woensdag 16 oktober 2024

Nederlandse Politici Steunen Zelenski's Terreur

 Zelenski, die als Jood ook nog eens het Israelisch paspoort bezit, offert maar al te graag gojse Oekraïners op voor de NAVO.

Women in Kharkov successfully fight to protect the last man in their building, being abducted by Dictator Zelenskys masked kidnappers. Meanwhile, the Dictatorship is considering lowering the conscription age to 18 NATO and the EU "Human rights" obsessed elites are silent. Why?

Geen opmerkingen:

Israel Burns Dozens of People Alive. EU Supports This

  Jackson Hinkle  @jacksonhinklle “Mr. Sanchez, what is the difference between what Israel does and the Nazi gas chambers? There is NONE!” ...