical war hawk.” and followed that by saying “Let's put her with a rifle standing there with nine barrels shooting at her, OK? Let's see how she feels about it. You know, when the guns are trained on her face". Trump was clearly calling Cheney a “chicken hawk” insinuating that she supports endless wars abroad but would never fight herself. Before these comments he said

I don't want to go to war. (Liz Cheney) wanted to go, she wanted to stay in Syria. I took (troops) out. She wanted to stay in Iraq. I took them out. I mean, if were up to her, we'd, we'd be in 50 different countries

What Trump said about Cheney used to be a boilerplate liberal talking point. For example a 2011 op-ed in the liberal news outlet Salon said of Dick Cheney:

What makes chickenhawkery such a distinctly American phenomenon is our culture's coupling of aggressive militarism with a lack of anything even resembling shared sacrifice. Quite bizarrely, we celebrate those who rhetorically promote wars as "tough" and "strong" without requiring those very warmongers to walk their talk. Shielded from any personal risk of injury or death, the chickenhawk is thus permitted to wrap himself in an American flag and goose step his way through television studios as the alleged personification of patriotic bravery.

In fact, in the 2004 election against Bush and Cheney, Democrats used to make this exact same point against him. In 2004 democraticSenator Frank Lautenberg said that neocons like Cheney

Talk tough on national defense and military issues and cast aspersions on others, but when it was their turn to serve, they were AWOL from courage.

Trump was making the same point that Democrats and Liberals used to regularly make about the Cheneys years ago, but the Democrats somehow made this into a scandal. They have somehow twisted his words into threats of violence against Cheney. Kamala Harris said in response to the comments:

He has increased his violent rhetoric − Donald Trump has − about political opponents and in great detail, suggested rifles should be trained on former Rep. Liz Cheney. This must be disqualifying,

The Democrat attorney general of Arizona, Kris Mayes even opened a legal case against Trump for these comments, again for making the same point liberals and democrats consistently made about neo-cons during the Bush era.

This is not to say the Democrats could not have come up with a decent response to Trump’s Cheney comments. For one if they stopped supporting imperialist wars and cozying up to neocons Trump could not even make this argument. But more importantly, the best way to hit back at Trump with these comments is to point out his hypocrisy.

While Trump’s point about Liz Cheney and her father being Chickenhawks is true it is equally true of him. Trump dodged the Vietnam draft yet repeatedly bombed Syria, continued the Yemen war, and ramped up drone strikes from the comfort of his office. Trump placed starvation sanctions on the people of Syria, Iran andVenezuela while shoving his face full of McDonalds. Trump actually agreed with Liz Cheney’s pro-war votes the majority of the time, their voting record lined up 93 percent of the time.

Had the Democrats made the points I just made against Trump as a response they could have made his comments look hypocritical (as they were) but they instead decided to intentionally misrepresent what he was saying and even investigate him for making a point they used to make before they fully merged with neo-cons.

Are Democrats trying to lose?

I think the idea of the Democrats intentionally trying to lose is kind of funny but I think the reality is that they are just out of touch with what regular people think. They still think that the Clintons have sway and don’t realize that people correctly see them as corrupt criminals. They think an attack against the Cheney’s is a thing that will upset people when in reality many Americans are rightly repulsed by the neo-cons and their endless criminal wars. This election should be easy to win for the Democrats, Trump is more cartoonish than he has ever been, but their strategy is so moronic they could very well lose.


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